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About 1800ceiling: offers helpful information and products to make your ceiling look incredible.

Pros: One of the most efficient things about this website is the amazing tutorials that it offers. You can find instructions to help clean up water damage or simply install an air filter to ensure you did the job right. The website also offers an assortment of products that won't just make your home or business look great but will also help you protect your ceiling. The products are also marked at a decent price, with a fair sale and clearance section that will help you stop damage from happening well before you have to replace anything.

Cons: Although this website can be incredibly helpful when it comes to learning how to do new things, shopping can be a big of a pain in the neck. The navigation appears convenient, but more often than not the products you click on aren't available. You also end up redirecting to Amazon for some of the products, which can be confusing at first. While shopping around on their Amazon page it is hard to know which products come from the shop and which are just recommended. It is a bit of a hassle to deal with, so the website feels a little less secure than most online shoppers would like. The website also doesn't have normal social media follows, nor does it have reviews around the web, which makes it a bit less reliable for some customers.

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