
Ten Frugal Ways to Keep Cozy When Your Power Goes Out

With winter here and spring on its way, you may be faced with some major problems caused by the poor weather conditions. May it be a blizzard or a tornado, it’s always best to have a game plan so you and your family can get through the tough time with as little stress as possible. One of the major hazards of this time of the year is power outages. With the weather at its coldest you may wonder how to stay safe while it may be hard to get around. Of course, keeping your family fed and happy is also a concern as power outages can be just as stressful for children as adults. These ten tips should give you a few options to help you maintain calm in the household while ensuring everyone is safe and sound.
1. Consider Backups
Ending up in the dark when you’re not expecting it can really make a situation more stressful and frightening. There’s generally not a way to predict power outages, so the best thing you can do is keep some backups in a place where you know you’ll be able to get to them. One of the best things to have is a generator, but these can be pretty pricey if you’re on a tight budget. Not to mention, they aren’t cheap to run either. However, if you find yourself in the dead of winter then it could be one of your best options for staying warm. Another great option is a fireplace or a wood burning stove. These are perfect for a small amount of light, but they’ll also allow your family to keep warm, which is more important than light in most cases. Candles and flashlights are also another must have, so make sure you have plenty on hand. Candles may burn down quickly, so it might be wise to buy an abundance of cheaper candles for emergencies. You should also keep spare batteries on hand. Last but not least, solar chargers will come in handy for some generators, lights or simply to keep your phone on in case you need emergency assistance.

2. Think Perishables
Usually, if the power is only a temporary problem, your food should be fine as long as you keep the refrigerator and freezer closed. However, if you’re looking at the power being out for some time then you may want to jump into action when it comes to some of your foods. If the power is out due to some reason other than the weather, you may want to consider grilling up some meat. It will take your mind off of the outage and will provide a nice meal for the family and maybe even some of the neighbors. If the weather is bad, then you might want to consider cooking the meats over the fire. You may also want to consider making up hot cocoa over the fire so you can get rid of some of your dairy. The kids may even calm down if you offer them ice cream, which will help you get rid of some of the food that may spoil. Finally, if you’re worried about some of the food then place it in a cold bag and stick it back in the freezer. This should help keep it cold for longer.

3. Emergency Supplies
A power outage can be a bad time to be without emergency supplies. You should always have a few gallons of water in the home, so you can be prepared to handle a situation such as this. Often, power failures during a weather emergency could also hint at a problem with water, especially if you’re dealing with a situation like a tornado. You won’t want to be without bottled water during this time because it’s always best to be safe and avoid potentially dangerous water. A first aid kit is another must in a power outage. If it’s not daylight outside then you or someone in your family could trip and fall, thus leading to an emergency. Burns are also more common as people have to work with fire to keep warm and gain light. Of course, it’s wise to be prepared for anything, so pack a first aid kit with a little bit of everything.

4. Think Out of the Box
You will have to get creative when it comes to keeping your family at ease during this time. One of the best things to do is come up with fun snacks. All you have to do is channel your favorite camping hacks here. S’mores are a great option, but you can always substitute the ingredients to suit what you already have on hand. Cereal mixed with chocolate and nuts is also a great way to keep the kids happy, especially since it’s a snack they’ll have to eat slowly. If you have hot dog supplies on hand, then this is a simple meal idea. Finally, you can easily make popcorn with kernels and oil placed over the heat. You can also have the kids build a fort in the living room. This will help create extra warmth while allowing the kids to make happy memories of the outage. Of course, make sure to keep the tent far enough away from the fire, for safety. If you don’t have a fireplace, then use colored paper to cut out flames and tape them on a flashlight. The kids will love the extra touch.

5. Prep Food
If you know you’re going to be without power or that the weather may become too bad to sustain power, then you might want to prep some emergency foods. This can be particularly fun if you invite the whole family to participate. One of the best options is granola bars. They’re easy to make, can be customized to suit your taste buds and they contain lots of energy. Soups are another must have food in the cold weather and they can easily be reheated over a fireplace or wood stove. Any kind of meat jerky or dried fruit is another must as these foods can last for quite some time and provide great nutrients in an emergency. All of these foods can be put in the freezer for some time and are easy to unthaw in case an emergency happens. Plus, if you’re lucky enough to avoid a power outage, your family will still love chowing down on them. Another great option to prep ahead of time is trail mix or nut mixes as they’re good for the body and will help provide the energy your family needs.

6. Work Around the Elements
Keeping warm or cold in a power outage can prove to be one of the hardest parts of the situation. Luckily, there’s a few things you can do to prepare yourself to deal with this problem so you don’t have to feel too much discomfort. If it’s cold outside during your power outage then you should cover your windows with thick blankets or close the drapes, if you have them. This will help prevent the draft from keeping the house colder than it has to be. You should also make sure everyone’s wrists and ankles are covered and you should try to wear a hat that covers the ears. This helps keep the body from getting rid of its own natural heat, which is what you need when you’re fighting off the cold. Of course, layers will also come in handy here. If you have one, you may want to heat up some hot water over the fire and place it in a hot water bottle. Placing this in the bed or on your feet can really warm things up. Exercise is another no-brainer that will help keep the body feeling more comfortable. If it’s hot then you have a few options. Covering the windows is also good here, to block the heat from warming up the house. Tin foil also works in this case, but make sure to place the correct side outward. You can use a battery operated fan or mister to keep cool too. If you can get cold water, then wet a rag and keep it on your forehead. Ice packs will also do the trick, if you’re willing to open your freezer.

7. Keep Informed
In times of emergency, it’s important to have something that will keep you in touch with the outside world. One of the best things to have on hand is a battery operated radio. You can usually buy these for fairly cheap and they pick up AM and FM radio waves. If you look in the camping section of your favorite department store, you may even be able to get a flashlight, radio, TV combination that runs on batteries. This can really come in handy, especially during tornado season. Of course, if you have a device to prolong your battery use for your phone then this could also be a great way to keep in touch.

8. Have Fun
Sometimes, the best thing to do when you’re in a power outage is to try to make it as fun as possible. You can easily come up with a few games to play to keep the kids busy, especially if you have board or card games lying around the house. This may also be a great time to catch up on one another’s lives. Talking and telling stories should make the time fly and will allow you to feel closer to the family. If you have arts and crafts supplies, then you might want to pull them out and have the kids get creative. Since there won’t be any distractions, the kids may even have more fun. Reading is another great option too, especially if you take turns sharing pieces of your favorite book.

9. Consider Sanitation
One major problem with a power outage is it could be just the beginning of your problems. You may find you have trouble with your water too, especially if it’s so cold that the pipes end up freezing. Luckily, there’s a few things you can do to help keep your family safe from illnesses like dysentery. For starters, you should keep hand sanitizer in your first aid kit or in the home. This will allow you to cleanse hands if you have an electric water heater or if the water is tainted in some way. If your pipes freeze, you should flush the toilet only when necessary. Also, it may be wise to use paper plates, paper towels and plastic utensils as doing dishes with no hot water could lead to problems.

10. Transportation
It’s important to consider transportation when it comes to an emergency. However, if you have an electric garage and you end up in a power outage then you’ll need to know how to get out of the garage manually. You may need to brush up on this in the manual so you can be prepared. If it’s snowing, make sure you have shovels on hand because you’ll probably have to clear a path to get out into the storm. Apart from that, you should also keep extra fuel on hand as you’ll be driving slower. Finally, never ever run your vehicle in a closed space.

Getting through a power outage can be a big struggle, but being prepared will make life a bit easier. These ten tips will allow you to cover all of the major elements so your time in the dark can be fun, comfortable and safe. Before you know it, the power will be back on and you’ll be ready to prep for the next time something gets in the way of your day.

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