
Ten Ways to Bring in Holiday Cash in Your Spare Time

The holidays can be the worst on your budget. With all of the money quickly jumping out of your pockets, you’re sure to feel your head spinning. If you have a few minutes of spare time each day, you may be able to help make up for the loss of funds that happens during the merry time of the year. There’s lots of great ways you can earn some side money without having to qualify for anything or do training for a job. This can be perfect for stay at home parents, or anyone who is struggling to get all of the gifts they planned to. So, buckle up, because you’re going to want to jump on some of these tips right away.

1. Surveys
You’ve probably heard a lot of people talk about doing surveys for a little extra cash. In most cases, these jobs actually aren’t a scam and you can receive incentive payments for taking random surveys. Usually these surveys take a few minutes each and cover a wide variety of items. You will probably be asked to share some personal information about yourself though in order to receive surveys that are a right fit. Of course, these surveys aren’t going to pay you enough to afford the lavish holiday you dream of. However, the companies usually do pay in gift cards, which can help you pick up some of the items on your list with ease. There’s lots of great survey sites out there, so make sure to do a little research to find one that will fit your needs. With any luck, you’ll be bringing in the gift cards in no time at all.

2. Watch Videos
It may sound too good to be true, but some companies will actually pay you to watch videos and advertisements. This can be a great way for you to rake in some cash while you work on your household chores or finish up some items for work. Most of the time, you only have to have the video player going, so you can multitask while earning a little bit. Although these jobs usually don’t pay much, you can quickly build up your points to earn a reward. Like taking surveys, most of these websites will pay you in gift cards, so don’t expect to get a big check in the mail. This is helpful though with shopping, but if you want to see the money hit the bank then you can always opt for a PayPal gift card. All the same, this is a great way to earn extra if you have kids running around or don’t have the attention span to make it through surveys.

3. Blog/Vlog
If you feel like you have something to say to the world then create your own blog and get to typing. You can easily transform your blogging into a little extra cash, especially if you can gain a following. This may sound harder than it actually is, so don’t feel intimidated. There’s many websites designed to help you figure out where you should start with your blogging and how to earn fans as well as money. Most of the time, you’ll find that the money comes with advertisements, which will make your job even easier. Vlogging is another popular way to earn some extra cash, but gaining money by doing this is a little less likely than with blogging. There’s many famous vloggers on websites like YouTube, so competition will be fierce. However, if you can gain a following and earn the website views then you could receive a decent payday from doing this. Try to follow your passions when you choose your subject matter though, as this will help keep the work fun which can inspire you to keep it up and earn even more money.

4. Drive
If you have a license and your own car, then you’re one step closer to making a pretty decent amount of extra money. There’s many companies out there who are always looking for drivers to keep their company thriving. Some companies don’t even require you to go through training or sign a contract, which will allow you to make money even faster on your own terms. The holiday season is a hot time for people to need rides. There’s lots of parties going on, so people are driving less to maintain their own safety. The weather is also a bit too harsh for some people to drive in, which will work out in your favor too if you feel comfortable on the roads. So, don’t let the money pass you by. Try looking up companies like Uber to see how you can get started working your own hours for some great money.

5. Craft
Crafting has become a really popular way of making money over the past couple of years. With websites like Etsy popping up you should be able to get your amazing goods to the public in no time at all. When it comes to crafting, you will have to spend a bit of money in order to earn some, unless you have crafts you’ve made in the past already ready to be shipped out to a lucky consumer. You can make anything from scarves and paintings to holiday decor and little girls’ bows. If you’re not entirely sure about selling your items on the internet, or you simply don’t want to deal with shipping, then you still have options. One is to advertise on social media to see if anyone is willing to buy your items locally. Choose a safe spot to make an exchange and enjoy the extra cash you’ve earned. You can also try selling your items to a consignment shop. You won’t receive a payday straight away, but you also won’t have to worry about the retail end of making money off of your crafting skills. Yard sales are another option, especially if you have other items you want to sell off or if you have a large abundance of items to sell.

6. Utilize Your Skills
There’s lots of ways you can make some extra money during the holiday season doing things that you would normally do around your own home. If you want to earn some extra cash, put an advertisement out for cleaning, landscaping, recycling or whatever skills you have to offer. You may find that more people than you think could use the extra help during the holiday season, particularly the elderly who have a hard time getting around in the cold weather. If these skills aren’t up your alley, then consider things you’d enjoy doing for others. If you love photography, then place an ad for family photos. This can be lucrative during the holiday season as people scramble to get their holiday cards out. Tutoring is another big deal during this time as students are dealing with finals or they have extra time for studying while on winter break. If you’re great at baking, then take this time to make holiday treats and sell them at a bake sale. Offering lessons for music or dance can be lucrative too as often people receive lessons as a holiday gift. If you’d rather work on the computer then hop on websites and look for jobs in writing, data entry or even translation.

7. Professional Shopper
Lots of people have a knack for finding items for other people, even if they don’t particularly know them. If this is you, then you may cut it as a professional shopper, which can earn you some major money over the holiday season. A lot of people don’t have time to go shopping, so they end up leaving things until the last minute and don’t know what to buy their loved ones. Your job would be to come in and handle their shopping list for them, so they can carry on with work. This job could be as easy as finding the best deals on items that are on the customer’s list, or as hard as figuring out what to buy someone with only a small description of their personality and interests. All the same, it’s a great way to spend your free time while earning extra money. You could also become a secret shopper, which reimburses you for shopping and sometimes pays you to see how a store is operating.

8. Test Websites
If you’re bored and love to explore websites then testing websites might be a great way to earn you some extra money. There’s many websites that will assign a new website to check out. All this requires is for you to poke around and see how things work. Some of these jobs only require you to answer a survey about the website or write down your thoughts and any problems you may have run into. However, some jobs will require you to record your experience, which might mean investing in a recording system for the computer.

9. Baby/Petsitting
One of the most common forms of business you can find during this season is babysitting or petsitting. With the holidays coming, a lot of parents end up working a lot of overtime hours, especially if they are in sales or retail. This can cause a problem if their children are in daycare or they have a babysitter that can’t keep up with the hours. You may even find parents desperately seeking a sitter for the winter break. Some will even look for a sitter to watch their children while they go holiday shopping or get their wrapping in. No matter the reason, this can be a simple way to capitalize on some holiday cash, so you can enjoy a great budget. Petsitting is also very common during this time of the year. With people leaving to visit family and friends, you may find an abundance of people don’t have anyone to look after their pet, nor do they have the money to board their animal. Some people will simply need you to come and walk their dog while they’re at work. These jobs can be a lot of fun, so you’ll hardly feel like you’re working for the money.

10. Sell Items
Without fail, Christmas always tends to bring in a whole lot of new items that we simply don’t have room for. One of the best things you can do is go through your items to see if there’s anything you really don’t need in the home. Old toys, clothes and clutter can be donated for a tax exemption, or you can sell it online or at a yard sale. You don’t have to limit your items to junk though. You can also get rid of technology that will be upgraded after the holiday season. This should help cut back on clutter while allowing you to appreciate the new stuff even more. Before you know it, the holidays will seem less of a burden financially as well as in regards to your home’s comfort level.

The holidays don’t have to leave you pinned under a mountain of debt for the rest of the year. These ten money making ideas can help you find the cash you need to make the holiday great without forcing you to give up on other items or to use your charge card too often. You never know, you may find a job you love that will help you earn extra money all year long.

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