
Archive for April 14, 2016

Landscaping Ideas That Will Save Your Budget and Your Curb Appeal

If you’re a member of a home owner’s association, garden club, or you simply love keeping your lawn looking great, then you probably understand how hard it is to get your lawn in order after the winter months. In most cases, throwing money at the problem seems like the best solution available. However, there are a few ways to create amazing landscaping without forcing yourself to spend a whole lot of money. From do it yourself tricks to cutting costs in small areas, you’ll be surprised by the quick ways you can improve your landscaping without allowing the bills to pile up. So, grab your seeds, rake and other lawn care tools and start on your landscaping project for less than you’d think when you go use tips.
1. Keep it to a Minimum
A lot of people think the ideal yard is filled with green grass that is perfectly cut. However, the perfect yard is actually a yard that you put a lot of love into that shows off your household’s personality. Thus, you shouldn’t waste a whole lot of money on buying grass seeds or putting down sod. Apart from grass taking forever to grow, it also takes up a whole lot of water which means your bills are going to go up just to maintain your lawn. Apart from the water aspect, you’ll have to spend countless hours mowing and pulling weeds to ensure the look maintains its beauty. One of the best things you can do is consider a water free alternative. Rocks are a great way to enjoy your lawn and they won’t force you to spend hours on maintenance. Another great option is to pave the lawn. This will offer a more versatile look that will allow your kids to ride bikes, roller skate or enjoy a wide variety of sports and games. If you’re not quite certain how to make the pavement look easier on the eyes, then you might want to look up pavement painting to see if this option suits your tastes. You’d be surprised how beautiful this can end up, especially if you spend some time planning it out.

2. Recycled Pots
One way to add even more style to your lawn is to use recycle objects to make your plants stand out. Your imagination is the limit here. Of course, to begin with you may want to consider using old pots that have been damaged and create a more Renaissance look. But, you don’t have to just stop with actual pots. For instance, a broken down wheelbarrow is a great place to plant an array of colorful flowers and will certainly get the attention of those who admire your landscaping. If you have a set of old drawers, then these can make elegant planters if you use them as a part of a design. If you live in a family of musician, then grab some old instruments that can’t be repaired. You can plant flowers in an old guitar or have beautiful flowers coming out of a trumpet or trombone. There’s countless ideas to use here, so browse around online for inspiration or use your own imagination.

3. Consider the Climate
When it comes to planting things in your yard, one of the most common mistakes is picking flowers and plants based on how they look. This could force you to throw away a lot of money, as not all of the plants sold in stores are designed to hold up to the climate in your area. Before you go out and shop for plants, try to browse around online and see which plants are going to thrive in your area. You should also consider which plants will be able to survive throughout all four seasons, so you don’t have to worry about your yard appearing dead during certain months out of the year. Generally, bushes will be your best bet if you’re looking for something that will stay green all year long. Of course, one of the main things to consider is how much water these plants are going to need in the summer. Many areas have water restrictions, so you’ll want to consider plants that can go some time without a good watering.

4. Know Your Grass
Another problem many people run into when they landscape is choosing the right grass. Sure, picking the grass based on the way it looks would be great in an ideal world, but most of the time this means putting in a lot more work and facing potential failure before it is all said and done. Certain grasses simply can’t survive in certain areas, which can cause a problem when you waste money on planting and replanting the grass. One way to easily figure out what you can plant is to ask a professional in the garden section of your store. If they aren’t sure then don’t make any purchases until you can do your own research. Finding the right type of grass can make your landscaping project a lot smoother though, so it’s worth the effort. Other than that, you may want to consider avoiding crabgrass if you ever plan on using any other type of grass. This grass can really over power your lawn and will make planting other things a huge pain in the neck.

5. Utilize Colors
Color is probably the best thing you can add to your landscaping project. Not to mention, there’s a whole lot of ways to accomplish color too, which will help save you money while making your lawn look amazing. Of course, the more obvious answer is to plant lots of colorful flowers. Try to organize them in bursts of different colors though, which will help create an organized look that will be very easy on the eyes. Apart from natural coloring, you may also want to add a few colorful pots to your yard, especially if you’re using rock landscaping. Pots can be bought in a wide assortment of colors, but you can also repaint your old pots or thrift store pots to save a whole lot of money. If you love signature pieces, then try adding a colorful statue or fountain to the mix too. Your yard will look modern and charming in no time at all.

6. Ask for Starters
Buying plants can really add up, especially if you have a big landscaping project you’re working on. The best way to avoid paying the high costs is to ask around to see if anyone has any clippings you can use. Clippings are simply pieces of their own plant, which will eventually grow into a separate plant, if allowed to. Clippings are incredibly easy to get started too, so you won’t even need a green thumb to get them going. If you don’t have friends that garden, then ask around local gardening clubs to see if they have anything to offer you. You may even be able to trade them some of their clippings for something else, which will allow you to make more plans for the future of your lawn. Of course, make sure you know how each clipping needs to be cared for, as you may have to begin some of the plants indoors and move them outdoors once they’ve begun to sprout up more.

7. Add a Tree
You don’t need the Lorax to tell you that trees are a good thing, so why not plant one in your yard. Trees are perfect plants to add to a yard, especially if you want to watch it grow as your family grows. Larger trees help provide plenty of shade for the yard too, which will help cut down on cooling costs in the summer and will offer plenty of shade for children who love to play outdoors even when its scorching outside. Another great element of the tree is it actually takes up a lot of space, so you won’t have to worry about making up for the dead space in your yard. You can also spice up a tree by adding flowers around it, hanging decorations in its branches or encouraging birds and animals to play in it with certain foods. Of course, trees do take minor maintenance, but the rewards should outweigh the costs.

8. Use the House
Your lawn isn’t the only thing you have to work with when it comes to your landscaping. Your house can also play a huge role in the project. One simple way to utilize your home is to add some lattice to the side of the house. This is perfect for growing ivy or other plants, like tomatoes, which need to grow vertically. With plants growing onto the house too, you’ll create a charming and romantic look that is sure to leave everyone breathless. Another option is to add flower boxes to the window. This is a common quaint look that is sure to make showing off your favorite flowers a breeze.

9. Consider Furniture
Whether the furniture is on the patio or in the yard, you’re sure to create a homier look that will make your landscaping go even further. If you don’t already have lawn furniture, then you can easily pick up some do it yourself ideas online that use simple items like crates or recycling. Of course, you don’t have to go all out here. A simple bench can add a quaint style to the home, especially if you plant flowers along the edges of the bench. Another great idea is to add a porch swing, or a tire swing. This provides a warm look that will make your lawn even more inviting for the whole family. If you do decide to add furniture that you’ve purchased, then make sure you weather proof the fabric. Most of the time, lawn furniture already has this feature, but a little extra weather proofing can go far.

10. Add a Fence
The white picket fence is a pretty nostalgic and Americana style, but it points to one import factor when it comes to landscaping. That is, fences help keep everything looking and feeling neat and tidy. The fence can be thought of as outlining for the lawn, so you can easily use it to your advantage. Of course, you don’t have to use a white picket fence to create this vibe. There’s lots of options available to you, which will allow you to complement your home, yard and personality. Adding a fence also helps protect your items, so you won’t have to worry about your hard work going to waste due to an intruder. You don’t have to just go with a full fence though. There’s many great half-fences that will highlight your flower beds, while protecting certain areas of the yard.

Landscaping doesn’t have to be all about mowing lawns while breaking a sweat. There’s a lot of great unconventional lawn tips out there that are sure to help you find the perfect look for your home. However, these ten simple tips should help you cut the cost of your landscaping needs, without inhibiting your creative side when it comes to designing and executing your lawn plans.