
Archive for July 31, 2013

How To Get Great Prices On Furniture

Furniture is one of the major purchases people have to make for their homes. When it comes to furniture you can either get what you want for a great price or you’ll end up spending money on something you won’t want for a long period of time. There are a few tricks that can help you stretch your budget a lot further than you could have ever imagined. If you keep an open mind you can get an amazing set of furniture that you might want to keep and pass down from generation to generation, which will only further the savings. Now, when it comes to buying a new sofa you’ll never have to stress out about the budget again.

1. Always Shop Second Hand
Buying furniture doesn’t mean you have to go out and spend a lot of money for brand new furniture. If you really want to get the most for your money then you should look into second hand shops before you ever enter a new furniture store. There are many second hand stores around that range from thrift stores to stores that actually major in selling used furniture. If you don’t have luck in these areas then you can always try yard sales or online sites like Craigslist. You might even look into your local listing and find an auction to try to get a good deal on a set of furniture. Sometimes people will give away furniture that is barely used, or you might find something vintage that will get you an amazing look. When you do find something you like you might want to closely inspect it, especially if you found it on Craigslist. Sometimes people will give away items that are infested with bedbugs or other pest, so by inspecting the items you will prevent the pest from entering your home which could end up saving you thousands of dollars, especially if your home insurance doesn’t cover infestations.

2. Heirlooms
Family heirlooms can be one of your biggest helpers when it comes to paying less for furniture. If you have a piece that was built by your family or as simply been passed down then make to hang onto it. The same can be said for an item you don’t have. Perhaps if you have a relative that has the piece in storage and you could use then you might want to keep asking about the item. Perhaps, one day they just might give it to you. A lot of people end up giving away various heir looms because they believe they don’t need them in the home or might not ever have a place for them. Life changes quickly though so make sure you hold on to items that have been a part of your family’s life. You never know when you’re going to need a show piece or something old to make a statement. If you don’t have room then move the piece into storage until you can find a safe place for it. Family heirlooms are always nice for a conversation piece and to hand down to the next generation when the time comes.

3. Build Your Own
If you’re skilled with woodworking then you can always look into building your own set of furniture. This not only ends up cheaper, but gives you a sense of pride in your work which will make your home have a welcoming atmosphere. When it comes to buying wood you can buy some of the most expensive types and still end up saving a whole lot of money on the furniture. If you haven’t built your own furniture before you might want to start out with a small end table or a dining room table. These designs are usually fairly easy to follow so you can get a hang of the look and technique you want to work with. Sometimes you can even find a place to rent tools for very cheap which will allow you to have total creative freedom. If you like making furniture you might even find it to be a lucritive hobby if you can find the right type of buyers.

4. Outlet Stores
If you don’t want to be anything but new furniture then you might want shop at an outlet store before going to a specialized furniture shop. Outlet stores tend to get furniture that is mass produced or another store incorrectly ordered it. This means that you can get a great set of furniture for a lot lower than you’d pay otherwise. You might also find furniture that has mild flaws that aren’t even noticeable at an extremely low price might feel like a steal. If you don’t have an outlet store near you then you might want to try a bulk store. Sometimes, bulk stores will have some of these items for an incredible price.

5. Browse Online
Shopping online can be one of the best ways to save money on furniture. You don’t have to order from the internet if you don’t find a better deal but you can always browse a lot of different sites to find the best price. One of the best things about browsing online is you get to check out the furniture so you can get an idea of what you like. This is especially good when you go into the store so you won’t feel pressured by a salesmen to get something you don’t want. Usually when you shop online you will know exactly how much you’re going to pay for your furniture item, so you don’t end up paying excess fees. Sometimes you might even be able to order the furniture you want and have it shipped to the store nearest you so you don’t have to take something less than you want.

6. Buy Floor Sample
If you’re looking to spend a little bit less on your furniture then don’t be afraid to buy the floor model. Typically furniture stores will give you a discount on anything that is sold off of the floor because the item has already been lightly used. If the sales person won’t allow you to do this because there is another model in the back then ask to be put on a call list so they can call you when they are willing to sale the item. Depending on the damage the furniture has you should get around 10% off of the sales price, which is enough to make a difference for anyone that is on a tight budget. If you want to be eclectic you can choose a bunch of different chairs from the floor so you can have an awesome look that will cost you a whole lot of money.

7. Fix Up Old Furniture
Just because your furniture is looking drab doesn’t mean you have to get rid of it or replace it. Instead try to fix up the furniture so it will match your home and look like a brand new piece you will want to show off. If your furniture is covered in scratches and scuffs then take a walnut and rub it against these areas. The walnut will actually get rid of these problems so your furniture can have a fresh look that will only cost you a dollar or two. Of course, if you’re looking to switch things up then you might want to add a nice stain to your wooden furniture to give it a look that will highlight your keen taste. Some items like chairs or the sofa can easily be reupholstered to make the item look great again. If you’re looking for a more minimalist look then cut down your table or beds so they rest a bit closer to the ground. With a little bit of TLC to your current furniture you won’t have to break out a lot of money to improve the way your home looks.

8. Plan Your Shopping
Planning can be one of your biggest favors when you go shopping for furniture. A lot of the time if you end up shopping early in the season or the month you’ll have a hard time negotiating with the sales person because he or she will still have time to meet quotas even if they don’t get a sale from you. When you shop towards the end of the selling season or month then you will have an easier time negotiating for a price has the salesperson is more than likely going to want to get the sale to finish off the sales quota. You might find that you have a bit more control over what you buy during this period so you if you can try to wait before you go shopping. You could also go shopping multiple times during the season, but wait until the end before you make your buy.

9. Skip Delivery
Delivery fees can run you a whole lot money if you aren’t careful so try to avoid them if you can. If you have your own truck or know someone who does then it might be best if you move the furniture yourself. If you’re certain you are going to purchase something then bring the truck along so you can take your items right away. This is definitely one of the perks since often enough you will end up waiting days to get your furniture. Sometimes, they can’t deliver your goods until late at night which just becomes a huge inconvenience before it is all said and done. You also don’t want to have to deal with mover scuffing up your items or damaging you home’s space. If you transport the items yourself you know exactly what you’re getting and won’t have to deal with any third parties when it comes to your items.

10. Disassembled Furniture
When you buy items that aren’t yet assembled you get a slight discount because it means the company had to do less work on your items. It also takes up a lot less space in the delivery truck if you choose to have your items delivered. Disassembled items might require a few tools if you’re plan on putting them together on your own so keep this in mind before you order the item. Generally these items come in thinner boxes which make them perfect for anyone who is planning on moving before putting the furniture together. This can be one of the best ways to save money on moving and furnishing the home alike so make sure you ask if you can purchase it still in the box when you purchase your goods.

Furniture is a major part of your household so don’t stress out over how much money it cost. There are many different ways to avoid huge prices when furniture is involved so don’t panic right away. If you take a step back and do a lot of window shopping before you settle on a purchase then you will find you save a whole lot more than you would have expected when you originally began shopping. These tricks will have you excited for you new purchases instead of forcing you onto a ramen diet.

Author: Chelsey McQuitty

Keep Your Shoe Addiction Without the Frightening Bill

Everyone loves having a great pair of shoes that they can show off with their wardrobe, but let’s face it we can’t just stop at one pair. Shoes take up a major portion of our clothing budget which is why so many people feel they have a problem with their shoe addiction. If you know how to work the market then your shoe problem can be an asset rather than something you have to keep in check. Now, you can indulge in a new pair of shoes more often than you would think because your budget with flourish with these awesome shopping tips. So, don’t be afraid to let your taste for shoes run wild!
1. Know Your Colors
A lot of the time people run into a shoe that is a wild color that just can’t be resisted. This is one of the times that you should stand back and show a little control over your shoe addiction. When shopping, especially if it is spontaneous, step back and think about the clothing in your wardrobe. If you can’t think of five outfits that the pair of shoes match then it probably isn’t a great idea if you purchase the shoes. You want to find shoes that will match items in your wardrobe so you can add to your current look without forcing you to have to buy more clothes to supplement your latest purchase. The more the shoes add to your wardrobe the better the buy, so know the clothing you have and don’t just buy an item because you like its color!

2. Neutrals
If you plan on making a major purchase then choose a shoe that is in a neutral color. Neutral colors are easy to match with any color and wardrobe so you can afford to purchase more in the neutral range. Generally you should find work shoes that are in a neutral color because it will make you look professional and presentable for any occasion. When you look for a neutral color keep in mind the comfort level of your working day so you can shop accordingly. Chances are you aren’t going to want to shop for a pair of heels if you spend a lot of time walking or on your feet during the day. A nice pair of loafers is also great for anyone who wants to transform from their business attire to more comfortable casual clothing.

3. Cheap Isn’t Always Best
A lot of times people fall into the trap of buying cheap shoes because they think they are saving money by doing so. Cheap shoes can be great if you don’t plan on wearing them often, but if you’re looking for something to wear everyday then cheap shoes are your worst bet. When you’re looking for shoes for work or as your go to pair of shoes then you want to buy something that is going to take a little wear and tear. A good pair of shoes for specific occasions is your best bet so when you go to pick shoes that you’re going to wear a lot then try to find something that can be patched up. Usually getting your shoes resoled or fixed doesn’t cost a whole lot and will ensure that your nicer and more expensive shoes will last a whole lot longer. The less often you have to buy shoes the more you will end up saving on them.

4. Don’t Impulse Buy
Avoiding impulse buys can be one of the toughest aspects of controlling your shoe problem. This is where most people get into the most trouble when buying shoes. Typically an impulse buy ends up being something you don’t need and will generally lead to buyer’s remorse. If you have extra money for shoes then try to shop ahead before you go out. This might help prevent you from buying something you don’t really need. Of course, that pair of heels you just happened to walk past on the way to work might be too much to pass up. If this is the case then have a little back up with it. For instance, you could take a picture of your wardrobe so you can see if the heels would even be an asset to you. If not, then walk away and save the extra money for a pair that might actually do your wardrobe a huge favor. You might also have a shopping buddy come with you when you do go to the mall so they can help you make reasonable purchases.

5. Seasonal Shopping
You can save a whole lot money on shoes if you know when to shop for them. Generally you should do all your shopping at the beginning of a new season. This will allow you to buy shoes for next year at an incredibly discounted price. For example, if you’re gearing up for next summers attire then wait until autumn to get your choice of a variety of different shoes for less. Typically shopping when the season is over will help you get a lot of your major shoe needs at a clearance price. If you’re okay with wearing last year’s fashions then you can easily have your wardrobe taken care of before summer time weather leaves you feel unbearable in your spring clothing. You might want to skip out on buying shoes for the kids, unless you shop a couple sizes larger, since their feet change so much throughout the seasons.

6. Kids
It is a whole lot harder to save money on kid’s shoes so the key to shoe shopping is to keep things at a minimum. Children are constantly growing, especially when it comes to their feet so try to stick to cheaper shoes that the child isn’t going to grow tired of in a period of time. For instance, a lot of children want to have a pair of shoes with the latest characters on them which can be costly if you keep letting them have a new pair of shoes every time their interests change. You should try to stick with solid colors or designs that won’t be part of the passing craze. If you can try to get your kids a pair of shoes they can use all of the time. Typically this will mean buying tennis shoes as kids like to run around and play as often as they can. If your child needs a special set of shoes for school then try to hold on to the shoes so your next child can wear the specific shoes without forcing you to spend more money on them.

7. Second Hand
Second hand shoes can be one of the easiest ways to help you save money. There’s a lot of cute shoes looking for a new home so make sure you browse thru your local thrift stores for something that might suit your unique look. Typically these shoes will only cost you a fraction of what you would pay elsewhere so keep an eye out. You might want to ask friends about their old shoes too. A lot of the time we end up with items in our closet that we don’t actually wear. This can be a great way to bond with your friends and start up your own trading group. You never know what kind of awesome shoes you’ll end up with so remember that asking won’t hurt you. You should also hang on to shoes your kids burn through. Second hand shoes will save you hundreds if you can hang on to them. Don’t be ashamed to take the hand me downs from others as well and make sure to return the favor when you can!

8. Insertable Soles
If your shoes are giving you problems then you might want to consider buying some insertable soles to help bring you comfort wherever you go. A lot of the time when we feel we need a new pair of shoes it is because our previous shoes are actually uncomfortable. With a set of your own inserts you can actually renew the life of your shoes and feel comfortable in the items you already own. The best thing about inserts today is you can buy a set that is designed specifically for your feet and problem areas. Thus, a pair of inserts can take away back pain or relieve tension from areas of your body that you have had problems with for some time.

9. Customize
Sometimes we feel the need to buy a new pair of shoes because we are bored with the shoes we have. When this occurs you can always add a little customization to any pair of shoes. If you’re bores with the color then there are various different types of fabric or leather paints that can spark a new look so you can feel as if you have a new look without paying a whole lot for it. You can also do a lot of good with jewels, buttons, zippers and other accessory items that can be places on a pair of shoes to make it look better. Occasionally, just switching out your shoe laces can actually help you regain interest in your shoes.

10. Sales
Sales are one of the most common and best ways to save some cash on your shoe shopping habit. Many shoes have a Buy One Get One Free Sale that can help you stock up on your kids’ shoes or a couple pair of new shoes for yourself. These sales can be found throughout the year so whenever you’re looking for something new then make sure to research which store is going to give you the best sale at the time. You might also check online stores for clearanced items that can help you save even more money. Sometimes online stores will provide you with coupons that can take away the shipping costs. If you have a specific brand that you can’t live without then online might be your best bet for getting the shoes for a whole lot less than you would locally. Before you check out always remember to look for an online coupon though!

Shoes make our lives safer and healthier, but they also play a huge role in our fashion regime. If you are in love with buy shoes then these tips can help you keep out of the red zone when it comes to your budget. Now, you can enjoy a nice pair of shoes without having to rethink your purchase or find that you can’t even wear the shoes without buying clothing that matches. By the end of the year you will have saved so much money from your shoe purchases that you’ll be ready to top this years savings next year.

Author: Chelsey McQuitty

Sunny San Diego on a Tight Budget

Sunny San Diego is on so many people’s must see list, but California prices can be frightening when you start to plan out a budget. You will be amazed at the beauty you find in this coastal city and will be even more surprised at how little you will have to spend when you plan a trip to this location. San Diego is one of those cities that you can fall in love with after being there for a few minutes, so don’t skip out on your trip because your budget is too tight. There are many great tips and tricks for San Diego that will allow you to have a blast in the city without having to spend much at all.

1. The Beach
One of the biggest appeals for the city of San Diego is the many beautiful beaches you can choose from. If you’re ready to soak up some sun and break some waves then the beach is where you should plan on spending the majority of your vacation time. The best thing about the beach is it is absolutely free so you can visit every beach in the city without having to lose money from your budget. San Diego has a lot of beaches to choose from and each one has a different appeal. For instance, Coronado features beautiful gold flecks in the water and the sand that will make you feel like you’re in paradise. While you’re visiting this area you can take a break from the sun and check out the famous Hotel Del. You’re allowed to walk in and check out the ground floor and museum without having to pay a cent. They also have a lot of food areas that will satisfy your taste buds. La Jolla is a bit further from the city but this beach is known for dolphin sitings and during certain parts of the year you can check out the Sea Lions. Imperial beach allows you to camp in certain areas, which could help save you even more money!

2. Stay Off Season
San Diego is known for staying pretty consistent in temperature, so if you want to avoid crowds and hiked up prices you might want to plan a vacation during the off season. Off season planning not only gives you a more private experience at the beach, it will meaner fewer lines and more time to reflect on the city and all it has to offer. You will even get better deals on things such as hotel pricing, food and airline tickets. This is perfect for anyone who has a hard time getting vacation time in the summer. So, if you want to hit the beach in January you won’t have to worry too much about getting snowed in. In fact, the worst the will happen is it will take you longer to get to the ice cold water, but don’t worry it is freezing cold all year long.

3. Balboa Park
One of the prized areas in San Diego is Balboa Park. This little area will allow you to check out some gorgeous Spanish architecture that will make you feel like you’ve traveled abroad. This area is filled with small museum, so don’t live any stone unturned or you might miss something cool. A lot of the museums are totally free too, like the Classic Art Museum and the Botanical Garden area. Some do change, but you’ll pay no more than $10 per person and they offer a large range of discount to help you out. If you plan on catching all of the museums then you should look into getting a pass that will cost an adult no more than $30 and gives you access to every museum in the area. Usually, there is always someone playing music or dancing in this area so be prepared for some entertainment while you try some street vendor foods. Every Sunday the park also opens up the International Cottages so make sure to check them out. A different country puts on a performance and serves food each week, so check out the schedule to see what you’ll experience!

4. Walk Downtown
Downtown San Diego is filled with amazing smells and plenty of things to see. If you want to take a stroll downtown you will have to check out all of the amazing districts, such as Old Town and the Gas Light District. Every district is unique with culture and offers so many delicious places to eat that you won’t know wear to start. Whilst downtown you should check out Horton’s Plaza, a massive mall that is fun to explore and will provide you with plenty local vendors to choose from. Depending on the time you visit the city you might also find entertainment from Comic Con, Zombie Walks and Colors Wars, so be ready to keep your schedule a little open for these things. One you’ve exhausted yourself you might want to grab a smoothie to boost up your energy and walk a bit further to see the Bob Hope Monument, Kissing the War Goodbye, Star of India ship and the USS Midway museum!

5. Public Transit
Driving in the city can be pretty frustrating, so don’t even bother with it. Leave the car at the hotel and grab one of the local buses. Everyone in the family can get a daily pass for a mere $5 a person. Of course, senior citizens to qualify for a discount and children of a certain age can ride for free. Although it might seem steep to pay for everyone a bus pass, you will see that in the end you have saved time and money on gasing up and parking cost. The public transit system in San Diego is fantastic. Buses run frequently and can get you to just about any destination in the city with little to no walking on your part. The tram is one of the best ways to get around though. This system can take you all over downtown, for people who aren’t as fond of walking. It can even drop you off at the border of Mexico in case you are interested in checking out the Fashion Valley Mall which is a huge tourist attraction.

6. Little Villages
If the city life gets a bit too much for you then you might want to stop and check out some of the little villages in the area. La Jolla is a cute little area that will give you that small beach town vibe despite its city routes. This village has a lot of little shops and restaurants that your family will love to spend a day checking out. The best thing is window shopping doesn’t cost a thing! Sea Port Village is another amazing little area that will satisfy your need to check out a viking inspired town. This area has a lot of Scandinavian shops to check out, so make sure you don’t miss out. You might also want to check out the Light house in the area. Coronado is more of an island than a village, but you’ll find it has a cute feel with loads of awesome shops and food places that can keep you busy for a day alone.

7. Small Hotel
When it comes to shopping for a hotel room always consider smaller. When you choose a smaller hotel in the city you aren’t going to spend as much. It is actually suggested that you will spend 2% less than a tourist staying in one of the major hotels. A small hotel will also give you a more homey feel so your family might feel a bit more comfortable in their surroundings. There are small hotels all over the city so choose your location wisely. If you plan on staying in the city or very close to the beach you might end up spending a bit more. Make sure you check reviews before you choose a hotel though. Feedback is always the best way to determine if a place is safe in the city.

8. Taco Shops
San Diego is known for having some of the best Mexican food in the nation, so don’t pass up your opportunity to try it out. You don’t have to eat an expensive restaurant to experience the food though. In fact, try to stay away from those all together because when it comes to Mexican food in the city you’re going to want to go to a small shop. Don’t worry, they are all over the place so the hardest thing will be choosing which one you want to try. If in doubt ask a local and they’ll be happy to boast up their favorite Taco Shop. Generally, eating at these little places can save you quite a bit of money. You will typically pay the price of a value meal for one burrito, but we’re talking about a gigantic burrito here. Usually you can eat on the burrito for two meals, so go for lunch and save the rest for dinner!

9. Multi-Attraction Pass
Although there are a lot of not so expensive attractions in San Diego there is still a good deal of expensive attractions that many tourist don’t want to pass up. If this is the case for your family then you might want to look into the multi-attraction pass. This pass will allow you to enter up to 40 places in a week, so you can see it all without having to pay for it all. You can completely customize your pass so don’t worry about paying for more than you will use. The multi-pass caters to people who want to check out Sea World, Knott’s Berry Farm, the zoo, Legoland, the wave house, Balboa Park and a whole lot of other attractions you might not even realize exist! You have to buy the pass online, but you’ll find that buying a weeks worth of events will only cost you the price of paying for two of the attractions. You might even be able to find a coupon or sale that will provide you with the pass for a little bit cheaper. You’ll also get out of waiting in a few lines thanks to this pass, so don’t hesitate if you want to see everything the city has to offer.

10. Buy Tickets in Advance
Shopping for your vacation in advance can save you a whole lot of money! If you’re planning on only catching a few attractions during your stay then you might want to keep an eye on the park for any sales they might be having which you might be interested in. Even buying the multi-attraction pass in advance can help you save a little money, so don’t wait for the last minute to get your schedule worked out. One of the best things about San Diego is there is always some sort of concert, play, orchestra or other attraction going on. If you check out the city site then you should be able to swoop in and pick up a ticket for less than you’d have to pay at the door or close to the attraction date. Don’t just look for major concert halls though, as so many of the best concerts will happen in a downtown club and if you don’t hurry up and secure your tickets you’ll certainly miss out.

San Diego is a beautiful city that is filled with numerous hidden treasure. So, if you’re planning on vacationing in this city don’t stress out about the price. These tips will have you sighing in relief as you enjoy sitting a cold drink on the beach. Now, you can see and do it all without having to constantly worry about what your bank account is going to look like when you get home. Pretty soon the relaxed beach life will take over your need to go go go.

Author: John Terris

Forget The Beauty Sleep, Instead Save on Beauty Products

Beauty takes up a huge portion of our lives. Everyone wants to look amazing and feel great about themselves, which leads so many people to spend a lot of money on beauty products each easier. Your good looks shouldn’t control your budget though. With these easy tips you’ll enjoy the best look of your life without having to pay a whole lot of money for it. In fact, a lot these beauty techniques will have you raiding your kitchen for items that you already have. Nothing will beat an easy to use product that makes you look amazing without forking over ample amounts of your hard earned cash.

1. Buying Products
When it comes to buying products you should always remember to look for larger packaging with a smaller price. Usually you can buy a nice generic brand that will work the same as the professional one you were spending a lot of just months before. Choosing a brand and buying it in bulk can also save a whole lot of money. Of course, being restrictive with your product is one of the best ways to save on money. For instance, you are probably using more product then you actually need to. If you can manage to add a little bit of water as your products run out then you will extend their life and save yourself from having to buy more product sooner than you need to. You might also mix any shampoo or conditioner bottles you have waiting around so you can create an all new bottle without having to buy a new one.

2. Eye Beauty
The eyes are considered the window to the soul so of course you want them to look incredible at all times. A lot of people suffer from bags under the eyes due to lack of sleep, allergies or stress. You can buy plenty of products for this but adding a black tea bag or a cucumber to your eyes for a few minutes each day can actually take away from the darkness while adding a radiant look to the eye. Mascara can be tough to apply at times and If you want to avoid the whole clumpy lashes look then you should try putting your mascara in a glass of hot water or heating it up with a blow dryer before you apply it. This will allow you to buy cheaper products while still looking great. Another way to save big is to buy eye shadow with multiple colors that suit your skin type. This will allow you to utilize the colors for the full eye to create an amazing look without having to buy multiple sets.

3. Skin
We all want flawless skin, but not everyone has the money to get special treatments. Many people look for a solution for acne for years without any luck. If you want a cheap an easy way then try washing your face with a little bit of honey. This will provide your face with excellent pores that will fight off acne. When it comes to get rid of pimples or their scars then dissolve an aspirin into some water and apply to the problem areas. You will notice a change quickly and won’t need to keep buying products to get your face back to normal. If cellulite is a major issue then try running some ground coffee beans in the area. This will improve circulation in the area and will get rid of the cellulite look. If you battle with redness in the face then pepto bismal can help even out your red tones and get rid of irritation and acne so you’ll be able to show your flawless skin anywhere. Of course, not all of our skin revolves around the face. If you have a lot of dry areas then you might want to moisturize with some Vaseline or olive oil. This is a particularly great way to keep the feet looking good after a lot of wear and tear.

4. Hair
A lot of problems we have with our hair is the amount of times we wash it in a week. You can safely wash your every other day and provide it with a nice healthy look. Washing daily actually dries out your scalp which will increase the appearance of dandruff. If you do have oily hair then add a little baby powder to your roots and enjoy your fantastic look. Of course, you can also make your own shampoo at home with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water. If you need a deep conditioning then head to the refrigerator and give yourself a mayonnaise coat to help lock in moisture. Another good way to keep your hair a healthy level of moisture is to add a layer of avocado to your hair. If you can sleep in it to get the full effect. When it comes to salon visits you can eliminate a lot of the charge. For instance you can cheaply do all of your coloring at home. You can also cut your bangs and trim your ends without having to go into a shop.

5. Nails
Getting manicure and pedicures are one of the most expensive items on out beauty agendas. You won’t need to get them as often when you learn how to take care of your own nails at home. For instance, if you’ve recently gotten a french manicure but have noticed a chip in the nail then it isn’t time to head back into the shop. Instead, add a little white out to the nail and you’re good to go for quite some time. You should also never cut your cuticles. When they are bothering you then make sure you moisturize them well and press them back. This will allow your nails to grow faster and healthier.

6. Foundations
If you still need add a little toner to your life then make sure you stretch it as far as possible. There are many foundations that are powder based and will last you a lot longer, so if you find one you like then try to find it in bulk if possible. Of course, if you do enjoy a more liquid based foundation then you can stretch it further by buying a darker shade. When you use the foundation mix it with lotion to create a mixture that will moisturize the face and keep you looking amazing. During the summer time you can skip out on the lotion and mix your foundation with a protective sun screen that will help keep you protected from UV rays so you won’t have to skip out on makeup during the summer time.

7. Lips
Every woman wants a pair of lips that are stunning, but bad weather can leave them feeling chapped and looking less than perfect. If you need a little extra help locking in the moisture on your lips then you try adding some vaseline to your lips while you sleep. This is perfect for locking in moisture so you can show off your gorgeous lips throughout the day. Lip stick is another buy that will cost you a lot of money if you use it a lot. So, instead of buying new lipstick keep your old tubes and mix them together. You might end up with a new color that suits you all the more. You can add vaseline to the mix as a binder that will help keep your lips looking shiny and healthy throughout your big dates.

8. Feet
Our feet hold a major burden when it comes to day to day living, so it is no surprise that we have to deal with calluses. When you get home from work each day or before going to bed you should soak your feet in warm water mixed with vinegar or baking soda. This will get rid of your calluses and prevent them from coming back again. If you have a problem with dried out feet then rub body butter or a strong lotion onto your feet with a pair of cotton socks to keep the lotion on the feet. Sometimes feet will develop a tan look or the nails will yellow. This can be embarrassing for many people, but with a little lemon juice on your feet day you can clear up any colors so you won’t be embarrassed to show off your feet. Of course, a lot of people don’t want to admit they have overly sweaty or smelly feet. If this is your case then try soaking your feet in a salt water bath for a half an hour each day to reduce the smell.

9. Deodorant
Everyone needs to wear deodorant, but you don’t have to spend a whopping $6 every time you run out of some. One of the easiest ways to counteract the price is to buy a man’s deodorant. I know, no one wants to endure the intense man smell all day. There are actually many sticks that have a mild scent or no scent at all that can help you save money. Men’s deodorant comes in a larger stick with more protection for the same price as the typical woman’s stick, so don’t feel bad about buying from the men’s section. When you are about to run out of a stick of deodorant then don’t throw it out. Instead save it and add on to it when other sticks are almost gone. Eventually you will be able to to use a full stick again without having to go out to purchase a new one. If you are having trouble with smells still then you might try putting damp tea bags under your arms. This will eliminate odors so you won’t have to stress about the way you smell.

10. Beauty Fix
Many people love to have the expensive items though, but there isn’t a reason to have to pay full price for them! If you want the best products for your skin then you might want to sign up for Beauty Fix. This service will provide you with $400 worth of products for the mere price of $50 every 3 months. Each period of time you will get a new basket filled with travel and normal sized items that you can try out. This is a great way to learn which products work for you without forcing you to spend a lot of money experimenting on different items. You might really take to the Beauty Fix basket if you don’t like to use the same products all of the time. Plus, if you’re buying non-generic products you will probably end up spending more than $50 every three months anyway!

Your beauty regime doesn’t have to suffer because of a poor economy. You can still maintain your favorite look while saving money if you follow these easy tips. Using homemade goods to help keep your body looking good and self confidence up can really give you a power that people will notice. Soon you will find yourself teaching all of your new tricks to your friends!

Great Ways to Become an Artist Without the Starving Title

Many artist struggle to support the cost of their hobbies. For many, working as a professional artist isn’t feasible so they work hard to earn the money for the supplies they need to produce their art. Art students often have the same dilemma as they tend to have pay for books as well as expensive supplies just to satisfy their semester’s curriculum. There is an easier way to support your hobby without having to sacrifice working hours though. With a few simple tips you’ll be stocked up and ready for all of your creative endeavors, so when the mood strikes you can get to work instead of letting your best ideas fade away.

1. Canvas
Canvas plays a major part in painters and many mixed media artists lives. The bad thing is pre stretched canvas can actually run you quite a lot of money if you aren’t careful. One of the cheapest ways to cut down on all of your canvas costs is to learn how to stretch it yourself. This should be a consistent part of any painter’s life as it allows you to control the shape and size of the canvas you need for your work. Buying canvas pre-stretched is very cheap if you can find it in bulk. Once you get the canvas all you have to do is worry about a frame to stretch it onto. Frames can be made out of cheap cuts of wood or scrap wood and can be reused so you shouldn’t have to worry about spending a lot of money on this aspect of you project. When you begin this process you will see how convenient it is to do it yourself rather than buying from the store. Of course, DIY isn’t for everyone so if you must buy it stretched then try to wait for sales and buy in bulk as much as possible.

2. Paints
Paints transcend genres so having a good selection of paints is an important part of an artist’s supplies. Paints can be pretty pricey though, especially if you think you need to buy the expensive brands. When you first start to shop for your own set of paints you might want to look for glazes. These specific paints are perfect because they can easily be watered down without sacrificing the quality of your paints color and durability. If you can keep your paints watered down they will last longer so you won’t have to keep replenishing your stock every time you work up a new painting. Mixing paints can also help you keep some of the more expensive colors in stock, so don’t be too afraid to experiment in order to get what you need. If you’re looking to start off very cheap then you might want to go for student acrylics. These paints will hold up and will cost you less than a dollar per color. They are also perfect for big products that you don’t want to spend a lot of money one.

3. 2nd hand stores
There are a lot of second hand stores that cater to the needs of artist. If you have a student store near you then you might try to check out some used art supplies. These supplies were usually used for a term so you might not get as much out of them as you would a new product, but you will certainly save a whole lot of money on it. When doing this you should always check to see the quality to make sure you aren’t buying dried out paints and glues. You might also want to check out thrift stores or garage sales. You might not think it so, but you can find a whole lot of inspiration in these areas. For instance, if you enjoy mixed media art you might see different things you can encouragement into your piece. A lot of the time you might even be able to find a nice frame that will frame one of your works perfectly.

4. Brushes
A lot of people tend to think it is safe to buy cheap paintbrushes to work with. This, however can be a very expensive mistake. When it comes to buying brushes you should always buy a trusted set, which might mean looking at a lot of reviews before you make your purchase. Cheap brushes tend to fray and might end up forcing you to repaint a lot of your work because your precision will be sacrificed. An expensive set of brushes will give you the best quality work while ensuring you won’t have to buy new brushed any time soon. Make sure you take care of the brushes though as leaving paint on them will force you to lose even more money than you’d originally expect.

5. Loyalty Cards and Coupons
If you find yourself shopping in hobby stores a lot you might want to check into getting a loyalty card to help reduce your expenditure on supplies. A lot of hobby stores offer these but they all have different ways of working their cards. Some will give you a discount every time you swipe your card which will help you save immediately. Other cards will provide you with points that eventually add up to a coupon, whilst others serve to send you coupons in the mail or thru email. It is important to keep up with coupons for hobby stores though as they will certainly help you save big on the items you need to make your art. Some hobby stores will even pass out a 75% off coupon occasionally so take advantage of this whenever you need a big ticket item!

6. Buy in Bulk
It doesn’t matter what your art is, when it comes to shopping for supplies buying in bulk is the best way to go. There are so many bulk store online and off, so make sure you do a lot of shopping around before you decide on a deal. One of the best items to buy in bulk is things like scrap booking sheets and accessories. These items can run pricey on their own, but when you buy in bulk you will actually pay mere cents for them. Always try to look for items you use a lot of in bulk. For instance, buying paint in bulk is usually a huge relief for painters who tend to go through paint bottles often. Thread and yarn are also a good buy in bulk even though they aren’t incredibly expensive on their own. If you use a lot of black thread then why stop spend double the price for five times the product? Of course, buying canvas in bulk is another great buy, but this can run pretty pricey if you aren’t careful. Make sure to know your bulk hobby supply stores before you commit to any purchase.

7. Trade
An artist best friend can be trading if he or she can find the right inner circle. If you know other artist then you might want to bring up the idea of trading with them. This will allow the entire group to get what they need without constantly having to spend a fortune on it. Trading is especially great when you only need to use something for a little while, or only need a small amount of something. You might even get a group together to share a studio which will give you all plenty of space to work as well as use the art supplies without having to wait on someone to answer your frantic text message.

8. Unexpected Places
When it comes to looking for art supplies you should think out of the box. If you look at a hobby shop for a painting sponge you will find they generally cost a small fortune. Of course, a short trip to the dishwashing section in a local store might give you a cheaper selection of sponges that might leave a unique pattern on your work. There is a world of items that are no longer wanted that can really inspire you to make some of the best pieces of art. Another example would be old tin cans. A lot of the time you can cut them and make a green friendly sculpture that provides you with a political statement to share at your next art show. Gizmos and gadgets are everywhere, so open up your mind and let your creativity flow so you can save money on your work while providing you with ample working materials.

9. Pottery
If pottery is your chosen form of art then it might be wise to find a cheap pottery shop. Sure, it would be ideal to have your own kiln and clay, but if you’re planning on saving this isn’t the way to go. Instead, find a place that has decent prices and an area that you feel comfortable working in. Generally, when you pay a pottery shop you have access to the clay and paints and any of the tools you might need to work your art. Sometimes you can even rent a locker or leave your project at the shop if you don’t get finished in one sitting. When you are done you can get your piece fired and enjoy your beautiful art at a fraction of the price you would pay on your own terms. Although it might be a sacrifice to go to the shop it will save you money until you can afford to find an area that will support a kiln and a budget that can keep you stocked up with clay.

10. Recycling
Our households are filled with art potential and once of the best places to look is in the recycling bin. Everyday we throw out goods that have potential, so next time you go out to take your recycling bin think twice about what you’re about to give up. Old tin cans can be cleaned up to make the best brush and pencil holders, so you’ll never have to spend on containers again. Plastic bottles are great for sculptural pieces or supports, but can also be melted down to help provide you a cool new look you can work with. Even old pieces of cardboard will allow you to create beautiful mosaics or collages without having to worry about poster board or other expensive art materials.

Art can be one of the most therapeutic hobbies out there. It is just too bad they often end up costing us a whole lot of money. If you’re worried about spending too much on your supplies then these tips should reassure you can actually relax about your budget when it comes to buying what you need. So, from now on let your creative flag fly and enjoy spending less on the goods you need.

Author: Chelsey McQuitty

Get Thrills at the Fair without Dreading the Price

Who doesn’t have a childhood memory that involves spending time at the local carnival or fair? It seems that most people have gone to one or another at some point in their life and remember key moments that made them feel incredible. Usually, trips to the fair are limited to the summer and autumn months, but they still allow you to feel as if a good chunk of your memories belong with you in this environment. The only problem is fair and carnival prices continue to rise because the economy is in a bit of a slump. Despite this, you can still find amazing ways to take your family to the fair without having to spend a small fortune.

1. Events
Most fairs and carnivals have a lot of different ways to attract visitors . One way is to schedule events that will draw people into the fair prior to the event taking place. Usually, the events are rodeos, circus shows or monster truck derbies that people normally wouldn’t get to see. Although you might be tempted to to pay to go to every event this might be a huge mistake for your budget. One thing you can do is sit down and consider which show is going to be the most entertaining for your family. If you live in an area that often has car and truck shows then you may want to put off shows of this nature. The same can be said for just about any event. When you find the event that works best for you try to plan around it so you can get the full carnival experience before you go to the major event. This will allow you to pay for admission into the fair only once.

2. Visit Booths
Every fair has a good selection of local and spotlight booths that will make the experience superb for all. Generally booths have a lot of information about the region, careers and hobbies that people find interesting. Sometimes, you will run across a booth that really sparks your family’s interest and keep everyone busy for a few minutes. Just checking out the booths can buy you a lot of time at the fair that will keep you from purchasing other items. Of course, many booths do sell items so you should always go thru all of the booths before you decide on what you want to purchase. This is especially important for children. If you don’t have money to spend on booth items then get a car from any vendors you found interesting. This will allow you to get in contact with them later if you choose to buy something when you have more money.

3. Rides
Fairs and Carnivals have some of the most interesting and entertaining rides on the market, so don’t skip out on them. Most of the time you can buy a ride pass for fairly cheap at the games. This usually doesn’t include all of the rides, but it will give you access to most of the rides in the area. The best thing about ride passes is they usually cost around $12 when paying per ride can cost you hundreds before the day is over. There are generally other rides available that are far more expensive, like bungee jumping, but these can easily be avoided to save money. With your riding pass you will easily be kept busy all day with all of the rides alone so make sure to use it as often as you can. You might want to visit the fair a bit earlier so you don’t have to wait in less lines for each of the rides. Rides will also cut down on the amount of food you want to eat, because who really want to scarf down a full meal when you’re feeling a bit on the dizzy side?

4. Shows
The great thing about carnivals and fairs is there are usually a lot of shows to keep you busy throughout the day. Most of the time shows are absolutely free and often enough you won’t even have to find seating ahead of time. There is a spontaneous nature to a lot of fairs and carnivals which really makes the attitude a lot of fun, but it does make planning a bit difficult. The best thing you can do is stop whenever you hear a show going on so you can take a break from the constant walking and relax. Shows will also prevent you from spending money for a little while. Since you’ll already be busy you won’t look for food or other items to fill your time, which will really help you keep your budget right on track. Shows are also a little more entertainment for younger children who need to stop and rest more.

5. Games
It is pretty much inevitable that you, or someone in your family, is going to want to play games while your visiting the fair. This can be a problem if you’re not careful but there are many ways to avoid spending way too much on these items. To begin with you should try to exhaust shows and rides before you venture into the game section. This will allow your family to be a bit more worn down so they will be more apt to leave after playing a minimal amount of games. When you enter the game section you should give everyone a specified number of games they can play. This will allow everyone to think on the games they choose, which will end up taking up a bit of time. When you do decide to play a game make sure you don’t have your money out in the open for the host to see. This will entice them to badger you into buying more rounds, especially if you have children with you. Keep a couple of dollars in your pocket and leave it at that. If you need more then exit the game area and return with the money in your pocket. If the host thinks you’re broke they will more than likely usher you away from the area.

6. Food
Fair food can be some of the most enticing food you’ll see. There’s a lot of new things to try and see, so slow down and think about what you’d like to have before hand. It helps if you plan on eating a heavier meal before you go to the fair as this will help you beat the hunger cravings for a bit longer while you’re out. If you do break down and buy some fair food be careful what you choose. Picking something natural and filling, like the grilled corn or a candied apple, is probably your safest best when it comes to a mid-afternoon snack. If you do choose to buy into the deep fried treats they offer then you might want to look into something a bit unique. You might also want to purchase this snack later on in the evening because greasy food, rides and heat aren’t the best combination for a lot of fair goers. If you eat light throughout the day though, you won’t feel as obligated to buy a huge meal at the fair so you can save the money you didn’t spend on food for other aspects of the fair.

7. Tickets
Usually before a fair begins there will be a wide assortment of groups selling tickets as a fundraiser event. Most of the time the tickets will end up being a bit cheaper than they would be when you buy them at the gate. You will also be helping out a local group who might need more funding than they are getting. If you don’t see a fundraiser booth or are looking to save a bit more cash then you should always try to shop for them at your local grocery store. Grocery stores usually sell them at a discounted price, so you’ll save money and time because you won’t have to wait in a long line. If you’re looking to go even cheaper then you might want to enter a lottery to win tickets or keep a listen out for radio sweepstakes that could allow you to win a free set for you and your family.

8. Souvenirs
The fair is one of the easiest places to get souvenirs for next to nothing. If you begin your souvenir journey in the booth area you might find that you can get a whole lot of neat things for free. A lot of people make promotional items for carnival goers, so take advantage of everything the booths have to offer. From bracelets to little snacks you kids will have a blast just checking out some of the goodies they find. There are also a lot of cheap items for sale, so try to make a budget of $10 or less and go from there. You might be surprised as to how many cool rocks, bracelets, necklaces and other items you can get for a $1! Of course, if you’re looking for a little more than you can always count on your carnival game skills. You might have a knack for winning goldfish or little stuffed animals which will make great souvenir stories to begin with.

9. Water
Water just might be one of the most important things for you to bring along for your trip. Yes, every fair will sell bottles of water, usually at an outrageous price, so don’t fall into that game. Pack a few bottles of water for your family in a small backpack or tote bag so you can easily keep your daily hydrated. Bringing bottles, whether the classic bottle or a reusable bottle of any kind, will allow you to refill your water bottle throughout the day at water fountains. This will prevent you from having to purchase drinks while you’re outside and will ensure the family won’t feel sick after several hours under the sun.

10. Parking
Parking should be the least of your worries when it comes to fair prices, unfortunately prices have shot up in recent years. One way to avoid paying major prices for parking is to park as far away from the fair grounds as you can stand to walk. There is usually a set amount of parking, so finding elsewhere to park might be a whole lot easier. You could also opt out of driving to the fair and take public transportation. Usually this will only cost you a set amount of money per person, so if you’re traveling with a small party it will be cheaper than passing the parking toll. If you’re planning on going out with a large group and want to stay out well past the transits operating hours then it might be one of the rare times that taking a taxi will be cost effective. Of course, if do live close enough to walk to the fair you should do so. Make sure you don’t travel alone though and bring a flashlight for the walk home.

You shouldn’t deprive yourself a day at the carnival just because you feel it won’t be budget friendly. With these tips you can avoid the expensive aspects of the fair and cut straight to the moments that have made fairs such a cherished event throughout history. You will not only have a good time, but will enjoy sharing something from your childhood with the next generation.

Author: Chelsey McQuitty

Celebrate this Summer’s Music Festivals on a Student Sized Budget

Music Festivals make all of the sweltering weather and sunburns seem like nothing. Each year some of the most popular, and most obscure, bands come together to celebrate the love of music! With any luck you’ll be able to land some tickets and enjoy all of the good things that summer has to offer too you. Of course, if you’re on a tight budget you might also find that music festivals can dry up your budget and force you to live on a ramen diet just to recover from your financial lost. There are ways to avoid losing a lot of money on your favorite music festival, which will still allow you to enjoy the festival to its fullest.

1. Research
Your biggest aid in fighting costing is to do a little bit of research on the festivals that are happening. Although all of the festivals might seem appealing you might want to check into which one will be the most festival for your morning. For instance, you should check out if the bands you love are going to have a large set or will just be features between other bands. You might also want to tally up the amount of bands you like opposed to the bands you don’t know of or arent too sure of. If you haven’t heard of the bands then look up their songs to see if it is something you’d want to spend money on. Usually, one festival will stand out more than the others so you might want to order tickets for that festival rather than spending a whole lot of money to go to them all. You should also check out what comes with your ticket. Sometimes festivals will give out goody bags or a free treat that they might actually calculate into the cost. By choosing the best festival for your dollar you’ll feel satisfied with your buy instead of feeling like you have to go to more festivals to make up for the one you were disappointed with.

2. Volunteer
So you want to go the festival, but you’re a few dollars short of the full purchase? Well, put your money away and apply to volunteer. Usually, if you get your application to volunteer in you should be able to get into the festival for free and enjoy the music while you pass out water or other small tasks. Booths at music festivals are often run solely by volunteers so don’t hesitate when you find out the details of the festival. Typically, volunteers are also privy to a free meal or two so you won’t have to bring a whole lot of money with you. You might only end up getting one day of the festival free so you might want to compensate for the other days of the festival if you can afford it. One great thing about volunteer work is it looks great on college and work applications, so you’ll be winning in more way than one.

3. Camp Out
If you’re planning a huge vacation just to go to the music festival then stop what you’re doing and breathe. A music festival is about relaxing and enjoying the music so allow yourself to that. You don’t need a hotel room for your stay, instead pitch a tent and enjoy the nonstop party for a few days. Camping out allows you to catch as many music shows as possible so you won’t have miss out on any of the bands you paid to see. Camping also allows you to take a cool down break between shows and can make storing food a whole lot easier. Camping will cut down on your festival cost by hundreds of dollars, so you can put the money into other aspects of your trip, or straight into savings.

4. Bring Your Own Food
It doesn’t matter if you’re staying at the festivals for one day or throughout the entire festival, bringing your own food will help save you a whole lot of money. There is generally a lot of foods available to choose from at the festival, but most will cost you a small fortune. Usually the foods are designed to cater to the typical teenagers taste buds too, which might not be the best diet while you’re trapped out in the hot sun and only have porta-potties to run to. Instead, bring a cooler filled with ingredients to make light foods like sandwiches. You should also bring some fruit along for a nice refresher throughout the day, which will help you keep the energy up without having to worry about feel rough a couple of hours later.

5. Water
Water is the essence of life, but you won’t appreciate it quite as much as you do when you’re at a music festival. Vendors at festivals can charge high prices for water because people have no other option but to pay the price. You do have the option to bring in your own water, so don’t forget to pack a lot before you go to the festivals. Music festivals generally take place at the height of summer, which means it is going to be beyond hot and there is going to be a lot of bodies packed into a tight area. Usually a 24 pack of bottled water can take you pretty far while you’re at a festival, but make sure to plan ahead just in case you run out. If you want to save even more money than you clean out old milk jugs and pour in filtered water so you don’t have to spend any extra money. This will allow you to keep hydrated while allowing you to save money and avoid long lines.

6. Beer
If you’re of drinking age then chances are drinking while you’re at the festival is going to be one of your means of fun. Alcohol can be incredibly expensive if you aren’t careful though, so know you drinking and financial limit and respect it. Usually a beer can cost as much as a full meal at a festival so if you do plan on drinking then choose one day out of the festival to do so. By choosing one day you get to get the drinking mood out of your system so you can gleefully transition into sober mode. You could also bring your own beer to certain festivals. Make sure you check on the matter before you stock up on booze though. If you are allow then try to buy cheaper beverages. Usually bulk sized beers will be your best bet. You should probably exclude buying mixed drinks and hard liquor though as this might send your budget into shock.

7. Bring Cash
Sure, there will be ATM machines all over the festival because no one will want to accept a credit or debit card as a payment. ATM machines, of course, charge you a lot of money to pull out money too. So unless you like giving a machine $5 every time you see something you have to have you might want to bring cash ahead of time. There will be a lot of cool things to see, do and buy at the festival so bringing cash can also help cut down on your spending. Try to set a reasonable spending limit and pull out the cash and then forget about the spending money. Leaving your credit card at home might even help prevent you from overdoing it. When you get to the festival put aside your food money and plan out little activities you might to do while waiting for your favorite band to play. Being frugal at the festival might even allow you to return home with some extra spending cash.

8. Scope Out Vendors
Let’s face it, if you’re staying for a full week at the festival you’re going to get sick of eating sandwiches fairly quickly. So, chances are you’re probably going to end up venturing to the fast food huts to get something a little bit different. This won’t hurt you too bad if you only eat at the vendors occasionally, but you will always want to scope out the vendors ahead of time. Just to make the rounds to get a feel for what you are in the mood for eating. Usually, there is more than one vendor for each food type so shop around the cheapest buy. If you want to know a little cheat code for the real world you should probably always look for the vendor with the longest lines. This is usually where you’ll get the cheapest foods at the festival. You should also follow the same rule when it comes to souvenirs. You probably won’t get too much of a choice when it comes to autographs, but you might find a cheap shirt or poster somewhere in the mess of vendors.

9. Grab Tickets Early
Sometimes, tickets can gain value the longer they are out on the market. You might want to try to get the tickets the very day they are released. Back in the olden days you’d have to camp outside of a ticket booth, but now all you have to is stalk your favorite ticket vendor online. Usually when tickets first hit the market they are about 10% cheaper than the tickets that just hang around in limbo until summer comes. You will always get a better price online opposed to waiting until the festival begins and buying them at the gate. A lot of the time you will only get one chance to buy tickets as some of the more popular festivals will sell out right away, so don’t stop and hesitate. Buying tickets earlier will also allow you plenty of time to save for other expenses that might arise during your festival trip.

10. Bring Entertainment
A lot of first time festival adventurers find that there are actually some down time between shows. One of the worst things possible is to get bored during a festival. This is usually when people start to venture off and look for food to entertain themselves or something else to buy. There is a solution to these down times though. For starters you can easily bring a pack of cards in your festival bag. This will not only allow you to have some fun while you’re waiting for your favorite band to take the stage, you will also be able to make some new friends. As you meet new people you will feel more comfortable with your surroundings and have a little more fun without having to rely on food and shopping. You can also bring a book you’ve been meaning to catch up on, it might not be the quietest of environments, but it’ll keep you busy while you wait. Of course, there is always napping between gigs!

Music festivals can really bring a summer to life so don’t skip out just because you might not have the funding. There are many ways to help cut the cost of the festival so you won’t have to miss out on your favorite bands just because you’re slowly approaching broke. With these tips you’ll not only get to catch some awesome music and make new friends, you’ll also learn the power you have over money during some of the most tempting situations.

Cheap Ways to Max Out Your Workout Without Membership Fees

Everywhere you look there seem to be commercials for getting in shape and feeling better about how your body looks. Commercials can be persuasive, but you should always rethink spending the extra money before you purchase anything that you think will make your losing process easier. In fact, you don’t have to budget a lot of money just to get into the shape you want to be in. These ten simple tips will take you from a budget crisis to a fun workout in no time at all. You might even be surprised as to how easy it is to spice up your workouts without having to drive out of your way to head to a gym.

1. Utilize the Outdoors
As kids we couldn’t seem to wait to get outside and play. It is just too bad that this excitement doesn’t carry over to us being an adults. The great outdoors is one of the best gyms you can find that actually won’t cost you a dime! It doesn’t matter if you live in the country or in the city as there are plenty of places to workout while you’re on a tight budget. For starters, you can easily take the sidewalk for a comfortable jog or a brisk walk before you start your morning routine. Of course, if you don’t like running on flat surfaces you can easily find a field to sprint through, which will give you an entertaining run that will provide you with so many health benefits. Don’t like simple runs? Well, if you have a park nearby your home try using benches as obstacles to improve your jumping skills. You might want to make sure no one is hanging around the park first. There are also a multitude of rock walls to climb, monkey bars to work on your upper body and plenty of sports courts and fields that are completely free to use.

2. Buy Used Gear
A lot of people get in the mood to work out around the New Year, which is beneficial because that is generally when tax returns start to come in. So, many will get their return, blow it on workout gear and find by the end of the year they’ve only used it a few times. Although it is nice to have workout gear in the home you don’t have to immediately go out and buy brand new items. In fact, if you buy used workout gear you will get more of a feel for the type of equipment you want in your home without having to spend a whole lot of money. Usually, if you frequent thrift stores you will find that it easy to find a wide assortment of gear that will help you maintain and sculpt your body. You might also try out local sales, like on Craigslist, for people who might be a bit more open to the price you are looking for.

3. Little Items
You might be surprised to know that there are a ton of little items you can use for working out. These items are generally found around the house anyway, and if you don’t have them they will cost you know more than $20! One such item is a jump rope. Jumping rope is one of the best ways to do a cardio workout, so get jumping! Even if you don’t have a jump rope you can easily substitute with a piece of rope. A basketball, or other form of ball, are also awesome ways to get a workout that will give you lots of results. Sports balls allow you to utilize fun aspects like dribbling, kicking, throwing and catching while you run and keep moving for an extended period of time. The key is to have fun and the workout will go faster. You can also use things like bottles of water as light resistance training as you do yoga or Pilates. For women, you can always vacuum and do household chores in high heels, which will add to your muscle movement and keep your calves feeling strong.

4. Free sources
We live in a world where there are a lot of free forms of information available to you. One simple source is turning on your television. If you have basic cable there is a wide selection of workout shows on many public access channels. Try to check your local listing for something you might be interested in doing and record or tune it at the time slot. If you have extended cable then you will have a huge selection to choose from. There are many channels that are dedicated to workout videos alone. This is a great way to experiment with your workout needs and find something you really enjoy doing. Of course, if you don’t want to watch the TV while you workout out, or can’t find what you’re looking for you can always hit the world wide web. Usually, you can find a workout for just about anything, which includes dancing, stretching and how to improve your sports techniques.

5. Join the YMCA
If you still want that sense of community while you workout you might want to look into joining the YMCA. This program caters to the community so you won’t end up spending a whole lot of money on a membership that you might not even use. Most YMCAs hold classes, have a pool and will let you choose from a wide selection of workout gear. Of course, not all centers are the same so you might want to do a tour of the facility and ask about services provided before you actually order the membership. A lot of center will charge you the same amount for a full year that you would pay for a month at other gyms. You might have to sign up for classes if you want to attend them so make sure you know what your schedule is going to look like before so you won’t end up trying to crash courses that are already too full.

6. Start a Support Group
For many, losing weight or bulking up can be tough without a support group. If you’re trying to bypass a personal trainer or a gym altogether then you might want to start a support group. This is generally free to do and can contain people you already know or reach out to the community. If you’re looking to join a group straight away you easily look around for group in your area via the classifieds, gym postings or on the internet. Most people are open to letting new comers in so don’t be shy. A support group can be as small as your relative or close circle of friends though, so don’t think you have to add a lot of people you will be uncomfortable with. A support group with have you on your toes more often and will help talk you out some of those purchases you think you need. You can also use one another’s home gym and exercise videos.

7. Change Routine
Sometimes a little change in routine can go a long way when it comes to losing weight. In a lot of cases you don’t have to even by workout gear to get a few inches off your body. For instance, instead of taking the elevator or escalator to work every day you can opt out for the stairs. This will get your blood pumping and metabolism working so you can burn more calories throughout the day. Another simple trip is to park at the back of the parking lot wherever you go. This will allow you to get a good chunk of walking in, especially if you have a big day of shopping ahead of you. Purchasing a workout ball for Pilates can be a great benefit too, because you can easily sit on this instead of the couch to workout your core. Of course, changing your diet up does help a little too. For instance, drinking an extra bottle of water in place of a can of soda can do a whole lot of good. You might also switch from black tea to green tea to boost your metabolism and give you a little extra energy.

8. Go for a Swim
Whether you’re looking to lose weight or build muscles, going for a swim can help you get a complete workout without any extra equipment. The best part of swimming is it is absolutely free if you can find the right place. Living by the ocean, or near a river, stream or lake can really give you the power to work your body without ever having to pay a cent for the workout. Generally, swimming is moving water provides you with more resistance so you can get a more intense workout without having to pay a whole lot of cash. You might always make sure you have at least one other person with you though because swimming alone can be incredibly dangerous. If you have your own pool you can get in a work out every day without ever having to spend any extra money. Of course, buying a pool pass generally doesn’t cost a whole lot and might even give you access to lap pools that will make your workout turn into a hobby.

9. Cycling
If you own a bike then you have the capability to workout while getting your every day business taken care of. Most towns and cities have a place for cyclist to ride, even if it ends up being the sidewalk. Bikes help you get you cardio workout so you can lose weight faster without taking more time out of your day. Bikes also help work your leg muscles so you will be more fit for other activities like climbing, swimming and lifting. The best thing about biking is you won’t have to spend as much money on gas just to go from one location to the next. You might even find a whole lot of new areas to explore that you never had the chance to see in your car.

10. Memberships
Some people just don’t want to give up their membership to the gym. There are ways around spending a whole lot of money there though. You might want to check with your insurance company prior to purchasing a membership. A lot of insurance companies will offer you 30% off your purchase because you are making an effort to stay healthy. Of course, you could always ask around your place of employment or clubs to see if they also give you a discount for gyms. Many places will even offer military discounts for active duty and dependents so there is no harm in asking. There are also many different promotions and coupons that will allow you to save a whole lot of money on your gym membership purchase. The key is to shop around and wait for the right moment before you buy a membership anywhere.

It might be too late to working on the bikini body, but it isn’t too late to get into a healthy routine. With these tips you will be on the right track to fitness without having to empty out your bank account. Above all, you will have a whole lot of fun finding your healthy niche and improving the way you feel about your body.

Author: Chelsey McQuitty

Cheap Ways to Enjoy Professional Framing for Your Art

Any art major knows how rough framing pieces of art can be. From family portraits to classic art prints, framing can be one of the best ways to preserve your favorite images while allowing them to increase in value. However, if you don’t have the money to invest hundreds in the framing process you might not get exactly what you want out of your framing experience. There are many different tricks that can help you avoid spending a lot of money on your frames. With these tips you can easily reduce your price for shipping while finding the perfect match for your favorite art work to find a more permanent home.

1. Avoid Galleries
There are a lot of galleries out there that will promise you a professional quality framing job and they won’t be lying. When you go to a gallery you’ll end up with a beautiful frame and moisture proofing that will keep you work looking great for decades. Of course, you will also be paying a small fortune for something that probably isn’t even worth a half of what the art is worth. When you head to a gallery you’ll be paying full price, or more, for a custom frame, glass and all of the other services that are required when it comes to framing. When you choose to go to a gallery you are at risk for having to pay a lot of extra hidden fees. So, you should always make sure that you have all of the prices written down as a confirmation before you leave your work with the gallery. If you’re unsure about the price ask the framer to break down all of the cost so you’ll know exactly what you’re paying for. You might even ask the framer if they have items on clearance prior to making any final decisions. A lot of galleries also will try to push services you don’t need, so make sure to know what you’re looking for before you go in so you won’t leave paying for things you don’t.

2. Standard Sizes
A lot of the major charges when it comes to framing have to do with the type of art you bring in. If you can, it is always good to work with art that comes in a standard size. Standard sizing will help you save money simply because it means you won’t have to buy a custom frame. Purchasing a custom frame can really run your hundreds of dollars for the frame alone, so if you have a standard size you will already be frame and mat ready,. This means there will be less of a charge for the frame and glass cutting. The less work someone has to put into your project is the less you will actually have to pay for your project. It also means that you’ll be getting your work back a lot sooner.

3. Unique Sizes
Unique sized artwork can be difficult and expensive to frame, but there are a few ways to help keep your budget down without forcing you to to sacrifice your work. One solution to your problem is to cut off any excess paper to help give the shape of a piece that can fit into a standard size frame. Of course, a lot of the this isn’t an option. In this case all you need to do is shop for a frame that is three frame sizes larger than your piece. Once this has been taken care of you can easily create a custom mat that will take away from the misshaped frame. Mats are generally a whole lot cheaper than buy a frame so you can easily spend more money in this direction opposed to actually creating a frame for an awkward sized piece. This tip is especially important for painters who like to frame finished work for selling purposes.

4. Buy in Bulk
If you’re planning to open up a show, or just like uniformity in the home then buying in bulk will certainly help you out. Generally, you can buy a large selection of mats or matting supplies in bulk which is especially good for anyone who loves to add a little extra color to their pieces. Mats give artwork a finished look and can really add to a dull frame when given the opportunity. A lot of people use mats to make oddly shapes pieces look more at home in frames, so if you come across a package of mats it might be wise to pick it up if it is generously priced. Of course, you can also pick up a lot of frames in bulk. This is especially true if you love the modern metallic frame look. These frames can be used for so much and really had a distinguished look to your work. The best thing is a lot of them come in two or more packages to help many artist keep a uniform look for their gallery or exhibitions.

5. Avoid Cheap Materials
Although you might not think about it at the time, buying cheap materials can really cost you a lot of money in the future. Usually, when people decide to opt for this type of material they are on a tight budget and feel that it will help them make the most out their art for the time being. Unfortunately, years down the line many people find that they have to replace the frames and sometimes the art work too. Cheap materials allow dust and grime to build up without you realizing it, which means your favorite portrait or art piece is slowly going to decline in quality until one day you won’t be able to show it off any more. When you do spend money on frames that offer a professional quality you won’t have to deal with this because the frame is air locked so your art will be preserved for decades to come. A lot of cheap materials will also leave marks on your artwork. For instance, if you use a black frame then you might know a black ring around your artwork that you won’t be able to erase. So, even if it seems like the best bet to take your work the cheaper route, if you intend on keeping it presentable your might want to reconsider the more expensive route.

6. Do It Yourself
Like with many hobbies, learning to do the work on your own will allow you to take a lot of the power over your artwork. Learning this craft might be easier than you think and will also allow you to work on your projects so you can have it completed faster than ever. One of the easiest part of framing is learning how to cut a mat. This step can be done by watching free tutorials online or using the trial and error method. Even if you only take the hobby this far you will be saving a lot of money when it comes to the final cost of your framing needs. Learning how to do the actual framing aspect of this hobby might mean you need to take a course. Some people can pick it up fairly quickly though, especially if they have a lot of experience with wood and glass work. If you want to learn to build your own frames then you might be on a new educational adventure. Framing itself can be very lucrative though, so if you do learn how you can always use it to make a little extra spending cash. It will also mean that you’ll have to go through framing companies a lot less that you normally would.

7. Coupons and Sales
All frugal shoppers know how to spot a good sale or coupon when they see it. Framing sales and coupons can be a little different though. You will actually have to go in search of these items and keep an eye for them constantly. A lot of hobby stores, such as Micheals, will allow provide sales once a month that offer as much as 75% off custom framing jobs. So, if you have a lot of work that needs to be completed then you will want to send it right away when these sales occur. Generally, if you’re a loyal customer you will be given emails that have plenty of coupons too. You might end up not seeing your work for awhile though because these sales are so big that many people will rush in to get their art and important documents framed up. However, if you’re in no rush and you’re looking to save then it might be best to go this route. You should also check on other framing locations in your town to see if they offer a program to help frequent framers out on their purchase.

8. Paint
You might find that sometimes you get the urge to have something reframed just because the frame is looking a bit old. Well, there are many solutions to this problem that don’t involve you spending a lot of money on a new framing arrangement. To begin with, you might want to try adding a coat of paint or stain to an old frame. Generally, older frames that are made of certain materials tend to look worn down if they aren’t kept up. So, try to add a vibrant color to make the frame a little bit more modern or child friends. If you’re looking for a more professional look then add a nice stain or a coat of black paint to give it a sleeker look. Make sure you put painters tape around the glass though as this will help keep the glass clean. Of course, if the problem is the glass then try having a fresh piece cut. This will only cost a small amount, so you won’t have to waste money on getting the whole item re-framed. If you feel like the frame isn’t working with your art then try adding a fresher piece to it! This will allow you save one buying more frames when you still have perfectly good frames in use.

9. Recycle Glass
Glass is an expensive part of the framing process, but you can work around some of these major cost. For instance, a lot of glass from frames that look worn out of have been broken can be replaced by glass from other frames. This is a great way to keep your favorite frames in commission while getting rid of frames that just don’t work out with your style or theme. Of course, not everyone wants to keep the glass from frames. So, if you find yourself with a lot of extra glass you can always take it into a recycling facility. It depends on the state in which you live, but many will actually give you money back for bringing in the glass.

10. Utilize Spacers
An easy way to cut down on cost is to use an item called a spacer. Spacers are generally used to help bring definition into a frame. This amazing effect will really help improve the way your favorite art pieces look in the frame. However, a spacer can always be used to replace a mat. Instead of doing several layers of mats you can choose look and use a spacer to make the frame job look complete. This is a particularly good step when it comes to saving money on larger jobs, without having to sacrifice the look of your custom work.

Framing can add a nice look to your home or gallery if you want to create a professional atmosphere. With these tips you can actually save money on something that used to cost people hundreds of dollars. Now, your guest will be so impressed with your home’s look that they will have to tell everyone how art savvy you are.

Create a Splash This Summer With Pool Savings

As the summer heat begins to rise, there is nothing that can soothe the discomfort quite like a pool in your very own backyard. Many people stray away from this route because they think having a pool can be too expensive for the family budget. There is, however, many different ways to help cut back on the cost of your pool, so you can easily keep one without having to worry about dealing with financial setback. With these tips you will easily be able to surprise your kids with a pool so the entire family can bond together as you enjoy swimming and avoiding the heat together.

1. Run Filter at Night
A lot of people keep their pool filter running constantly which can really make your electric bill jump. The filter is a necessary part of keeping a pool clean, but the fact is it doesn’t have to be left on all of the time. During the day most pool owners will want to spend time in their pool, meaning the water will constantly be moving and getting dirty. So, if you’re looking to save money then you might want to keep your filter off during the busier portions of the day. One thing to factor in, of course, is your electric company’s peak hours. This is why running your filter at night is the best options. This way you are running on a smaller rate for your electric bill and the filter won’t have to work around all of the body’s in the pool.

2. Use a Smaller Pump
A lot of prepackaged pools come with a pump that is actually too large for the pool. Yes, it is always great to have a big pump for hygiene reasons, but you can settle for one that is smaller. This is particularly true with the prepackaged above ground pools. While your oversized pump is working to keep your pool clean it is using up a lot more electricity than it should. With a smaller pump you minimize the amount of electricity needed to clean while still allowing the job to get done. A larger pump also processes the chemicals too fast, so you will constantly have to workout your chemical balance while replacing the chemicals the pool has already pumped out. This can be one of the most expensive aspects of pool cleaning! So, with a smaller pump your pool will be able to maintain the proper levels while using up less of your resources.

3. Pool Covers
Utilizing a pool cover can be one of the wisest and cheapest decisions on your part. In some areas these covers are required because they help protect neighborhookd children and animals. Of course, even if they aren’t required you should consider having on your pool whenever it isn’t in use. It is not only a safety factor, but a financial one too. When you put a cover over your pool you are actually preventing bugs, dirt, leaves and other things from polluting your pool. This means that the chemicals and filter don’t have to work as hard to keep your pool clean, so you won’t have to deal with purchasing a lot of new chemicals or dealing with a higher electric bill. Covers can also be used to keep in the warmth of your heated pool. This will help the heater stay off for longer as the thermostat will stay higher with the cover locking in all the heat.

4. Don’t Build Your Own
Spending the time and money to put in your own pool can cost you a small fortune. After you gr through all of the permits to get the job started you will still have to wait quite some time before you actually get to dip your toes in the water. An in ground pool can actually run you thousands of dollars so you might want to try opting for something a bit cheaper. There are a wide assortment of above ground pools that can help you save while still enjoying the pool. One of the best things is these pools are easy to set up so you don’t have to deal with the long wait. So, if you have a family that likes to stay active in the pool then you might check out one of the charger liner pools. Of course, it might be easier to grab an smaller inflatable pool if you have younger children who just want to splash around. These pools take less to fill and are easy to store away off season.

5. Don’t Drain the Pool
One of the major financial factors when it comes to having a pool is filling it up. A lot of people believe they have to completely drain the pool when they clean it which is a total waste of resources and money. Instead of dumping out your pool water you should always try to treat it with chemicals that can get the job done for a lot cheaper. Draining your pool can also lead to flooding within the neighborhood. Usually, neighbors are very understanding, but if you damage their possession or destroy their gardens you could be sued. So, when it comes to having pool water that looks too bad to dive into you should always try to find the best combination of chemicals or hire a professional to help you get your pool back in order. This is especially important if you have an in ground pool that is tricky to clean up.

6. Larger Isn’t Better
When it comes to choosing a pool you don’t have to pick the largest on the market. In fact, it is best to try to choose a pool that is quite a bit smaller than your yard. Generally when choosing a pool you should consider your family’s needs. Most family’s want a place for their children to cool down in the summer or to sit and relax with friends while enjoying a nice barbeque. A standard sized above ground pool is one of the easiest ways to meet these needs. If you want to swim laps in your pool then it might be better to have a training pool instead. You don’t have to opt for the in ground pool or super large pool that will take up your entire yard. Remember, the bigger your pool is the more water you will to provide for it, as well as chemicals and equipment to keep the pump going. So, going smaller not only saves on the initial price of the pool but on the yearly cost as well.

7. Add on Slowly
One of the major mistakes people make when they purchase a pool is they think they need to accessorize all at once. Usually when you get a pool children are happy just to enjoy splashing and playing in the water. So, get accustomed to the pool before you start to feel out the accessories you need to buy. Sometimes, families enjoy the pool without having to have extras for a number of years. If you really think you need to add on to your pool then you can pick noodles or scuba gear that will add a little extra to your children’s games. Once you really get used to the way your pool feels you can start to plan out a slide or other big toys that will make your pool more fun.

8. Watch Ph Levels
A lot of people don’t know a whole lot about ph levels when they buy a pool. One of the most cost effective things you can do is educate yourself on the matter, so you can monitor your own ph levels. These levels work out really well when it comes to keeping your pool clean. The important thing about monitoring levels is you know the correct balance for your system. If you can find a good balance then you will be able to reduce the chemicals you put in your system. This will help save you a lot of money as you won’t have to constantly go out and buy chemicals to keep your pool clean.

9. Fence Your Pool In
You might not think about it, but one great way to avoid spending on your pool is to fence it in. Yes, this help keeps the neighbors out of the pool, but the real reason for doing this is to help prevent wind damage on your pool walls. Many above ground pools can take in a lot of damage while they are under heavy winds. In fact, some wind storms can totally knock over a pool, or at least rip the liner and dump out the water. Adding a fence will slow down the wind that hits your pool so the damage will be totally minimal. If you’re worried about how it will look to keep the pool fenced in then have no fear. You don’t have to use a big and bulky fence, but can choose something that suits your home. You can even add shrubbery as a fence to help improve your pools maintenance cost.

10. Watch for Leaks
Leaks are one of the major problems with pools, especially if you’re using a pool that requires a liner. One of the best things you can do is monitor your pool for leaks every other day. This will allow you to catch any leaks before they cost you a lot of water or before a tear forms in your liner. Fixing a tear or replacing the liner can be expensive, so by simply looking out for your pool you can save yourself hundreds of dollars. Leaks are easy and cheap to fix if you can find them in time, so act fast. All you have to look for when it comes to pool leaks is excess water in certain areas or an abnormality in liner. Once you’ve found a leak patch it and move on to enjoy your pool without worry.

Maintaining a pool can be a lot of fun when you stop worrying about the costs. With these ten tips you can take care of your pool and enjoy having it up and running without having to feel guilty about the budget cuts you’ve made in other areas. So, from now on your summers don’t have to be as hot and uncomfortable. Instead, you can soak up some sun in a nice cool pool that will keep you satisfied.

Author: Chelsey McQuitty

Incredible Sea World Deals that Will Bring Adventure to Your Family

If you can’t get past the theme park family vacation rut than you might want to check out the wonderful adventures you can have at Sea World. This amazing park combines the fun of an amusement park with the magic of an aquarium. Pricing might vary between these locations, but if you’re really booking to keep to a tight budget there are a lot of different ways that you avoid the massive vacation price if you try. With these ten tips you’ll be on your way to having fun at the Sea World park without once worrying about the cash you are spending on your vacation.

1. Season Pass
Tickets for Sea World can be a bit pricey if yu’re trying to stick to a budget. There is a solution to your dilemma though, that will help you save money throughout the park. This solution, of course, is a season pass. A season pass cost a small amount more than a day’s ticket to the park and will allow you to get into the park for the entire year. So, if you live close to the park then this might be one of the best values for your family. If not, you might want to consider the other benefits of the pass. For instance, season pass holders don’t have to pay for parking, which generally runs you around $12 each time you enter the park. You also won’t have to stand in line with everyone else in order to receive tickets which can be one of the biggest appeals for the pass. No longer will you have to waste an hour or two of your day just to get inside! You might also love the fact that you will receive discounts throughout the park, which can really help make the day worth it. Finally, when you order online you can get $10 or more off your ticket pricing.

2. Plan Your Route
One of the main reasons families tend to over spend is because they are tired, hungry or thirsty. It is pretty hard to avoid exhaustion on vacation, especially when you have the summer months beating down on you. There is a way to help combat the fatigue that will lead you to purchasing more than you actually need though. For example, planning out a route is actually one of the best ways to take on your experience. Sea World is designed in a way that you can easily take on the full park without having to feel extremely sun drained at the end of the day. When you first enter the park in the morning you might try to visit displays that are outdoors. When the weather begins to hit them you will want to jump from outdoor exhibit to indoor exhibit, which will allow you to cool down while still seeing so much of the park. At mid-day you should try to make your way to the shows where you can sit down, enjoy a drink and get a little wet in the splash zones. As the weather begins to cool down again you can move throughout the items you missed.

3. Parking
There isn’t a whole lot your can do about the outrageous parking cost apart from avoid them. With a season pass you park in the Sea World parking for free, so this might be one of the best routes to take. Of course, if you don’t want to buy a pass then you still have a few other options. A lot of time cities will offer parking that is slightly nearby Sea World. The parking probably won’t be free, but it will be half of the price of the Sea World parking. You might also have quite a walk when you go this route. One of the best thing you can do is take public transportation to the park. Most cities will have a bus line that runs near the park so you will have an easy way to get the park and back to your hotel without having to worry about parking your car. Some hotels will even provide a shuttle free of cost, which is probably the most convenient way to get where you’re gong.

4. Souvenirs
Everyone wants a souvenir of their trip, especially children. Most of the souvenir shops in the park will have the typical over priced items, so you might want to avoid these stores if you can. Instead, try to hit up the ten dollar or less shop that caters to smaller items that cater to families that need to stick to a budget. This shop is filled with cute games and smaller toys that will please most children. You might even find a cute hat or top in this smaller gift shop. If you’re looking to spend very little on souvenirs then you might love some of the machines that will cost you less than a dollar. One machine will squish a penny and leave a Sea World design that will allow you to keep it and show it off. There is also a wax machine that cost around $2 to $5 to operate. This machine will make your chosen animal out of wax right before your eyes. This is a perfect gift for kids to bring home and show to their friends. If you are looking to spend a little more then you might want to invest in one of the Sea World cups. These specific cups will allow you to purchase refills for $.99 throughout the year.

5. Food
Many families struggle with the cost of food while they’re at an amusement park. Prices tend to be over the top and if you aren’t careful you can easily surpass a budget if you choose to eat three meals at the park. Sea World generally doesn’t allow you to bring a lot of food in the park, but you can pack away a bag of chips, or other small snack, and a bottle of water. Certain parks will even allow you to bring in a small cooler, but you might call ahead of time to ask. The great thing about Sea World is you can leave the park and come back throughout the day without having to pay to re-enter. Simply get your hand stamped and your all set for all day entry. This means you can easily pack a lunch and a cooler of drinks and leave it in your car as a nice break from the park. Doing this can save you over a hundred dollars, so don’t feel bad about it. It might also be a nice break to sit in your comfortable seats with a little air conditioning while you eat something a bit healthier than what the park has to offer.

6. Promotions
Like all amusement parks, Sea World has a lot of promotions throughout the year. The best way you can plan for your family’s vacation is to look out ahead of time. If you can check for deals every week then you might be able to snag some really great steals for your vacations. One of the best things to do is keep an eye on ticket discounts during the off season so you can secure an amazing deal for everyone. Sometimes, you can join a club for the park that will send you emails about freebies and discounts that will ensure your time in the park will be incredibly frugal.

7. Sharing
There are a lot of events the park offers that can easily be shared. For instance, most parks will sell fish so guest can feed the sea lions and dolphins. This is a great way to create memories for your children and isn’t expensive, unless you decide to pay for every child to do it. When you purchase fish they generally come with six fish per order, so you don’t need purchase for multiple people. Simply, give a fish or two to each of your children and enjoy watching them have fun with nature. You can also purchase snacks and drinks for everyone to share. For instance, you can usually pay a fairer price for the biggest drink on sale, which is plenty of fluid to go between every family member. You can also purchase pretzels, funnel cakes and other oversized treats that can be spread out between family members. This will allow you to experience some of the food without having to go broke because of it.

8. Shows
Sea World offers a lot of exciting and humorous shows throughout the day, so make sure you hit all of them. The shows are free which makes them the best event to allow your family to cool down and relax after a few hours of walking. Usually, you should try to catch the 2nd or 3rd showing so that you won’t have to fight the crowds to see the show. If you’re really looking to cool down during one of the shows then you might want to grab seats in the front rows, especially if you have kids. These seats are called the spray zones and they pretty much guarantee that you’ll be sprayed or splashed at some point during the show. These shows generally last between half an hour to an hour so you will still have plenty of time to see other shows or check out attractions.

9. Rides
Everyone loves to hit the rides at the amusement parks and Sea World certainly offers something for everyone. There is a good and bad time to try to ride though. Usually, if you make it to the park early in the morning then you might want to go ahead and jump in a few lines to ride the roller coasters for a couple of hours. When the park begins to get more crowded then you should probably take a break and see some other exhibits. Usually, when the park tends to die down a bit it is safe to hit the rides once again. Avoiding the lines during the day is important for many reasons. For starters, the amount of time you spend in the lines will take away from the park hours. Time spent in line during the heat also means that you’ll want to spend more money on drinks to help cool yourself down. So, in general, it is best to avoid long lines whenever you visiting this amazing park.

10. Ask for Discounts
Sea World offers a lot of discounts that you might never know about unless you ask. For instance, if you’re active duty military you don’t have to pay for a ticket to get into the park. This only works once every year, so choose your timing wisely. Dependents and retired military will also be able get into the park at a reduced price. Teachers will also get a discount or free entrance into the park at times too, so make sure to ask when you go to buy a ticket. There are many common discounts like those for senior citizens and the disabled, so if you feel you fall into a certain category then ask your ticket merchant. Children and students are also privy to a certain price so make sure to bring student id cards whenever you go to the park.

Sea World is one of the most exciting places to go while you’re on vacation, so don’t skip it just because you are feeling insecure about your budget. With these tips you can enjoy the entire park without having to worry about spending too much money on all of the little add ons that add up to too much. Instead, you can enjoy the people you’re meant to spend time with without having to have your fun fueled by cash.

Author: Chelsey McQuitty

See the World with Less Money than You Think

Traveling the world seems to be on many people’s bucket list, but so many fail to actually follow this dream because they think it will cost them too much money. When you begin to travel abroad the price tag may begin to look overwhelming if you don’t know some of the trick to eliminate a large portion of the cost. Whether you want to explore the countries surrounding your own, or want to cross the ocean to find yourself in a whole new environment, there are many ways to eliminate cost so you can take the time to enjoy the beautiful world. You don’t have to refrain from your dream vacation, instead try reworking your numbers with some of these helpful tips.

1. Money Conversion
A lot of new travelers feel that they live in the digital world and shouldn’t have to carry around cash, which can be a huge problem when you go abroad. It isn’t that you won’t be able to find ATM machines or use your credit cards in stores, restaurants and hotels because most foreign countries will take these items as long as they are VISA or Mastercard. The fact of the matter is, when you use your card to make a purchase or pull out foreign currency you’re going to lose a lot of money in the conversion. Generally, most banks don’t charge a whole lot when it comes to converting your money for you, but by using the card abroad you will be looking at some major fees just for using the card outside of the country. Typically this will cost you two to five dollars, which doesn’t seem like much, but if you’re doing this often you might find that you’ve spend at least $100 on charges alone. The best thing you can do is get a set amount of money converted before you leave for your trip. It is usually best to do this at the bank as many airports will charge you a bit extra for this service. If you run out of money then you can use your card, but don’t forget to look around for a currency converter before you do this.

2. Tourism Cards
If you plan on going to a lot of places, or even if you don’t, a tourism card can be one of your greatest allies on the money saving front. These cards are generally purchased for a 24, 48 or 72 hour range which make them perfect for anyone who is not going to be in the city for very long. These cards are packed full of deals though, so make sure you look for one for each city you will be spending a large portion of time in. These cards are specifically designed to make exploration easier and cheaper for tourist. The cards allow you to get on public transportation for free, so you can exclude the cost of that expense when you plan your vacation. Typically, the cards also give you free admission to museums and other sites that tourist tend to flock to while on vacation, which makes your entertainment budget go down too. To top it all off you get plenty of discounts on a wide assortment of restaurants and stores, as well as some hotel rooms.

3. Accommodations
Many tourist have heard that hostels are the way to go when you’re traveling, which can be true. There is another option that has been made available due to the internet though. For many younger or single travelers a form of international couch surfing has become incredibly popular. Websites, such as, allow users to find a place to sleep while they are in a city for a day or two. This can be one of the best ways to cheaply travel as most people generally don’t charge you to crash on their couch as long as you can return the favor for them. This service also allows people to make friends quickly which can improve the way you see any given city. If couch surfing isn’t your idea of a good time then staying at a hostel is probably your cheapest bet. If you do want to stay in a hotel, which is better for families, try to look for one that is further away from tourist areas. This will allow you to save on a hotel as well as food.

4. Fresh Markets
While your out and about you might want to take advantage of the fresh markets that many foreign countries have. This is a great way to have a meal on the go that won’t cost you a whole lot of money. Most fresh markets will provide you with fruits, vegetables, breads, cheeses and meats that will really give you the full experience of the country you are visiting. If you’re exploring the city try picking up some freshly baked bread or a nice piece of fruit to munch on while you walk to your next destination. Snacking like this in many cities is the best way to cut down on your food budget as most of the things you will be purchasing will only cost you mere cents. If your hotel has a place to cook you might want to grab some food for a later dinner, so you don’t have to eat at a restaurant every time you go out.

5. Transportation
Getting around abroad can be easier than you think. The cheapest way to get from one destination to the next, apart from walking, is to take public transportation. Usually, you can get a transit card for the day for very little money. This will allow you to commute from one area to the next just like the locals do. Most foreign places have a very good transit system, especially if you are visiting a city, so you won’t have to worry about wasting time waiting on buses to arrive. If you’re planning on staying in an area for a little while then you could also look into renting a bicycle. This will allow you to get around for cheaper and will give you a local experience you will love to talk about for years. When you’re abroad you should try to avoid taxis and rental cars because they will take over a lot of your budget. The best way to get around is to do what the locals are doing!

6. Pack Light
You might not realize it but packing light can help save you quite a bit of money. You don’t need a whole wardrobe when you go abroad and packing on can really hold you up when you’re traveling. For starters, bags that weight too much can actually force you to pay more fees at the airport when you go to check in. Heavier bags are also a lot harder to get onto buses and other forms of transportation that will get you to your resting destination. Not to mention, if you pack a full bad before you leave then you won’t have room for all of your souvenirs at the end of the trip. The best thing you can do is pack as little as possible. You can always do laundry while you’re abroad, so try to pack a bag that easy to carry and possibly might work as a carry on.

7. Airline
Choosing the right airline can be one of the most important choices when it comes to saving money on your trip abroad. Airline tickets generally seem to be where most people start when it comes to planning out their trip, of course, it is also where a lot of people stop. If you know how to look for the right airline you might not seem to think the price is too bad. For instance, a lot of airlines that are less popular will charge you less money to fly with them. You can also opt out of meal plans and other extras you know you won’t want on the plane. You should also look at less popular airlines when you fly too. If you plan on visiting more than one country on your trip then look into the various areas for the cheapest flight. While you’re abroad you will also find that is it much cheaper to fly from location to location. For instance, if you play your cards right you could get a flight from London to Dublin for only a pound! No matter what airline you choose you should always book your flight well in advance. This will give you a few extra savings to work with. Also, try to have someone drop you off at the airport so you don’t have to deal with parking fees!

8. Don’t Use Your Phone
With today’s world being so closely connected with social media it might be tough for people to actually turn off their phone and enjoy the vacation. Turning off your phone can be one of the most important things you do while you’re away though. Most cellphone companies don’t cover international use unless you have a specific plan, which can be expensive. This means that having your phone on can mean you’re racking up some major roaming cost. While you’re on vacation try to enjoy your time abroad without constantly talking to people on the phone. This will allow you to fully take in your surroundings without forcing you to pay a huge fee when you return from your trip. If you really need to get in touch with family then send them an email or post a social media status using wi-fi that can be found at many cafes.

9. Try the Special
When you go abroad try not to stick to your typical eating habits. One way to truly experience a country is to dine like the natives do, which might take a lot of courage on your part. An easy way of doing this is to eat the daily special at a restaurant you go to. Generally, the special tends to be something that is in season and that many people in the country will find to be comfort food. You might actually be surprised as to how much you will like some of the foreign dishes. The best thing is most of the time specials are about half of the price of a regular meal so you will get your fill for a whole lot less. If you can try to plan your meal time around lunch then you will save even more money and the food will help keep you full until you can buy something smaller for a later meal.

10. Free Sights
The best thing about going abroad is there are so many things you can see that won’t cost you a penny. For instance, if you’re traveling to Paris you can spend time in front of the Eiffel Tower for no cost at all. This will allow you to absorb the beautiful of the wonder as well as take in some French culture when you dine at the park next to it. You can still pay to go up into the Eiffel Tower, but it tends to be cramped and uncomfortable. You can also check out the Versailles Palace gardens for free, but they do charge you to go inside. In England you can go from museum to museum without paying a dime, which can take days to do. There are many other free things you can do abroad, so make sure you do your research before you plan your entertainment budget.

Everyone should have the chance to check out another country, but with a tight budget it might seem impossible. With these simple tips you too can finally have the vacation of your dreams without having to go broke doing it. You might even find something out about yourself that you never knew before, which will make the vacation well worth the cash involved.

Author: Chelsey McQuitty

Computer Shopping Tips That Will Make You Feel Like a Technology Guru

Computers are a major purchase for most households, which means upgrading can take a lot time to budget into the households expenses. This can be a problem when something bad happens to a computer and households can end up not having this important technology in their home for some time. There are many ways to avoid the high price of computers when you do need to replace an old one. When you follow these simple tips you can knock at least a hundred dollars off of the price of your computer, which can help make your budget happier than ever.

1. Upgrade Older Machine
You might not think about it when you are having computer problems, but upgrading an older computer can actually solve your computer crisis. If you have a computer that is running slowly or just doesn’t fit your household’s needs then you can always upgrade various pieces of the machine. You might have to have the computer checkout out by a professional before you do this, but it can really keep you from spending a whole lot of money on a newer model. Generally, when you have an older computer you will need to provide it with a new processor or other items that can help spend it up. Adding new memory to the machine is generally a bonus too, especially if you plan on adding new software or playing games. A lot of the time you will have to upgrade the graphics card too in order to keep up with the newer programs. Of course, these pieces might cost more than you would want to spend on their own, but when you compare it to buying an all new computer then you will be doing a whole lot better money wise.

2. Shop Used/Refurbished
If you’re looking for a new computer then you might already be making a huge mistake. When it comes to budgeting you should always looking into the used and refurbished section before planning on spending a lot more cash on a brand new machine. There are a lot of used computers that come backed with a warranty from the supplier. Generally, these computers are still in perfect order and can really make you happy with your choice. A lot of companies will also offer you a refurbished item, which means that the computer has been altered to its original factory setting. This will make you feel like you have a brand new computer without having to pay the hundreds of dollars extra to get one. Refurbished computers are great starter computers too, so if you’re looking to get your child their first machine then you might want to start off here.

3. Know What You Want
When it comes to buying a computer it is actually incredibly important to know what you want before you go shopping. In a lot of cases, shoppers who blindly look at computers will end up paying a lot of extra money for things they don’t actually need or want. So, before you go shopping make sure you have a list that will help you decide what machine will work best for your personal needs. If you shop online or order a custom computer you can actually get it with very few items already attached to it. The more you add onto a computer the more you will have to pay out of pocket, so try to limit the things you add on to items you actually need. This is especially true for software that comes with many of the newer computers as manufactures tend to try to bundle different software to encourage people to buy from them.

4. Build Your Own
You might not realize it, but building your own computer can be one of the best things you do. Although, you might need to have a little technological know how, or at least have a friend that does before you try this. When you build your own computer you have to order each individual part to your specification. This will allow you to get exactly what you want in a computer without forcing you to spend money on things you don’t really need. When you plan out your future computer you should have a list of all of the items you need to get it up and running. You should also so research before you purchase the items as you are going to need make sure you are getting good quality item. This is especially important when it comes to cooling devices for the computer. As you choose items for your new computer make sure you keep in mind that you can always upgrade later, so you don’t have to spend a fortune on items today.

5. Rebates/Coupons
When it comes to purchasing something new the best thing you can do is look for coupons and rebates prior to making any purchase. The great thing about internet shopping is there is a wide selection of coupons that can take a lot of money off of your purchase. This is especially important on big items such as computers. So, before you choose a location to buy your computer from look around for coupons that can help get rid of a percentage of your fee. You might also want to call and ask about rebates for your computer. Rebates are one of the best ways to save if you have the cash to pay for an item up front. Sometimes, rebates can even give your hundreds of dollars in return, which is more than a fair deal. The effort you tend to put into your work the better off you are going to be when it comes to tallying up the final cost of your purchase. You might also want to wait and look for a new computer whenever there is a sale going on, which will take off just a little more at the end of the purchase.

6. Say No to Brand New
When you’re shopping you might be tempted to buy a brand new model of computer. This can be a huge mistake in terms of money though. Generally, new models don’t have a whole lot of new features to justify the cost so you will end up spending up $200 of more for a model that is just as good as an older one. A lot of new models, especially with brand new operating systems, often have a lot of kinks that need to be worked out before being used effectively. These problems can cause you a lot of grief and might even make your experience with the computer seem like a huge mistake. So, in order to save some money try to buy a model that you know is going to work well for you. It will be a lot cheaper and you will know that you will be able to smoothly work on the computer without having major issues that can cost you even more money.

7. Shop Around
When you buy anything you should never settle for the first price you seen. Shopping around is one of the most rewarding things when it comes to buying new products, so don’t make your computer shopping any different. Whenever you are looking for a new computer you should start buy looking online. This will allow you to search local stores as well as online stores. Usually, you will find an outstanding deal online through the manufactures site or sites that are designed to get you the best deal possible, like Amazon. If you do find a computer online that is from a store such as Best Buy or Wal Mart then you might fight it more useful to actually go to the store in person to pick up the computer. This saves you on shipping cost, but might also help you not pay several of the fees that are often tacked onto the price. You might even get lucky and find the salesperson can offer you a reduction or rebate for shopping in the store. Make sure you have spend some time thinking on the purchase though, so you won’t be disappointed in what you get.

8. Stay Away From Extended Warranty
When you purchase your computer you will be offered the option of an extended warranty. This is usually not a great buy. Generally, when you purchase a computer it comes with a warranty that guarantees you a certain amount of protection for your purchase. Typically this warranty with cover most of the issues you will have to deal with when it comes to the computer. An extended warranty often doesn’t cover a lot of the problems you will have after the original warranty expires. Sure, it will cover an occasional repair, but with the money you put down on the extended warranty you can easily pay for the repair yourself. There is a lot of fine print when it comes to extended warranties too, which could cause you to not to get the services you need out of the warranty you’ve paid a lot of money for. So, if you’re really worried about your new computer breaking you should take the money you’d put on the extended warranty and put it in your savings account to help pay for a new computer or any needed repairs.

9. Operating System
When you buy a computer it is crucial that you make sure there is already an operating system installed. This will help save you hundreds of dollars. Usually computer come with the operating software, but if you’re looking to save money you might accidentally purchase one that is entirely blank. If you miss out on an operating system you could end up spending more money than you saved just to get an updated version of the software you need to run the computer. If you are unsure if a computer always has its software installed then make sure you ask a sales person before you purchase. You can typically find what the computer comes with one the box or on a display near the computer. You will also want to make sure to backup your software on a disc so you won’t have to but it later on.

10. Accessorize Later
A lot of today’s computers offer all sorts of bells and whistles, which is nice but can cost a fortune. If you’re looking to save then you should always try to buy these things after you have made you initial purchase. For instance, some laptops come with a webcam already installed in the computer. This can really hike of the price, so make sure that you’re getting a computer that is simply designed. You can always buy a cheap microphone and webcam when your budget permits. A lot of computers will also try to tie in game packages and anti-virus software. These are totally unnecessary for an initial purchase so skip out on the option and order something that is cost effective for you when you are ready. You might also be offered software such as Photoshop and Dragon, which are both very expensive and can really make your computer seem ridiculously price. You should also avoid customized exteriors until later as well!

Purchasing a computer is something most people will do a few times in their lifetime. It doesn’t have to be a difficult or expensive task if you know what you’re doing. With these simple tips you can have a computer that runs like a dream without having to empty your bank account to get to it. Now, you can enjoy the time you spend on your computer without worrying about what can go wrong.

Author: John Terris

Makeover Your Kitchen Without Refurbishing Your Wallet

There comes a time when the kitchen just isn’t what we need in our home and the dreaded words of remodeling and budget tend to get thrown around a lot. This can be a scary time in any homeowner’s life and can take a whole lot of planning that might cause you to be at your wit’s end. One way to avoid a lot of the turmoil is to follow a few simple steps that can take your remodeling from frustration to a important time that will bring joy to your family in the future. Whether you’re remodeling to sale your home or trying to make the home more comfortable for your growing family, you will love these tips cut back on the talk about budget and allow you bring to life the kitchen of your dreams.

1. Shop Secondhand Stores
When you’re remodeling your kitchen you don’t have to go for the newest items for your home. There are a lot of secondhand cabinets, fixtures and islands that can turn your kitchen into your own personal haven. Secondhand items should be purchased with care though as many stores might you cabinets that won’t work right in your home, so make sure you know what you’re looking for. One of the best things you can do is try to shop at the Habitat for Humanity Outlet. This store will sell off excess supplies to anyone who needs the items, which can save you money and will allow you to donate to a good cause. Habitat for Humanity tends to sale off items they didn’t need on a project or items that are still in good shape that were extracted from a home. This means you’ll be getting good quality even if the items have been used before.

2. Remember Functionality Not Space
When you start to plan out your new kitchen don’t try to make your kitchen more spacious. Yes, spacious areas are nice, but when it comes to sticking to a budget you should always have functionality in mind. This means adding areas that make sense next to each other so you can move around the kitchen in a manner that makes complete sense. This might be as simple as making the microwave area above the stove, or adding in cabinets that spin so you can store more items. When it comes to adding space to your kitchen it is usually best to only do this when it is absolutely necessary. When adding space you tend to have to knock down walls and possible add more onto the house or put up more walls. This is where the big money comes in, so it is best to try to maximize the space you have, so you can get in and out of the kitchen with the least amount of labor and financial burden as possible.

3. Demolition
If you do decide that adding on is the way to go then try to tear down as much as you can on your own. This can be one of the most favored parts of saving money because typically you can find a lot of volunteers that are more than ready to take a sledge hammer to a wall. When you do knock down a wall make sure you are careful as you don’t want to do damage to pipes or get hurt. You can also take out flooring, wallpaper and cabinets on your own. When you do this you are taking a day’s worth of labor off of your bill and you are ensuring that the renovation isn’t just a hired on deal but a labor of love. When you do demolish some of the home make sure to see what can be used again by charity organizations. A lot of the time many charities will take on the majority of your rubbish which will help them out and save you on disposal fees.

4. Leave the Sink
Remodeling the kitchen can be a breeze if you manage to keep the kitchen sink in tact. This is particularly important if you don’t want to pay for a lot of extra labor and potentially clean up a huge mess. The sink is usually connected to a certain area for a reason and moving it can mean reorganizing the pipe work in your kitchen. So, by moving the sink you’re looking at hours of work that will not only tear up the walls in your kitchen but will cost you an absolute fortune. If you do leave the sink then you can easily work around this area and will save enough money to buy a fancier sink that will match your kitchen’s new look.

5. Natural Lighting
There is nothing more relaxing than natural lighting while you work in the kitchen. The only problem is adding more windows to your kitchen can be a huge burden on the budget as well as a difficult task to complete. Providing your home with more windows means purchasing the windows as well adding insulation and weather stripping to ensure that the windows are functioning well for the home. This can run you over a thousand dollars per window, so if your kitchen is lacking in light then you might want to consider replacing fixtures. There are many light fixtures on the market now that actually take bulbs that produce a light that looks and feels natural to you. This is a great way to make the room more comfortable and can save you a lot of money. If you want to add more fixtures into you home it will cost you around $500 per fixture, which is still a grand in savings.

6. Shop Discounted Flooring
When it is time to replace the flooring then you might want to do a lot of shopping around for discounted vendors. There are many retail centers online that will offer you a discounted price on flooring that doesn’t sell as well. This will give you the opportunity to choose between a large variety of wooden floors as well as tiles and vinyl that can suit your kitchen more than you ever thought possible. If you aren’t interested in waiting awhile to get your tiling then you might want to shop around locally. You can always ask a salesperson if they can show you to any discounted or clearanced flooring that will save you a lot of money. This might not give you as big of a selection, but can help you save when you are looking to keep a budget. You might also find a retailer that will offer you free installation when you buy from them, which is a huge help if you don’t know how to install yourself.

7. Buy Imitation Decor
After you have finished up redecorating you might want to look into a few signature pieces that will turn the room into a great place to spend time. The best thing you can do is avoid any piece that is name brand or that comes with a huge price tag. There are many imitation pieces available that will help you save a lot of money. This is especially great if you are trying to keep to a theme that you might grow tired of as the years go by. If you can find a couple basic wall pieces and some floor or counter pieces that you really love then your kitchen will look great. You can also buy a cheaper vase that matches your color scheme, which will allow you to pick or purchase seasonal items that will help you save money as the seasons pass. Decorations are where many people tend to overspend, so make sure you look around for similar pieces before you decide on what should go in your kitchen.

8. DIY
If you plan on doing a major remodel of the home then you should really consider doing as much of the work as possible. This is especially important with the easier task. For instance, you can easily tile your own home with minor instruction. There are many online tutorials and videos that help guide you through your home tiling experience. Another great way to save on money is to paint and wallpaper the walls. This is one of the easiest tasks possible, and will help you put a little love into your home. By doing most of the work yourself you are allowing more of the budget to go into areas of the remodeling that might require more money, such as for an electrician and plumber. A little DIY can help you make a big change to your home and will provide you will a warm feeling that will make you feel like you built the kitchen from scratch.

9. Neutral Colors
Colors are an important part of your remodeling so you will want to choose carefully. Generally, when you are remodeling to sale the home you will want to choose colors that are very neutral. This will make the kitchen look even more appealing to people who are looking into the house. Neutral colors allow people to see themselves living in the home easier as they suit any theme. If you are choosing colors for your own home then you might also want to looking into finding neutral colors that you like. This will allow you to remain happy with your home for longer, and will work well with any phase you might be going through. Neutrals paints can range in color so feel creative when you choose the one’s that are right for your kitchen. Color is especially important when you choose your cabinets as this will be a more permanent fixture in the kitchen than the color of the walls. So, to avoid more work choose a color that you can actually grow with instead of one that is a passing phase.

10. Hauling Materials
There’s a good chance that you’re going to have a lot of material you need to get to your home as well as haul away from the home whenever you remodel the house. The best way to do this is to use your own truck, as hiring someone will cost you a lot of money. If you don’t have your own truck and can’t borrow one from friends and family then you should try to rent a small trailer to help you get rid of your supplies. This can save you a lot of money in comparison to hiring someone as renting is generally a fixed fee for the day, whereas hiring someone might mean paying a lot of money per load. Hauling off your rubbish can be a great finalization task for the remodeling and will allow you to return to a kitchen that makes you want to spend time in it.

Your kitchen is an amazing room that can bring your family closer together. Having a place where you enjoy to spend time is a great way to make cooking and cleaning up less of a chore, so remodeling can really change your life. With these remodeling tips you can turn your kitchen into a room that better suits your family and lifestyle. Now, you don’t have to stress as much about how you’re going to budget your remodeling task and can instead enjoy planning out the beautiful room of your future.

Author: John Terris