
Archive for June 16, 2016

Great Tips That Will Make Your Pregnancy the Best Time To Save Money

Pregnancy can be a beautiful time filled with changes that you would have never expected. It can also be a time when shopping is all the more appealing, especially when it comes to looking for baby clothes. Sometimes, it’s hard to hold back, especially when you’re excited for baby to arrive. Of course, you will also have to do a bit of shopping for yourself, so you can stay as comfortable as possible while you wait for your little one to finish growing. There are a few ways to stretch your budget further while you move through your pregnancy, so put temptation to the side and check out these ten helpful tips.
1. Buy Slowly
A lot of people want to buy all of the baby and maternity things that they will need in one swooping shopping trip. This can be a major problem though. Not only will you end up spending a lot of money in one shopping trip, which could tack on the interest if you’re paying in credit, you’ll also end up spending more money as time passes. It’s guaranteed, you’re going to see more things that you need and want as time passes, which will mean you’re going to have more than enough before baby comes. In fact, your little one may even end up having clothes they will never wear because you overdid it. Instead of shopping like this, try buying one or two items every week or pay day. This will help you space out your purchases and will allow you to think about things you may actually need or want, so you don’t spontaneously buy. There are even some things you’ll want to get after the baby is born when you learn more about their needs.

2. Ask Medical Questions
It may be hard to step away from the excitement that you’re going to have a baby; however, it can be crucial to really open up a dialogue when it comes to the process of having your child. There’s going to be a lot of charges you’re going to face financially, so knowledge is the best way to defend yourself against bills that shouldn’t come your way. The first thing you should do is talk to your doctor. You’ll want to know about tests you may need or their concerns for you. You will also want to talk to your insurance company to see how much each birthing option will cost as well as emergency procedures in case something happens. This should allow you to easily know exactly how to begin your process, so you can put back money and put your mind to rest.

3. Research Breast Pumps
A breast pump can be one of the best things you can do for your body and your child. Sometimes, breast feeding can be painful or you simply can’t be everywhere your baby is. That’s where breast pumps come in handy. You can ease the pressure in your breast with them while also creating food that you can give to your childcare provider, use when your nipples are hurting, or if you’ve decided to have a night to yourself and drink alcohol or eat something spicy. Of course, a good pump will make the task of pumping milk a lot easier and more comfortable, so make sure you do some research before you choose which one you want to buy. With a little bit of searching, you may even be able to find coupons on rebates to help you get your chosen device for a pretty hefty discount, which will come in handy too.

4. Use the Library
When you’re expecting, there’s a whole lot to be learned, which may have you on the Buy Button of your favorite online book store. Rather than spending a small fortune on books that you may not get around to reading in full, you might want to check your local library out to see which resources they have to keep you busy and educated about your baby, yourself and the upcoming years of parenting. The library usually has long check out dates too, so if you can’t get to a book right away then you don’t have to stress. Even though you aren’t taking the book home with you, you can still take notes about important elements or remind yourself to check out the book again. If you’re not sure where to start in your hunt for literature, ask some friends, your parents or anyone who has ever had a baby and they should be willing to send you in the right direction.

5. Don’t Overdo Diapers
Before baby is expected, you may not want to buy any diapers. In fact, if you can hold off until your baby shower then you may want to skip the diaper purchases period. Usually people end up overwhelmed with diapers before it is all said and done. In fact, many couples will have too many of one type of diaper, as baby’s do grow quickly and you may find the newborn diapers won’t last as long as you expect. Luckily, you can take them into any store that sells your brand and exchange them for a large size as long as the package isn’t opened or damaged. With this factor working out in your favor, you should be ready to deal with the diaper needs of your bundle of joy when they arrive and you’ll probably be thankful you didn’t waste money on the diapers when you could have bought a totally cute outfit or toy.

6. Used Clothes
There’s a pretty good chance that if you’re expecting, you’re probably also outgrowing your pants pretty quickly. Buying brand new items can really be pricey though, especially if you’re trying to keep up with a fashionable wardrobe. The good news is, most maternity clothes aren’t used for very long, so when they hit the thrift store, they’re still in pretty good condition. So, you may want to consider shopping at any thrift or used store you find. If you have relatives or friends that are around your size then you may see if they have maternity clothes too. The same can be said for your baby. Your little one will outgrow clothing like it’s going out of style, so there’s no need to spend the big bucks on new items. If you can, shop around thrift stores, ask about hand-me-downs or even swap clothes with other mom’s. These clothes swapping clubs can come in handy if you have a wide variety of children in the group. As your child grows, you may not have to spend much of anything to keep them looking good, using this method.

7. Shop with Restraint
While you’re shopping for your little one, try to consider the necessities, rather than purchasing all of the cute items you see. This will help ensure you have what you need to make baby’s life easier. Once you’ve had your baby shower, then you may consider buying a cute outfit or two to satisfy your shopping urges. Generally, people tend to get most of what they need for their little one at a shower, which will allow you to know the wiggle room you have to work with. Of course, if you didn’t get much at the shower, then you’ll be grateful you didn’t spend too much on things you don’t exactly need. Also, keep in mind you’ll need to save for when the baby shower diaper supply finally runs low, because diapers disappear like crazy.

8. Sign Up For Newsletters
One of the best things you can do before you become a parent and long after the baby is born is to keep up with newsletters. You can sign up for so many that won’t cost you a dime. The downside is your email is going to be pretty full, but you’ll get all sorts of tips and savings ideas that will help you save more on your pregnancy as well as when the baby arrives. A good number of newsletters will also help you out when it comes to sending you coupons. These can be printed out, but some can even be used from the phone for convenience. There’s lots of great websites to find the newsletter, so you won’t have to look far. You can even look on your favorite brands website to see if they have anything to offer. If you’re not certain still, then ask for advice from other parents you may know.

9. Wait For Sales
Without a doubt, some of the ideas on your baby wish list aren’t going to be on the cheaper side of the spectrum. When it comes to these, it may be wise just to wait until a sale rolls along. Don’t worry, chances are there will be a few sales between the 9 months in which the baby will be growing. You should also surf the clearance rack whenever you get a chance, so you can see just what you can find there. With any luck, you will be able to find most of your list there, but sometimes this isn’t an option. Try to pay attention to when the baby store gets in new items though. This will help you know when the older models will be going on sale, so you can easily grab something you’ve had your eyes on. Online stores also offer a wide variety of sales all year long, so this may be a better option for you, especially if they offer free shipping.

10. Maternity Leave
One thing many women worry about when it comes to their pregnancy is maternity leave. Different companies handle this aspect in different ways, so make sure you know what your work place offers before you decide to go on maternity leave. Some companies will offer several weeks of paid leave and if that’s the case for you then certainly use that time to kick back and relax. However, if your company isn’t as generous with leave then you should know how much they will pay you and how much time you can get. If you’re only offered partial pay or a short maternity leave then it may be wise to ask your employer if you can do some work from home. This will allow you the rest you need as well as the bonding time with your baby, without forcing you to lose money.

Being pregnant can be scary if you’re looking at the financial aspect of everything. There are several ways to get around the high price of everything though. With a little shopper savvy and a whole lot of self-control over adorable items, you should be saving up money for the items you need without sacrificing style or happiness.