
Archive for February 13, 2014

Ten Reasons Why Your Kitchen Needs a Food Processor

If you tend to spend a lot of time in your kitchen then you may have already considered purchasing a food processor. You don’t have to be a trained chef to know that a food processor is one of the best ways to get food ready to go for your growing family. Sometimes there is a lot of hesitance to buy a gadget as pricey as this one though, but once you get your new food processor you’ll wonder how you managed a budget without it. There’s a lot of ways your food processor will make you rejoice about your family’s menu rather than cringing at the cost of your weekly food. With these ten reasons you might find that you need to sit down and budget in a gadget that will actually pay for itself thanks to the huge savings it will create in the home.
1. Prep Work Made Easy
After a hard day there’s nothing as inconvenient as doing prep work for your family’s meal. Sometimes prepping to cook can take over half an hour which really cuts down on your leisure time. With a food processor in your kitchen you can actually cut this time down significantly. The best thing is you won’t even have to get your hands dirty. Simply throw in your fruits, veggies, flour or other ingredient and let the processor do the work for you. Even meatloaf night will become easier than ever thanks to this amazing machine. With your prep work being eliminated you’ll be able to shop a lot easier for your family. For instance, if you’re looking to create a tasty veggie dish you can totally bypass the canned and frozen section and go for the fresher and cheaper goods that will make the meal taste delicious. This will cut down on frivolous buys so you can enjoy healthier meals that take no time at all to cook.

2. Saves Time
We’ve all opted out of cooking because we’re just too tired or don’t have the time to do it. With a food processor in the home you won’t have an excuse to spend a lot of money on fast food and other pre-made meals that really destroy your budget. The processor gives you meals in fifteen minutes or less that are not only healthier, but will keep your tight budget in mind. Now, cooking doesn’t have to be a chore, so you won’t feel stressed when dinner time rolls around. The food processor will even help you get meals ready for the entire week in just about ten minutes. Simply follow a recipe and freeze the meal so all you have to do is pop it in the oven for a few minutes when you get home from work.

3. Bread
Most family’s spend a lot of their food budget on bread items. From buns, sandwich breads and rolls, bread takes up a lot of our diet. Unfortunately, your bread items can raise your food bill significantly. Breads are also harder to keep and often end up molding before they can be finished. With a food processor you’ll be able to make your own bread dough in a matter of minutes each day. Simply toss in the ingredients, use your bread dough setting on the food processor and leave the dough out to rise. When you’re ready you can throw the bread in the oven for a few minutes and you’re done. You can even make dough and freeze it for later use, so you won’t always have to worry about creating the dough when your family runs out of bread. Fresh bread not only taste fantastic, but it lacks a lot of the preservatives and other chemicals that aren’t great for you. You can also make your own pizza’s, bagels, dinner rolls, biscuits and sweet breads with a few simple and inexpensive ingredients. Once you start this process you’ll never want to go back to store bought breads and neither will your wallet.

4. Pet Foods
Everyone wants their pet to be healthy, but some of the healthier brands on the market can cost you more than you spend on your own food. With a food processor you’ll be able to make your own healthy pet foods without having to read the ingredient labels. You might not have thought about making your own pet food before, but with access to the internet you should be able to find some terrific recipes that will please both your dog and your vet. The best thing is you can use a lot of your own household’s leftovers to create a delicious meal for your pet. Whether you’re feeding a gigantic dog or a small kitten you should be able to find something special to make their diet healthier. Most of these recipes will call for a food processor to not only cut but mix the special ingredients.

5. Baby Food
Everyone wants to start their child off on the right foot when it comes to dieting. Although there are a lot of great baby food brands on the market, nothing quite fits the bill like homemade foods. With a food processor you’ll be able to create delicious meals for your baby without ever having to spend a fortune on the jarred foods that might contain preservatives and food coloring. With a food processor you’ll be able to have complete control of your child’s diet which could help lead to healthier food choices as the child grows. There’s a lot of online recipes for baby food that are absolutely free, so make sure you do a little research about your recipes. If you aren’t sure about your food choices then talk to your doctor or dietician for a little advice as to what is best for the baby. You’ll even be able to ease the baby onto solid foods easier thanks to the different levels of processing. One of the best aspects of making your own food is you won’t have to take time out of your day to worry about recycling all of those little jars!

6. Health Foods
When it comes to eating healthier nothing will help you create delicious meals quite like a food processor. If you love special salads, vegetable stir fries or fruit salads then you can have a meal ready in a matter of seconds. A lot of food processor will even have a fun add on that makes creating smoothies and other drinks a breeze. You’ll love waking up to a delicious smoothie in the morning without the huge retail price or frustration of going to a smoothie store and waiting in line. Of course, there are a lot of other out of the box ways that a food processor can help you eat healthier. For instance, you can easily mix up your own peanut butter to avoid some of the unhealthy aspect of commercial brands. You can also replace some of your pasta dishes with vegetable cut like pasta. Of course, if you have the special add on you can even make your own fresh pasta at home without the preservatives. Your healthy lifestyle will be so much easier and cheaper to maintain.

7. No Spoiled Leftovers
Many households tend to throw out a lot of food throughout the week. These leftovers sit in the refrigerator for days and no one seems to touch them. This can really add up to a huge loss of money at the end of the week. With a food processor you’ll be more apt to make something out of the uneaten foods. It doesn’t matter if its meatloaf, corn or some unwanted mashed potatoes, as there are plenty of leftover recipes that can transform the way your family spends money on food. Some of the more popular recipes involve fruit spreads from unused pie filling. With any luck you should be able to fund something special the entire family will enjoy. You’ll love how easy it is to clear out the refrigerator at the end of the week and how very little there are smells from spoiled foods in your kitchen. The best thing is you’ll find ways to renew interest in tired recipes that might otherwise go to waste.

8. Other Appliances
If you have a kitchen counter filled with appliance then a food processor might be just what you need. This one kitchen gadget can actually do the job of so many product you’ve purchased before. This can be a great way to clean off those counters to make room for something that’s really going to transform the way you cook. If you’re really looking to save big you can sell off all those unused products in order to help cut down the price of your chosen processor. This might even allow you to find the cash to purchase the upgraded processor or accessories that might come in handy. One of the best things is you won’t actually need or want to buy any other gadgets after you have your food processor up and running. This could cut down hundreds on your annual kitchen purchases, which will make your savings account happy.

9. Cookbooks
Many people tend to purchase cookbooks to help spice up life while adding something new to the family’s diet. Most food processors tend to come with a basic cookbook to help you create a culinary masterpieces with only the processor and a source of heat to work with. Of course, once you go through these exciting recipes you might begin to feel adventurous. This is always one of the fun parts of cooking and thanks to your processor it should be free as well. There’s so many recipes posted online by people who adore their food processor so you should be able to find something to suit your family. In fact, some people have websites designed around simple recipes that makes your cooking time fast, fun and delicious. All you have to do is look around and you’re set for recipes for some time. Without the cook book prices you’ll be able to spend a bit more on special ingredients for new meals!

10. Less Mess
One of the worst parts of cooking is cleaning up the huge mess afterward. If you’re planning on cooking a meal without the food processor then there’s a pretty good chance your clean up time is going to skyrocket. From cutting boards to knives and other utensils, you’ll be in for the long haul when everyone is finished eating. A food processor takes a lot of this clean up away though. Once you use the machine simply rinse it out and reuse it to create another dish for the meal. When you’re done prepping your food give it a quick wash and you’re pretty much finished with any prep clean up there is. This will not only create a time saver for you, but it will also cut down on a lot of things. For instance, the less you have to clean means the less water you’ll have to use while cleaning up the dishes. You’ll also be able cut down on the amount of soap needed to clean up your messes. This decrease on the water and necessities bill can make a big difference at the end of the year.

If you’ve been thinking about getting a food processor for your home then it might be time to make the commitment. With these ten ways you’ll save money there’s no reason why a food processor shouldn’t be one of the main tools you use while feeding your family. You may even find that spending time in the kitchen is fun again, which can make working on meals and creating new recipes an important part of your day. So, stop thinking of cooking as a chore and use your food processor to create some joy in the home.