
Archive for December 15, 2012

10 Shopping Habits Women Will Never Understand About Men

1. Why don’t they like shopping?

It’s common knowledge that ninety percent of men in this world are not huge fans of shopping; but have you ever wondered why? The simplest way to answer this question is that they simply don’t like the idea of looking around at ‘things’ for hours on end, knowing that they are unable to purchase it. To men, the idea of shopping around seems pointless and boring. They would much rather be out doing something productive, like playing sports or watching the game with their buddies.

But it is not just shopping around that irks them. Men are also incredibly turned off by shopping with a women. Coming from a man’s point of view, who would want to stand behind their wife or girlfriend as they look at a bunch of pointless items that don’t interest them? Even worse, men hate shopping with women because they will undoubtedly have to hold their bags; and that in itself is enough to send men running. It is purely devastating to a man to walk around carrying a bunch of shopping bags with a bunch of girly items.

Last but not least, men hate to shop with women because they will more than likely be forced to shell out a few pennies. Once their wife, girlfriend, or daughter looks at them with those beautiful eyes, how could they possibly say no? And out goes the hard earned money, only to be wasted on something the woman more than likely does not need.

2. Why do men prefer to shop online?

The biggest reason why a man would prefer to shop online is so that they can get what they need quickly, and get out. By simply searching for the item they need, they can be routed to the website, click purchase, and be on their way, without having to search through crowded malls or shops to find it.

Another reason why a man prefers to shop online is so they don’t have to deal with the public. Men are not like women: as a women could spend hours in the store looking around and conversing with others around them, a man would much rather ditch the crowd and the searching and get right to the point. They don’t have to deal with other customers, long lines, or even the cashier.

3. Why do men only have one kind of shirt?

Women may notice that men typically only have one kind of shirt, in several different colors. The easiest way to answer this question, is to say that men get ‘set in their ways’. Once a man finds a shirt he is happy and comfortable with, he will stick to it. If it looks good on him, why would he want to change it anyways? Unlike women, men don’t need to follow certain fashion trends and don’t need to compete with other men or impress women as much as a lady does.

4. Why do men always wear blue or black?

The two most common colors you will see on a man is blue and black. These two colors are simple, yet handsome, and accent a man perfectly. These colors can be described in one word: manly; and that is exactly why they choose these two colors more often then not. Unlike a woman, men don’t run towards ‘fun’ and ‘pretty’ colors such as pink and yellow.

5. Why do men always want a new computer?

The best way to answer this question is to answer a different question: why do women always want a new top? This is because technology, as well as fashion, is constantly changing; and we all want to have the very best. Looking around at what’s available on the shelves, if we don’t have it, we want it. The same principles go for a man with his computer as it does for a woman with her wardrobe.

6. Why doesn’t my man buy flowers for me?

Women always want flowers, whether it is randomly, for their birthdays, or Valentines day. The problem with this is, many men in this world are simply not as romantic as women want them to be. A man most likely won’t think about buying his women flowers at random. It is not because they don’t love you, but rather because it simply doesn’t come to mind. They would much rather give you something else, something a little less feminine and something you both can enjoy.

7. Why do men care so much about their hair style?

It might not be apparent to most women, but men actually care about their hair a lot more than they think. Men take a lot of pride in their hair, and worry at a young age about hair loss. When a man loses his hair, it is more devastating then women realize. For this reason, it is very important to a man to style his hair properly when he has it; and when he begins to lose it, it becomes even more of an obsession for a man and he will try everything he can to make his hair grow back while covering the bald spots as best as possible.

8. Why do men like to buy watches?

Women have earrings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, toe rings; the list goes on and on. However, men don’t get to wear the same type of luxurious accessories as we do. The one option they do have is to purchase watches. Watches are incredibly manly and are an easy way for a man to appear sophisticated and elegant. For some men, it can even be a way to show off how high class or rich he is, making it more able for him to attract a fancy woman.

9. Why do men like power tools?

Ah, power tools, one of mans best friends; but why? The first answer to this is that men love to build things. Whether they are building his wife a fabulous new armoire for the bedroom, or simply messing around with tools, they love it. It gives them a chance to show off their skills and present their handmade goods to their loved ones.

Another reason why a man loves power tools is that they are incredibly manly. Men love to show off, and what better way to show off his muscles and abilities then with a rough and tough machine? They know no women will want to work with high powered tools, and they also know that women love to watch a man flex his muscles while working with something so powerful. It is a win-win situation. The best way for a man to show off his masculinity, is with a power tool; it is as simple as that.

10. Why are men willing to spend $50 on a video game, but not a shampoo?

The basic fact is this: men care much more about their video gaming system than they do about their hair. They don’t care where their shampoo came from, what it can do for their hair, or what fashion forward company made it like a woman does. Instead, a man would much rather have a fun and intense video game they can get lost in for hours then to buy something they simply don’t care about.