
Archive for April 27, 2015

Frugal Cinco de Mayo Tips to Make Your Fiesta Unforgettable

May will be here rather quickly, so it might be time to plan out your Cinco de Mayo party! Cinco de Mayo is such a great time to spread the love amongst your friends and family. Between the Mexican Independence Day and the gorgeous weather, it’ll be hard not to get out for a little fun! If you haven’t hosted or celebrated this holiday before then have no worries as there’s a lot of things you can do to keep your Cinco de Mayo celebration on the frugal side. From free events to cheap meals, you’ll really have your friends and family wanting to keep the party going for days. So, get out your notepad and get ready to create a party plan that people will be talking about for years to come, without spending a small fortune!
1. Play Your Own Music
Cinco de Mayo is all about the music, right? This doesn’t mean you have to hire a band to make your celebration stand out in the crowd though. In fact, there’s a pretty good chance you can get people to play for free since music is such a cultural and beloved aspect of Cinco de Mayo. Try asking your musician friends to bring an instrument along and see where the party goes. Even if they aren’t familiar with classic Mexican celebration songs, there’s bound to be someone who will show them the ropes. The more people you get to sing and play along, the more fun everyone will have. Of course, if you don’t know anyone who dabbles in an instrument or singing then you can always tune to your favorite streaming radio. You should be able to find a free radio station here or a playlist designed specifically for the holiday!

2. Community Celebrations
Just because you plan to host a party doesn’t mean your get-together has to begin in your home or party destination. Instead, have everyone meet up at a community event to see amazing displays of freedom and culture! This is a great time to get ideas for your own party, but will also have everyone starting out the celebration in a good mood. Try to look online or ask your community center where you can find celebrations in your area. Many will host dancing, storytelling, special vendors and possibly even food, which will take care of a lot of the entertainment and dining needs of your guests. When you’re finished at the community celebration leave for your home or party destination. From there everyone will want to show off what they learned as well as talk about the big event, which means less entertainment stress for you!

3. Dress Up
One of the best things about holiday is you often get to take the chance to dress up in clothes you may not normally wear. This adds an extra element of fun to the entire event. Of course, one of the better things about traditional Mexican clothing is it’s lightweight. This is pretty amazing because in most places the temperatures are already going to be on the warmer side of the spectrum. So, instead of ending up sweating in your jeans and thicker t-shirts, you can enjoy the celebration wearing flowing skirts and lightweight blouses or button-up shirts. If you don’t already own any traditional clothing then check out your local thrift store of consignment shop to see if they have anything that suits your budget. Some family members may also be able to pass down clothing to you, especially if you have young children as they tend to outgrow clothing rather quickly. You may also want to try your hand at making your own clothes. There’s several tutorials online and fabric is usually very cost effective. If you do choose to make your own clothes then you can enjoy wearing them throughout the summer as they easily pair with modern trends in most cases.

4. Dance
One of the best things you can add to a Cinco de Mayo celebration is dancing. Everyone will love to get out on the dance floor and show off their modern and traditional moves. A lot of people will avoid dancing because they don’t really know how to do the traditional moves. You can easily ask someone to show you at the party or you can look up tutorials online. Generally, there will be more than one person who doesn’t know what they’re doing so it may strengthen the bond of the party to have everyone pitch in to show new dancers the ropes. No matter what dancing you choose to do, it can usually take up hours of the party and keeps the party feeling a bit more natural and comfortable for those who have enjoyed traditional celebrations for years. You could also have those who do know the traditional dances perform for the rest of the guests to enjoy!

5. Share Stories
One of the best ways to set your Cinco de Mayo celebration apart from other parties is to share stories with your guests. There’s lots of ways to incorporate this into your party and it could add to the conversation that will last for hours. You will probably have a wide variety of people at your party so ask everyone to share a little something. It can be stories about their heritage, cultural myths or even some of their favorite aspects of Mexican culture. If a guest can’t think of anything to talk about then ask if they have any questions. One of the best topics to cover is the actual history of Cinco de Mayo which will help children understand what they are celebrating. With all the talk about the customs you will ensure that the culture will easily be passed on from generation to generation, which is incredibly important as everyone begins to incorporate modern elements into daily life while leaving behind their cultural roots.

6. Bulk Supplies
When it comes to hosting a party, your best friend is probably going to be bulk supplies. Before you start shopping in a basic grocery or department store, take a trip down to your bulk store and look around for ideas. You can usually get a lot of deals on foods in a bulk store, which will definitely come in handy when planning a party. Meats, produce and even canned items are your best bet when planning out a menu. For instance, you can get a large can of sliced jalapenos for the same price that you would pay for maybe 2 or 3 fresh peppers at a grocery store. Dry rice and beans will also change up your meal plans and keep you on a pretty frugal budget. You should also look for party supplies in the bulk store. Disposable napkins, plates, cutlery and cups are always a great choice if you don’t have enough regular dishes for your guests. You should also check out streamers, colored table cloths and other decor items to save even more money on the party.

7. Drinks
With the weather just shy of scorching, drinks are going to be one of the most popular items at your party. This doesn’t mean they have to be the most expensive item either though! If you want to keep it frugal then try making fruit infused water before the party. Kids will love it and the fruit can be eaten as a dessert! Fruit punch is also a great idea for the kids and can be made using special packets of powder in large batches. With the children taken care of you’ll have plenty of money for adult beverages! One easy thing to do is buy bulk alcohol. You can buy a large container of off-brand tequila or vodka without spending a lot of money. After you have the alcohol, try to stock up on seasonal fruits. This will allow you to make margaritas that will cool everyone down. Another idea is to brew your own beer ahead of time. This will offer you a lot more for the guests to drink without having to spend a fortune! Making your own drinks will really cut down on spending though, especially since you can avoid canned sodas and beers!

8. Cheap Food
Luckily, a lot of Mexican food can be made on a very tight budget. One of the best things to do is stick to rice and beans as a staple. Mexican rice is easy to make and will fill people up faster than you think. You can also slow cook beans to ensure everyone will be satisfied with this meal choice. If you want to add in a little meat to the mix then consider making a taco and/or fajita bar. These will usually suit just about any appetite and will make your celebration a lot more fun. A lot of these foods can be bought in bulk so you shouldn’t have to spend a lot if you keep it simple. You can also make your own homemade tortillas instead of spending a lot on store bought ones. Another great idea to add to the mix is a section to make your own nachos. Queso can be bought in a large can or in bulk, as can all the fixings. Finally, if you want to get creative with your meal you may want to consider avoiding foods that require cream or cheese as this will increase your bill substantially!

9. Look for Freebies
Believe it or not, but many communities will hand out freebies during Cinco de Mayo so don’t miss out. One of the more popular things people give out during this day is food. For instance, some places may offer a free taco or other small dish that will make the day feel even more special. A lot of companies will also pass out free souvenirs, decorations or even pamphlets talking about the holiday. This can be a great way to get your party started as most communities will group together whenever they’re passing out free items. You can easily meet your guests here and enjoy spending time amongst others while enjoying the cultural treats. If you haven’t’ already, make sure to connect to your favorite cultural stores and restaurants on social media to see who is giving out freebies and where they will be celebrating. You may also be able to find out information from your community center.

10. Pinatas
One of the best elements of Cinco de Mayo, for children, is the piñata. Who doesn’t love hitting a vibrant and festive character while getting rewarded with candy and other goodies? The only problem is piñatas can really set you back, especially if you’re looking for a larger one. Instead of going shopping right away, look online at some of the exciting tutorials. You can even get the family together to help build one so you can bond while making your party even more spectacular. Once your piñata is ready to go you can fill it with exciting treats. This can cost a lot of money too so you might want to consider making your own candies and baked goods to help ease some of the price tag. A lot of kids will prefer these treats anyway and it will make it a bit more culturally acceptable. Of course, you can also fill it with cheap party toys from a dollar or bulk store.

Cinco de Mayo is a great time to get outdoors and celebrate with those you care about most. Although the holiday could run up your budget, you can easily avoid a lot of bad expenditures with these ten simple tips. Now, you can learn a lot about the special day and have quite a bit of fun without the burden of money crossing your mind!