
Archive for September 8, 2016

Ten Tips To Get Cheaper ad Eco-Friendly Drinking Water

In this day and age, most communities in the USA and other areas of the world are struggling to keep water clean and drinkable. Add this on to the growing trend of carrying around bottled water and you may find yourself jumping on the very expensive bandwagon. Having water in the home is essential for your family’s health, but it can come at a huge price tag if you don’t know any tricks behind getting drinkable water at an affordable price. Luckily, there are a few ways to get around the high price of drinking water, so you don’t have to ruin your budget to keep your family hydrated. In a time when soda is cheaper than buying bottled water, you may want to check out a few of these ten options.
1. Tap Water
Some communities still provide clean and drinkable water than comes straight to your tap. However, before you simply trust the water from your tap you should do some research. Most people can tell if something is wrong with their water from the sight, scent or taste of it but sometimes it does take a bit more to make that judgement. If there’s no noticeable signs that your water might not be drinkable, you should look online for websites about the water in your community. Also making a few phone calls to the water company in order to put your mind at rest. If this still doesn’t answer all of your questions or suspicions, then there are water testing kits you can buy to check out the quality of your water. You may want to make a routine of doing this to ensure your family won’t drink tainted water that could cause them harm.

2. Say No to Plastic
Everywhere you go, someone is probably drinking from a plastic water bottle that they plan on disposing of once the water is gone. The water bottle trend has been going on for a few years now and it has created some major environmental problems in its reign of popularity. Plastic water bottles litter the ground and water supply these day and kill many animals per year. Many places don’t have recycling programs for the bottles and even locations that do offer them end up not meeting the quota of water bottles purchased. Apart from the environmental factors, some water bottles can cause you harm. If the bottle has BPA and is left in the sun, then you or a loved one could become ill from the water. Not to mention, keeping up with your family’s need for water can get pretty pricey when the bottles are concerned. So, if you can’t reuse the bottle then don’t bother buying it, it’s not doing anyone any favors.

3. Go Bulk
If you do decide to purchase water, then try to shop in bulk if you can. Most wholesale stores will allow you to buy huge cases of bottled water for the same price as a regular sized package at the store. This is great for emergency kits or when you won’t have access to water distributors. One of the best ways to bulk buy water is to do so in 5 gallon jugs. Most grocery and department stores will have empty jugs for sale, so you can fill them up at a community water station or a store. Some will even offer an exchange program so you can buy filled water bottles and return them for full bottles when they are empty. If one of your only options is to order from a service then it may be wise to order a large supply of water at a time, so you can take advantage of discounts and avoid having to have the service return often.

4. Filtered Pitcher
There’s lots of great ways to filter your water on a regular basis. One simple way is to use a filtered pitcher. This can be simple and is easy for the whole family to use. Filtered pitchers come in a wide variety of brands, so you can do a bit of research and find the perfect match for you. The pitcher simply requires you to pour water into the filter and enjoy cold and refreshing water that’s absolutely clean a few minutes later. All you have to do to maintain the pitcher is occasionally clean it and change out the filter every now and then. This is perfect for family meals or for hydrating after playing outside in the heat. You can even transport the pitcher for kids to use when they’re brushing their teeth.

5. Skip the Store
A lot of stores will sell larger jugs of water, or even gallon jugs that seem like a good price. Some will offer to refill jugs with their exchange program which is said to save you money. However, shopping in a store for your water will actually force you to spend 5 times or more money than what you should have to. Most stores will also have a refilling station outside. If not, there’s many individual areas that offer filtered water. You can usually get a gallon jug filled up for around a quarter and a 5 gallon jug for a dollar. This makes keeping the family hydrated a lot more efficient and can help calm your budget down after spending a small fortune on the store bought items.

6. Sink Filters
If your water is so bad that you can’t even cook with it then you may want to consider getting a sink filter. Most of these filters fit over your faucet and can be turned on an off to make life easier. The sink filters are perfect for every room in the house that has a faucet too, so you can enjoy clean water even when you’re brushing your teeth. The best thing about these filters is they make getting drinking water incredibly fast. You won’t even have to worry about plastic bottles or jugs once you have the faucet filter installed. The filters need be changed every few months and most brands will let you know when it’s time, so you can shop in advance. This method can save a whole lot of money too as you should only need to buy filters in order to keep up your water supply.

7. Home Filter
Sometimes, the water in some communities is so bad that people want to stop any of the water from getting into their home. This is where a home filter comes in handy. Usually, this requires a professional to come in to install the filter, so it can be a bit pricier than other options. However, it can be more worthwhile too. A home filter will allow your family to drink from any faucet in the house, which means the water is even safe for brushing teeth. This can be a big deal for your dental bills too as some water can cause major damage to the teeth. This filtered water is great for your skin and hair too. After a week or so of use, you may find that your hair feels lighter and healthier while your skin isn’t dried out and uncomfortable. Despite the fact that it may cost you more in the short term, a filter like this will add to your home and save you money in the long term so you might not want to second guess installing it if you can.

8. Reverse Osmosis
Another fantastic option is to get a reverse osmosis filter in your home. This is usually accomplished with a special filter that can be installed in your home and doesn’t cost a fortune. The process of reverse osmosis will take care of anything in your water that will cause you harm, which will allow you to drink straight from the tap without having to stress out over lingering problems. The system is generally easy to upkeep too, which will save you a whole lot of money in the long run. You can install this system throughout the entire home which makes all of the water safer to drink, cook with and maintain hygiene. All in all, this is one of your best overall options, especially if you’re worried about long term spending.

9. Community Centers
Most communities try to take care of their citizens, so if the water quality is poor in your area then you may ask around to see if there is a community water center. These centers offer filtered water for residents, which should keep your family hydrated without having to worry about the high cost of water. Some of the centers will offer the water for free, while others do charge a small amount for each fill up. All the same, this is one of the best ways to fill up your jugs, so you won’t have to stress over water charges. You may even be able to buy low cost water jugs and other supplies needed for your water at these centers. If there isn’t a water center in your community, you may try a community near yours. Even if it does mean traveling a little further, you’ll still get safer water for a lower price.

10. Reusable Bottle
If you’re always on the go and you like to stay hydrated, then you’ll definitely want to check out a reusable bottle. This can be a real lifesaver at school or on the job when you don’t normally have access to water. A reusable bottle is another must to take with you when you’re planning on working out as it will give you instant access to water to keep you cool and refreshed. The best thing about reusable bottles is they come in all shapes and sizes, so you can buy one or many to suit your needs. Reusable bottles won’t force you to constantly waste either, which makes them well worth the money. Not to mention, you can easily wash them and use them on a daily basis. Using reusable bottles will also help encourage your family to be more eco-friendly and better to their bodies. Plus, these bottles tend to be BPA free, so you won’t have worry about leaving them in the sun.

Hydration is one of the best things you can do for your body. However, with the prices of bottled water you can easily run your budget into a hole. These ten tips should help get you on the right track, so you can feel healthy and happy without blowing your paycheck on water. With any luck, any of these tips should work wonders to make sure your family has more than enough water to get by.