
Archive for May 30, 2016

Vacation Spots That Won’t Leave Your Kids Dealing with Boredom

Let’s face it, vacationing can be as tough as nails with kids. Between the extra expenses and having to find special activities that are not only safe but fun, you may find that your planning session is frustrating and leads to a whole lot of expenses. Luckily, there’s a few great ways you can have the time of your life with your children that won’t cost you an arm and a leg. These ten ideas should help you find a vacation or two to help the whole family kick back and relax, so you can bond and take your minds off the daily grind. Better yet, you’ll be able to save some money without sacrificing your fun time.
1. Working Farm
One of the latest vacation trends is actually heading to a ranch or working farm to help you relax. Although it may not sound like a vacation, you may find the slow-paced life of the farm a lot easier on you than the hustle and bustle of the city. Even if it isn’t the break you’re looking for, you will be able to work in all new ways, which will allow you to learn new skills and take a break from your typical job. Not to mention, the farm life will be great for the kids. It will give them the opportunity to learn where food comes from, which could improve their nutrition in the future. Not to mention, working together will help the family bond, which may even help the family get in the routine of doing chores together when you return home.

2. Cruise
Although it may seem a bit expensive, booking a cruise for the family will give you a bit more for your money if you’re planning on a big vacation. The cruise will allow the whole family to have a blast with activities catered to each age group as well as the family unit. When you go on your cruise you’ll be able to schedule everything you’d like to do and most things won’t cost any extra money. You will also get a room included in the price of the cruise so you won’t have to stress out about hotel prices. Of course, one of the best things about the cruise is they often allow you to see foreign countries that you may never get the chance to. Of course, some are also catered to amusement parks, like Disney World, which will be a real blast for the kids. Before you know it, everyone will be able to have the time of their life for one flat price.

3. National Park
If the family loves to run around and be close to Mother Nature, then nothing is better than a trip to the National Park. Most national parks have some kind of attraction that will not only have you wowed over the beauty and power of the Earth, but will also teach the kids a bit more about science and the environment. A lot of national parks are also campsites, which will come in handy when it comes to sleeping reservations and allowing the family to have some peaceful time in the park for much longer. You will have to look at specific rules for fishing or bringing food into the camp, but as long as you abide by the rules you should be ready to go. Apart from that, most national parks do have free admission days, which may be the perfect time to plan your vacation. If not, the price usually isn’t bad and most children get into the parks for free.

4. The Lake
Nothing says cooling down quite like time spent at the lake. The lake will allow you to kick back and relax while swimming, finishing or simply hanging out and shooting the breeze. The best thing about lakes is they usually don’t cost anything, which is pretty important if you’re on a budget. Your entertainment will be all set for you and if you end up fishing you may not even have to buy food. Some lakes will allow you to pitch a tent or park an RV too, which will help cut down on the price of boarding. If you do want to stay somewhere, try to share a rental cabin with someone to cut down on the price and get more out of your amazing experience. With most everything taken care of, all you’ll need to do is grab some food, beverages and floating toys to make the vacation go smoothly. Also, planning out activities will cut back on down time, so no one can complain about being bored.

5. Amusement Parks
When it comes to children, nothing will bring on the fun quite like an amusement park. These awesome hot spots are usually great for the entire family as they have large rollercoasters for the older kids and a fun play area for the younger kids. When you tire of roller coasters, there tends to be lots of games and shows to keep everyone happy. These are the perfect places to enjoy if you only have a day to spend on the vacation too. Sometimes admission prices aren’t exactly the best, but there are discounts around every corner if you know what to look for. Not to mention, packing meals and leaving them in the car can help you save even more money when it comes to this trip. If you’re not liking the price of the amusement park, then try to check out a water park instead. These parks generally cost a bit less and will allow everyone to stay cool throughout the day. You may even look for a season pass, which can help you save money if you plan on visiting a park for the entire summer.

6. The City
If you live in the suburbs or a rural town, then you might want to spend some time in a city for your vacation. Of course, this idea also works if you already live in a city and want to check out what another city has to offer. Try to find free things to do while you’re there. For instance, you may be able to find free admission to a museum or you could simply check out a local park. Before you leave for your destination try to check out the attractions and make reservations for what is in your budget. When choosing a hotel, look for a package deal or find a hotel that is outside of the city. This should cut down on the cost of the hotel and may even place you in a safer area. While you’re there, try to utilize public transit too as it will help save on parking fees and the costs of taxies. You should also look around on apps like Yelp to find cheap food that will be a new experience for everyone.

7. Family Camps
Rather than sending the kids away for summer camp on their own, you may want to consider going to a family camp together. This will allow you all to bond as a family, while allowing everyone to get outside and have some fun that doesn’t involve technology. There’s lots of amazing camps to consider too, so you can base it on your needs as well as your interests. Usually these camps take a lot less time than a typical summer camp, which will help you get back to work while giving your child the experience they want. Also, many of these camps focus on family bonding, which may be a good idea if you have preteens or teens. Make sure you do lots of research before you choose your camp though!

8. Zoo
Most younger kids will go crazy for the zoo when it comes to celebrating a little vacation time. The good thing is, most zoos are perfect for all ages, thanks to the educational components that the zoo offers. If you have a zoo nearby, look around to see if there’s any discounts you can enjoy while you’re there. Many will offer discounts to military service members and some will even let kids in for free. You may also want to see if the zoo offers any features, such as classes or tours that could help bring even more excitement to the vacation. If you think it’s too hot for the zoo, then look around to see if there’s a drive through zoo. These safari-inspired zoos will allow you stay in your cool car while still enjoying a wide variety of animals. You should also be able to bring your own snacks and drinks too, which will save a whole lot of money in the long run.

9. Kid Friendly Resorts
Resorts aren’t just for adults, so you may consider planning a trip to a family resort, so everyone can get pampered and have a lot of fun. Most of these resorts are designed to offer individual, age-based activities as well as a variety of family bonding periods. This can really help the family get the vacation they deserve. The resort tends to have day care facilities for the youngest members of the family, but they also have many activities for kids as young as toddlers, so everyone should be stimulated. While the kids are off doing their thing, you can enjoy a massage or other pampering as well as physical activities or crafts. There’s many resorts to choose from too, so you can easily find one that is going to make everyone happy.

10. Grandparents
If you really want to make the whole family happy then it may be wise to head out and visit the grandparents. Kids will adore seeing their grandparents again and you won’t have to worry about paying a lot of extra expenditures. Whether you fly or drive, your trip expenditures should be at a minimum, especially if you stay with the grandparents. This should make the trip a lot less stressful and will give everyone time to catch up. The kids may even want to spend the summer with grandparents, which will help keep them occupied, while allowing everyone to get in the bonding time they want. Of course, you may want to make sure you visit both sets of grandparents in order to make sure every side of the family is happy.

Choosing a family vacation can be tough, but with these ten options you may find that hanging out with your family doesn’t have to be a huge expense. With a little planning, you’ll be well on your way to the vacation you need and want without having to stress about the money. So, don’t let planning your vacation become a cause for stress too, because these hassle free vacations will put you on the right track to fun.

Frugal Pool Tools That Will Satisfy Every Swimmer in the Family

Pool weather has finally arrived and if you have your own personal pool you probably can’t wait to get it up and running. Although the pool is one of the best ways to cool down, get some exercise and have some fun during the long summer months, it can also become one of the most expensive ways to entertain. Between the cost of actually filling up your pool and maintaining it, you may find it hard to find the funds to upgrade the toys you use. This can lead to boredom with the children, which may cause your pool to go to waste. Of course, there are a few ways to cheat the price of pool toys, thanks to DIY options. Now, you can keep the excitement going all summer without spending a whole lot of money.
1. Pool Boats
Whether you have toddlers or older children creating a boat can be a great way to keep everyone entertained for hours on end. Boats offer a sense of wonder for younger children who may want to simply watch the boat float or throw it to see if it bob right back to the top of the water. Whereas older children may love to turn boats in a competition, which will allow them to compete over chores, TV time, or simply for the sheer joy of it. No matter, which way the toy goes, there’s a couple of fun ways to make a boat. The first is made with a simple kitchen sponge. You can great a cheap multipack to get started. Then, simply cut a straw up and attach it to the sponge with a felt or paper flag. Another option is to use some leftover corks from your last dinner party or whatever is lying around the house. These can be secured with a rubber band and you can use whatever you like to create the mast and sail. Kids can even get creative by trying to come up with their own methods of making a boat, which may become a great lesson for them.

2. DIY Buoy
If you’ve ever looked in a store for a buoy, then you were probably surprised by how much they actually cost. Luckily, you can make your own buoy without spending much of anything. In fact, all you need is an empty plastic bottle or jug. This can easily be found in most home’s recycling, which will allow you to upcycle your item. Once you have a few plastic items to work with, then try to find some form of string. Rope, yarn or even fishing wire will work for this portion of the task. Then, you simply tie the bottles together, leaving a bit of slack, of course. You can even use tape or waterproof paints to add life to the bottles, so they can easily be seen. Buoys will come in handy because they can help you mark off the deeper end of a pool for younger kids, or they can serve for sports or relay race purposes.

3. Raft
Although floating can be a lot of fun, sometimes you can wind up paying over $50 for one. By the time you buy enough to satisfy the whole family, you’ll be broke in no time. So, instead of buying the floating devices, try to make one for yourself. One of the easiest options is to tie a bunch of pool noodles together to create a raft that will fit several kids and will even allow the kids to push themselves around as if they are on an epic adventure. Of course, if you’re looking for more comfort and less fun, then you can easily make your own floaty chair by securing two noodles together in a circle. Then, add a third noodle as the back rest. You can do this with a hot glue gun, tape, or even zip ties, so you won’t have to spend a small fortune. Luckily, pool noodles don’t cost a whole lot, so you should be able to get away with both of these crafts cheaply, which will allow you to get more out of the summer time.

4. Pool Tennis
One way to really make pool time exciting is to incorporate a game like tennis. This is fairly easy to set up too and won’t cost you much. Basically, you start cutting a regular sized pool noodle in half. Then you create a loop, which is where the tennis head will be. Make sure you leave some room at the bottom for a handle though. You can secure the loop with tape or a zip tie to make things easier. Then, all you have to do is add some netting to the head. This is easy with hot glue, but you could also try staples if you have a good quality staple gun. Making the tennis racket is half the battle though. Now, all you need to do is grab a cheap net to secure across the pool and a simple pool ball or sponge. The kids will have a blast playing the sport and they’ll get drenched when the ball comes to them. Not to mention, you can always ditch the rackets later and use the net to play volleyball!

5. Pool Swords
If your kids are like most, then they probably love to use swords during play time. There’s plenty of sword items on the market when it comes to pool toys, but you probably won’t want to pay the price. Luckily, there’s a lot of options to choose from here. For starters, you can just give the kids a couple of pool noodles and let them have it. You can also choose a more creative approach my carving your pool noodles into old fashioned swords. If you can find water proof paint, then you can even make them look realistic. Your creativity is the limit here. One major trend this summer is transforming the noodles into lightsabers, which is sure to be a hit with your kids since the latest Star Wars movie was just released on DVD.

6. Racing Turtles
One great way to add to the fun of the pool is to create racing turtles. These adorable little turtles look incredible and are fun for the whole family. Basically, your start out with an empty soda bottle or a milk jug. You begin by cutting out the bottom, which will serve as the turtle’s shell. Once you have a few of these cut out then place them on some thicker foam. From there, you can draw out the shape of the turtle’s head, legs and tail. Once the cutting is complete then place glitter, rocks, marbles or anything else in the soda bottle or milk jug and then glue it down onto the turtle. Once this is complete, kids can decorate the turtle as they sit fit. Once everything is dry and ready to go then take the turtles out to the pool to see whose turtle races fastest and whose sinks to the bottom.

7. Board Games
Help promote logical thinking and spelling over the summer when you make your family’s favorite board games for the pool. For instance, you can easily start with scrabble. Take a bunch of sponges and print letters and numbers on them to create the scrabble pieces. You can use a pool noodle for privacy, so no one else can see your pieces. Memory is a perfect game for young swimmers and is definitely easy to recreate with the same sponge concept. You can also create the same effect for both games with thin pieces of foam. This same concept can be recreated for chess, checkers or even games like monopoly. With a little creativity and a lot of imagination, you should be able to find lots of board games that easily convert to water friendly editions.

8. Coins
One cheap toy that has been used by children for decades is the coin. All you have to do is toss the coins into the water and let the kids go after them. You may even want to use a variety of coins so the kids can make a game as to who can collect the highest amount. Apart from teaching kids how to search for items under water, it could be a great way to encourage kids to finally hold their breath under water or to even begin swimming under water. Coins can provide hours of entertainment too, especially if the children take turns being the person that tosses the coins and the collector of the coins.

9. Basketball
Your children will love incorporating basketball into the pool and it will help them become much healthier thanks to the resistance the water creates. Basketball is pretty easy to bring to the pool without having to spend a lot of money on the floating basketball hoop. All you have to is grab a basket or a bucket and wrap a pool noodle around it. This will create a floating basketball hoop that is perfect for all ages. You can even add height to the hoop by lifting it with a plastic bin or other lightweight material and wrapping a pool noodle around that. Once you have the hoop all set up then you’re good to go! Simply grab a pool ball or a real basketball and let the kids have a blast.

10. Clearance
Of course, if you run out of creative ideas then you may want to actually go back to shopping. Midway through the summer pool toys should be hitting the clearance shelves, which should allow you to buy something new and fun to keep everyone busy. You may even want to stock up for next year, so you’ll be ready to host even more fun afternoons for the kids and their friends. Although the clearance prices might not be as low as they could be in the upcoming months, if the price is still out of range then you can easily wait until back to school season to save even bigger. Clearance is at its best during the winter months though; however, you may have to look on websites in order to buy items at this time though. All the same, if you plan carefully, you should be set for lots of fun without the huge price tag.

Swim time is a great way to keep the kids active during the summer months and can be one of the best ways to make sure your children stay in shape. However, with pool toys on the rise in price these ten tips should help you keep up with your budget while giving your kids lots of things to play with in the pool.

Cheap Ways to Keep Your Kid’s Mind Growing Over Summer Break

Summer break is barreling towards us, which means it’s almost time to find new and exciting ways to keep the kids busy during the summer months. Although there will be lots of time for your kids to enjoy playing, you may want to consider working on some school work over the break. In fact, most students lose at least two months’ worth of their education during the summer break, especially when it comes to math and reading. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to spend a small fortune on private tutors or summer programs though. There’s actually a lot of frugal ways you can keep your child’s mind working while they enjoy taking a break from the classroom.
1. Reading Program
It doesn’t matter where you are, if you have a local library then there’s a great chance that you will be able to sign your kids up for the summer reading program. The main objective of the reading program is to get your kids to read, even when it isn’t required of them. The library often offers prizes for your child’s hard work and they set up goals to help kids work to achieve something special. These programs cater to very young children all the way up until their teen years. Of course, the reading portion isn’t the only thing the reading program encompasses. You may also find that they will offer a wide variety of courses for the kids. Arts and crafts is usually one of the more popular choices, especially for younger children. However, they do offer some science and history based classes too for older children. Other than that, you should be able to take your child to story time, as well as movie screenings to keep them busy.

2. Cooking Lessons
Feeding kids an extra meal a day probably won’t be the best on your budget, but you could use all of the extra meal prep to teach your kids a few lessons. Obviously, you can design each task based around the child’s age and maturity level, but there should be a little something for everyone to do in the kitchen. You may want to try to look up new recipes for everyone to try together too. However, if you’re looking to keep it cheap then try foods like biscuit pizzas, quesadillas, salads and soups. Kids will take a lot from cooking classes with a parent though. It will help them build independence as well as necessary survival skills. Plus, it will also help them learn about nutrition, which will take them far in life. Last but not least, they will also work on their math skills in the process, which will make their next teacher happy.

3. Music Lessons
One fine way to help children increase their brain power in the summer is to have them pick up an instrument. There are so many advantages that kids who play music have that it doesn’t make sense to not encourage your child to grab an instrument and play. In fact, most children who play an instrument excel in mathematics in comparison to those who do not. Instruments also open up new worlds for self-expression, which are certain to make your child feel happier and less stressed out. Of course, you may be thinking that staring your child out on an instrument can cost a small fortune. You don’t have to go out and buy an instrument brand new. In fact, ask family if they have one they’d like to gift, or shop in thrift stores, pawn shops and yard sales. Before you know it, you’ll find something that will suit your needs. Lessons don’t have to cost a lot of money either. In this day and age, you can easily fire up your computer or tablet and find a wide assortment of lessons to suit every skill level for next to nothing. Without a doubt, you’ll feel thankful that you implemented music lessons during the long break, especially when you see your child’s grades improving in the fall.

4. Gardening
Another great way to help your child learn is to start up a family garden, or simply maintain the one you already have. Gardening is a great way to teach children the basics of science, especially biology. You may even have them keep a science journal to discuss how plants are made. The best thing about gardening is it is also an easy way to teach about nutrition. It’s also been scientifically proven that many children who grow their own food are more likely to try it, which made be good for all of those parents who have to sneak in vegetables every now and then. With your own garden, your homemade food will be healthier too, which is sure to make everyone happy. Plus, you’ll be able to rest assured that your children will know some basic survival skills that can help them get by if they’re ever in need of them.

5. Woodworking
Allowing children to channel their creative side using wood is another great way to keep those noggins working throughout the summer months. Of course, this is another lesson that will certainly be determined by the age and maturity of the child. Younger kids may have fun gluing pieces of wood together to make items like picture frames, miniature log cabins or a creation that is all their own. You could also work with your child to create a birdhouse using basic tools. Older children may be able to handle making their own birdhouse, including the process of cutting out the pieces. It may even be fun to work on a larger project like a playhouse or treehouse. Your projects will have to depend on your tools though and should be challenging and fun enough to keep your child busy for at least an hour a day. When summer is over, you may have some pretty awesome crafts to show off in the home. The reason why woodworking is so important though is it helps your child work on concentration skills as well as mathematical and critical thinking skills, which will all be necessary when school begins again.

6. Keep a Journal
As long as your child is old enough to write sentences, this summer project should suit your needs. Keeping a journal is a great way for children to find new ways to blow off some steam and allows them to get to know themselves a bit better. You can easily assign topics for your child to write about, or you could let them write about whatever they feel like it. Doing this will help make their writing skills shine as they will quickly learn how to put their thoughts on paper. This will come in handy when they begin to work on essays as they advance in school. Another great thing about having your child keep a journal is it will help them work on their penmanship. Penmanship is certainly one thing that goes downhill over the summer break, so your child’s next teacher will thank you. Apart from that, journaling is a healthy hobby that is scientifically proven to ease stress and keep your brain healthier.

7. Field Trips
Since you won’t have to put up with after school activities and most other time constraints, you may want to spend some time taking your kids to check out a few of the resources in your area. For instance, the zoo or aquarium is one of the more common places to go to during the summer months. If you can, try to make sure the kids learn a bit about the animals and their habitats while they’re there. Science museums are a perfect place for kids of all ages and will allow them to learn while enjoying some hands on activities. Of course historical and art museums are also important, but you may not have as much luck getting younger children to enjoy these environments. Recreational field trips are also important too, especially when it comes to new ways to exercise or places that allow you to get closer to Mother Nature. In order to save money, try to look for freebie days in order to help you save big time. Some places may also offer summer programs, which should cut down on the price tag too.

8. Learn a Language
You may want to take your child’s break from school as a time to study up on a new language. Even if you’re not bilingual, the whole family can work together to pick up a new language. There’s a lot of apps available to help you learn slowly, which should come in handy while teaching. Of course, setting up que cards, quizzing with flashcards and playing games with the new vocabulary will also inspire your child to learn. If you can, you may want to purchase some software or videos to help you out too. Teaching children a new language is a great way to open up their mind, which will help them in many subjects in school.

9. Look Ahead
It’s important to make sure your child practices the things that they learned throughout the year, but you may also want to start thinking about next year too. Before school is over, you may want to talk to some of the teachers in your child’s upcoming grade to see if they can offer you a syllabus or steer you in the right direction as to what your student will be working on the upcoming school year. If you can’t get information from one of the teachers, then it may be wise to look online. Usually, you can find a general idea of what students in your child’s grade will be learning, so you can start from there. If you look online, there should be plenty of worksheets to get you started on your task. Working on future tasks will help keep your child’s mind stay active while allowing them to ease back into school.

10. Apps
Before you spend a small fortune on worksheets, textbooks and other school supplies, you may want to check and see what you can use from your app store. There’s actually a lot of educational apps on the market right now and many of them won’t actually cost you a dime. You can find apps ranging from pre-school topics to the highest levels of high school. These will even come in handy as your student preps for college exams that will change their lives forever. You may even want to give your child a taste of college life by allowing them to take a couple of free source college courses over the summer break. With the apps on your side, your job as a summer tutor will be so much easier and cheaper.

Summer time is designed to help your kids relax after a long school year. However, you may not want them to relax completely. These ten tips will help you find a few new ways to help your student keep their brain active while saving you a whole bunch of money. Now, you won’t have to fear summer break or the hard work that keeping your student educated entails.

Celebrate All Things Dad With These Ten Father’s Day Inspired Outings

Father’s Day is in just a few weeks, which means it may be time to start shopping around for something special for dad. However, if you have a dad who has everything, or is simply the hardest person to shop for, then you may want to consider planning a special Father’s Day trip instead. If you’re on a tight budget, don’t worry! There’s actually many outings you can take that won’t cost you a small fortune. All you need is a little creative thinking and some easy planning and you’ll be on your way. So, get ready to make dad’s day when you whisk him away to one of these dad inspired outings!
1. Fishing
Nothing says dad to most like a nice fishing trip with him, just like you did as a kid. So, why not walk down memory lane and take dad out on the water for a personal Father’s Day gift that may even bring a tear to his eye. Fishing is generally pretty cheap, especially if you already have the gear to do so. If you don’t have the items you need then see if you can borrow them, rather than going out to buy or rent them. Another thing to consider with fishing is whether or not you need a permit. Of course, this shouldn’t be a major deal in many areas, especially if you’re just going to a local fishing hole. Make sure you pack your dad’s favorite snacks and beverages too, so you can spend all day out on the water catching dinner and shooting the breeze. With any luck, this trip will cost you next to nothing, but will become a gift your dad will cherish for a lifetime.

2. Camping
Tis the season for camping and if your old man is the outdoorsy type then this may be the perfect gift for him. The good news about camping is a lot of places will have free campsites for you to enjoy. Even if you can’t find a freebie, then you may at least be able to get a discount for Father’s Day, especially if you or dad is a veteran. Camping can cost you very little if you already have all of the gear you need, but if you don’t then you may end up spending some money. Borrowing is always a great solution, but if you can’t find anyone to lend you items then renting or looking around at thrift stores may make the trip cheaper. Of course, if you’re skilled in the art of building your own tent then you shouldn’t have a problem. Another thing to consider is bringing food that can hold up to the trip and will also make dad happy. You might also want to plan out a few activities to kill some time, in case there are any boring periods during the trip.

3. Golf
Another way to show dad you care is to take him for a few rounds of golf. This excursion will allow you time to catch up with your dad, while getting you both outside in the fresh air. Of course, if there’s grandkids in the picture, you may want to swap from golf to mini-golf in order to include everyone in the celebration of the wonderful man that raised you. Generally, you shouldn’t have to pay too much for a session of golf, especially if you’re a member of a country club. If not, then don’t stress, there’s lots of discounts available at most golf courses. However, you may want to call and make a reservation ahead of time, just in case everyone else’s dads love golfing too. Renting equipment can be a decent price too, but you may also want to see if you can find some coupons to help takeaway the sting of the bill. If you have golf clubs already, then make sure to polish them up and enjoy not having to pay rental fees. You may even save much on this excursion that you’ll have enough to treat dad to his favorite lunch or drink at the country club’s restaurant.

4. Beer Tasting
If your dad is notorious for popping open a beer after a hard day at work, then a beer tasting tour might be right up his alley. The only problem with this concept is you have to do some research to find the right place. Luckily, the popularity of these places is sky rocketing, so you shouldn’t have to travel too far to make it to the right place. Beer tasting can be a lot of fun, but make sure you take the time to savor and enjoy the beer, or else you may just end up feeling sick before the tour is over. Many breweries are notorious for pulling out beers they are currently working on for the public to try at the tasting, which may make dad feel pretty special. Not to mention, you may introduce him to a new beer that will be right up his alley. If you have money left over from the tasting session or tour, then you can probably grab some pretty awesome merchandise too. As far as price for a beer tasting goes, larger companies, like Budweiser, tend to not charge for their tours, which also include samples. However, you may have to be careful which days you plan to go. Actual companies that do beer tastings or smaller breweries may charge more but you should be able to find a discount using a social media couponing page.

5. Car Show
Dads who spend a lot of time washing and waxing their cars will probably love a trip to a car show. You’re in luck, because there’s usually a ton of car shows in the late spring and early summer months, so you should be able to work one out for dad to see. The best thing is, car shows tend to be free and are a great bonding experience for the whole family. Your dad will be able to enjoy some of the classic cars he longed to have as a teenager as well as some that he’d like to have now. Apart from getting a close up look at the cars, you should also be able to enjoy a parade and other spectacles. If there’s not a car show in sight then you may get lucky enough to check out a car museum, which may offer the same appeal at a low price.

6. Ball Game
With the sentiments of summer already in the air, you may want to try to get some tickets to a ball game to make your dad happy. Baseball will already be in season, so grab some great seats to express just how much you love your dad. Of course, you don’t have to go for the major leagues if you don’t live near an official stadium or you’re trying to save money. Your dad will probably be just as happy with minor leagues or local tickets as long as you’re there to spend the time with him. Baseball isn’t the only option though. You may be able to enjoy some football skirmishes, tennis, golf and soccer. So, choose something that is sure to bring a smile to dad’s face and let him blow off some steam while cheering on his favorite teams. Oh, and don’t forget to splurge a little on dad’s favorite game time snacks.

7. Concert
If you have a dad who loves to pop on some music or dance the afternoon away, then a concert may be the best way to win his heart on Father’s Day. It doesn’t matter what kind of music your dad is interested in as you should be able to find a concert that will make him happy. Of all of the trips, this may be one of the hardest to plan out. Sometimes you will have to look everywhere from bars to community centers to find just what you’re looking for. Of course, it will be well worth it when you see dad’s smiling face at the end of the trip. If you know of local groups in your area, you may want to call in a favor to see if you can get their help to show your dad just how much he means to you with a concert in his honor.

8. Go Historical
A lot of dads are history buffs, which will make planning an outing pretty easy. Of course, the obvious choice here is to take dad to a historical museum and let him gaze at the history with his own two eyes. There’s lots of great museums out there, which will cater to your needs. If you don’t live near a city, then look to see if there’s local museums you can check out. You may be surprised as to how many small towns offer museums about their local area or other simple things. You could even set up a museum tour to make the trip even more fun. Museums aren’t the only way to appreciate history though. You could always register dad in a reenactment, or at least let him see one in person. These shows can be quite exciting for the whole family and will bring history to life.

9. Movies
Summer and late spring are the perfect time to check out some action films, which tend to be a favorite among many dads. This Father’s Day, you should have a whole lot of options when it comes to super hero movies, thrillers, and other action movies. This may be a great way to make dads that tend to be film buffs happy on their special occasion. The movies tend not to cost a whole lot of money either, so you’ll be able to treat dad without worrying about breaking the bank. If you don’t have any luck finding a movie that dad will enjoy, then you may want to get one of his favorite movies and present it on a larger screen with a projector. This can be accomplished at home, or you can set up a special party to make dad feel great. Don’t forget the movie theater snacks though!

10. Grab a Bite to Eat
They always say, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, so don’t think twice about taking dad out to get a meal with you. This gift can be customized to meet dad’s favorite foods too. For instance, if dad is a breakfast fanatic then you can easily take him to a diner for something special on his big day. You may even be able to get a discount as many diners love to celebrate big occasions. Another great option is to offer dad a steak dinner, which may be a bit pricier, but will be worth it to show your appreciation. Of course, the real gift to dad here will be hanging out with you while eating. So, make sure you keep the conversation going and let dad know just how appreciative you are.

Father’s Day can be tough if you have a dad that isn’t easy to shop for. That’s why a trip may be right up your dad’s alley. These ten ideas should allow you to have lots of fun with your dad, without forcing you to spend too much money on the outing. Your dad will be pleased with your exceptional gift, as will your bank account.

Summer Time Tips to Keep Your Home Functioning in the Heat

Although it may feel like spring has just arrived, summer time is right around the corner and its high temperatures are already starting to make their grand appearance. Summer time can be pretty expensive when it comes to your home due to storms, running the air conditioning and overall summer damaged. All the same, there’s a few simple things you can do around the house to make the impact of summer less of a burden on your house and family. These ten suggestions are easy to do and will save you a fortune when it comes to repairs on the home. So, grab your sunblock and shades, because completing these tasks will open up your summer for fun.
1. Swap Screens
One thing that goes unnoticed in the house is actually the window screens. They are pretty much forgotten for years, but they do a whole lot to keep your home in good order. Before summer arrives, you should take out your screens and give them a proper cleaning. This is the perfect time to assess if they need to be replaced or if they will live to see another year. If your screen has large gaps, holes or doesn’t fit on the window frame properly then it is definitely time for a replacement. You won’t want this screen on your home because it will easily let in spiders, mosquitoes, flies and other pests that tend to make the hot months even more miserable. If you’re living in a hot climate, then you may also want to consider upgrading your screens to solar screens. These help knock out a bit of the heat that the sun creates. With these screens in place, your home will stay cooler, which is sure to cut down on the power bill.

2. Switch Fans
When it comes to cutting the bills in the summer time, fans are pretty much the greatest thing since sliced bread. This is especially the case if you have energy efficient fans or ceiling fans as they will help you keep cool with ease. However, if you forget to switch the rotation of your fan, you could end up just pushing around hot air, which is going to make you feel warmer than ever. Thus, before you forget, make sure to check that your fan is moving counterclockwise. There is usually a simple switch on the fan that will allow you to do this. This will help cool down the air in the house, which is perfect for the moderate heat.

3. Change Filters
It’s pretty hard to remember to swap out filters as often as we should. So, one easy way to do this is to change them when a new season begins. Summer time is especially important though because there’s many filters that will come in handy. Allergies tend to still be high in the summer time, so you’ll want to ensure your air filter is still going strong. You should also replace the filter on the air conditioner because it has been sitting for so long and could probably use a good cleaning. This will help cut down on your energy costs too. Last but certainly not least, you’ll want to change up your water filter. Your family will consume a lot more water in the summer time, so you’ll want to make sure it is fresh and drinkable. If you have poor water in your community, you’ll also want to make sure the main filter is going strong so your kids can play in the sprinklers or pool without harm.

4. Consider a Soaker Hose
If you like to keep your lawn looking incredible or you have a garden, then a soaker hose may be the solution to your problem. Usually, during the summer, many people tend to waste a whole lot of water by keeping a sprinkler system going to simply spraying down their plants with a hose. The soaker hose is actually designed to be much healthier for your plants and will save you a small fortune on your water bill. The soaker hose slowly releases water to the plants, so they won’t wind up scorched or over watered. This way, you won’t have to worry about when you water your plants, nor will you have to spend the time watering each plant. A soaker hose combined with a timer can make your summer an absolute breeze when it comes to landscaping and the bills.

5. Prep Your Grill
Is summer even possible without the taste of grilled food and the smoky smell of summer barbecues? Maybe, but in an ideal world this isn’t the case. Thus, you may want to take some time out to prep your grill so you’ll be ready for anything that comes your way. Your grill could probably use a good cleaning after sitting around without being used for so long. This shouldn’t take very long, especially if you upkeep your grill well. You may also want to do a trial run to make sure everything is still working properly before you host a get together. This will give you a great idea if you need to go ahead and purchase a new grill or at least an upgrade to get you through the summer. With your grill running properly, you’ll be able to cook more outside which will help keep your home cooler and your electric and gas bill down.

6. Check the Roof
All those April showers, winter snows, windy afternoons and sunny days may have done a number on your roof. Luckily, the weather is a lot better around this time of the year which will give you plenty of time to get on top of the house and to check out what your roof has going on. Generally, most new rooves should be able to withstand the elements; however, it’s important to keep up maintenance on the home. If you can, write down everything you need to check before you head up to the roof. You should always check for loose shingles which is an easy to fix problem you can do without breaking a sweat or opening up your wallet. Other problems may need a professional’s touch, but that doesn’t mean you should avoid them. Getting the problem fixed right away is sure to prevent other problems which may cost you a whole lot of money in the long run. Other roofing problems could also lead to an energy loss, which could make your bills skyrocket. So, don’t shy away from this job or else you may really pay for it.

7. Cover Windows
One of the main reasons why your home heats up so quickly has to do more with your windows than other elements. Bare windows are sure to cause a lot of problems, especially as the sun stays longer throughout the day and beats harder on your home. There’s a few ways to cut down on this problem though. You may want to consider buying some window tinting for the home. This will help keep the house cooler without obstructing your view of outside. If you don’t like this look then it may be time to consider heavy drapes. Like in the winter time, the drapes will actually help absorb some of the energy, so you won’t have to deal with the warm seeping into the home. Blinds are another must, especially sets that are designed to block out the heat and light. Last but not least, if you’re truly hoping for a cheap option, you can place tinfoil on the windows, which helps block out the light and keep each room cool. On a more positive note, all of these ideas will also help you sleep longer during the day, which is sure to improve your health.

8. Check Your Air Conditioning
If it gets really hot in the summer, then you probably know that air conditioning becomes less of a luxury and more of a necessity. However, your air conditioner can cause a lot of problems if you’re not careful. Before the summer heat fully gets here, you should take the time to make sure your air conditioning is working properly. For instance, simply running it should give you an idea of if you’re set for summer. This can be crucial because you don’t want to deal with a broken air conditioner when the heat wave finally arrives. Also, this will give you an idea of whether or not your air conditioner needs to be serviced simply by checking out how much water and electric it is using. If your air conditioner isn’t up to par, then you might want to consider getting a few energy efficient upgrades before you need to constantly run your air conditioner.

9. Clear Out Your Freezer
Summer seems to be a time filled with freezer foods that cool you down and make you feel incredible. The only problem is, you may not be able to fit all of your new popsicles and grilling meats in your freezer if you don’t do a bit of cleaning. This is a great time to clean out your freezer anyway as it will allow you to dispose of or cook up any food that may have been in the freeze for way too long. You should also use this time to see if you overlooked some foods over the seasons. Before you know it, you may have meal plans that won’t cost you a small fortune. Not to mention, this will allow you to grill up some of your older foods at a barbecue so you can save money on your first summer get together. Clearing out your freezer can help you save on food substantially and will make room for summer favorites like popsicles, ice scream and smoothie mixes.

10. Spray Your Yard
One of the bad things about summer is the pests move in quickly which can cause a big problem for both the interior and the exterior of your home. Thus, it is incredibly important to spray your yard often so that your family won’t have to deal with bugs that wander into your yard. Fleas are especially bad during this time of the year and can make the interior and the exterior of your home suffer if you’re not careful. Luckily, there’s lots of great things on the market to take care of this problem. You can even make your own home remedies too, which is sure to save you a whole bunch of money. By spraying the yard yourself, you can easily cut back on the expenditures because it should allow you to stay pest free without dealing with the professional element. Apart from spraying your yard, you may want to leave salt around the home too, especially the windows, to ensure ants and other bugs stay out of the home.

Summer time can be your friend if you’re prepared for it to grace its presence. With these ten tips you should be able to brace yourself for the summer months. You’ll be able to ease yourself into the weather change while saving quite a bit of money with almost no effort at all. This is sure to start your summer off on the right track.

Ten Ways to Save Big While You Get Your Student on the Road

The school season is coming to an end, which could mean a lot of stress if you have a teenager approaching the driving age. Summer is one of the major times for kids to get in practice on the wide open road, or, at least for you to start planning how they’re going to start driving in the upcoming school year. If you’ve already started considering your options, then you may find that it just might be leading you down a pretty expensive road. Don’t fret just yet though! There’s actually quite a few ways to cut the price of your child’s milestone, so you can worry less about how you’re going to afford the new responsibility and worry more about your child getting behind the wheel.
1. School Programs
One of the best ways to cut the cost of lessons for your student is to go through their school. Most public schools host programs to help the students go through driver’s education with the rest of their classmates. Usually, signing up your student for classes through the school may be free or cost a small fee. Sometimes, the school will even teach the course each semester, so you won’t have to worry about the extra expenditure. If you’re not sure, make sure to call your school district to find out how they can help you. Some schools will even offer driver’s ed during their summer school which will allow your child to stay busy over the school break and it won’t impede on their course load at school the following year. Of course, you may have to wait to enroll your student in these courses as many schools only offer it to students whose birthdays fall in a certain time frame. All the same, the school course usually helps with the written and driver’s exam, so you should be able to kick back and relax when it comes to finances.

2. Take the Test When Ready
A lot of new drivers are champing at the bit to get in the driver’s seat and to have the license in their hand. However, this excitement can cost a whole lot of money. For instance, a lot of students will take the written exam on the first date they’re eligible so that they can get started on the exciting process of their milestone. The only problem with this is they may not always be ready, which means you’ll have to continuously pay for the exams until you get the passing score. Luckily, there’s lots of ways to help your student study, so you’ll know when the right time to take the exam is. There’s even online tests that mimic the real tests, which is sure to show you when the time is right. The same can be said for the driving portion of the exam. Many students fail this at least once, but with a little self-control, your student should be able to go into the exam when they’re ready and receive a passing score.

3. Practice in a Small Town
If you’re living in a city, then you may want to kiss more money goodbye as you teach your child to drive. Logging practice hours may end up causing you to fuel up a lot more often because city roads are notorious for a lot of stop and go traffic, not to mention traffic jams. One way to remedy this problem is to find a small town to practice in. These towns tend to have roads that aren’t as busy, which will help your student feel a bit more at ease when they start out. The lack of stress could help your child gain confidence a lot faster and will ease the stress of them hitting the brake at an inopportune time. Apart from the easy flow of traffic in a small town that will use up less gas, gas prices are generally a lot better there too. Accidents are also less common, especially if you can find a backroad that is pretty much isolated. As your student grows more confident, then they can take the trip home on the freeway, or tackle the less predictable traffic in the city.

4. Choose Longer Lessons
If you’re planning on signing your student up for training courses, then try to find an agency that offers longer hours. This isn’t necessarily meant to make your student get through the courses faster, rather it is a great way to help them get more out of each lesson. For instance, if your driver instructor is working with your student for around an hour then it is barely enough time for the student to get comfortable on the road, let alone gain much from the practice. A two-hour lesson can help the student get past the initial discomfort of driving, so they can utilize the skills they’ve been working on and gain more adequate criticism from the instructor. With longer hours on the student’s side, it shouldn’t take as long for them to be road worthy, which will allow you to get more for your money.

5. Meet the Instructors
Another thing to consider when signing your child up for driving courses is to take the time out to meet the instructors. Most agencies shouldn’t have a problem doing this and if they do then simply walk away. As a parent, you will want to meet with the instructor to make sure you feel comfortable with the person taking your child out on the road. You will also want to make sure your student feels comfortable with them too. If you or your student feel awkward with the instructor, then it won’t make the lessons any easier to get through. In fact, it may even set the student back a bit. You may want to insist on a trial lesson too, to see if your student will work well with the instructor. Some students need specific cues in driving, which some instructors may not be able to provide correctly. By sitting down and talking with an instructor, you’ll be able to find out their policies while finding what’s right for you too.

6. Shop Around
When it comes to paying for lessons, you should always shop around before you hand over your money to any company. Most places have at least a couple of driving schools to choose from, so find the place that will offer you the best value for your money. You shouldn’t just settle for regular price either. Before you make a commitment, ask if you qualify for a discount. Sometimes, military families, AAA members and other club holders will qualify you for a small discount, which will come in handy as the classes carry on. You may also be able to find a coupon on social media sites like the LivingSocial or Groupon. The more discounts you find, the better off you will be, so don’t be afraid to ask friends, family, or other parents for leads on good deals!

7. Take Extra Courses
Although it may sound like spending extra money, you should always consider taking extra courses when it comes to your driving. Sure, driver’s education is a great start, but there’s a lot more to learn that can make you a more efficient driver. It may even help you get through a few tough situations. Of course, there’s one other great thing that can come from taking a few extra courses. For instance, if you end up taking a defensive driver’s course, you could end up taking 10% off your insurance for up to 3 years. This can really ease the burden that adding a new driver brings to the table. With the whole family brushing up on some pretty awesome driving skills you’ll notice few problems with their driving and so will your insurance company. Plus, it’s nice to know your child is well equipped on the road!

8. Ask a Loved One
Whether you’re a student driver or you’re an adult finally getting your license, you may want to use family and friends to help you out. Driving schools are right for some people, but others learn best with people they can trust. You may want to give your inner circle a head’s up that you or your student is pursuing a license. This will allow those who can volunteer to come forward and offer a lesson or two. You may only need them to sit in the car with you while you log some hours behind the wheel. Either way, most loved ones will be able to help you without charging you a fortune. Some may even do it without even asking you to fill up their gas tank. So, don’t overlook those close to you when you make plans to drive and are looking for cheap ways to practice. Plus, with a variety of people helping you out, you’ll get more tips that can help keep you safer on the road.

9. Study Hard
Burying your nose in the books can actually make driving a lot less expensive than you think. Of course, you’ll want to study hard for the written portion of the driving test so you don’t have to keep paying for the exam. However, there is one unexpected area in which you can study that will help save some money. Students that have at least a B average actually get a discount on their insurance. This can come in handy for parents who have multiple teenagers driving. The best thing is, if your child stays on your insurance plan throughout college, their grade will count from there too. So, whether you’re a student learning or a frugal parent, make sure each semester is filled with great grades even if the student is just starting the driving process.

10. Relax
Although it is important to be alert when you’re on the road, you should come at driving with a relaxed state of mind. A lot of people tense up when they’re driving, which can cause problems even for the most competent drivers. You should always look for ways to help you relax when you plan to get on the road. Yoga is a great thing to look into if you’re about to do a stressful commute or even take your driver’s exam. You may also consider breathing exercise or taking a hot bath before your big exam. Even as you grow as driver, you will need to find ways to help make you feel comfortable when you’re operating a moving vehicle. As your skills improve the radio will most likely become your go-to method, but there’s plenty of other things to consider when it comes to avoiding stress and road rage. By channeling your relaxed side, you’ll have a greater chance of passing the exam and keeping your accident record clean.

Allowing your student to drive, or picking up driving yourself can be pretty stressful. You shouldn’t have to add the financial burden to the mix too! With these helpful tips, you should be able to get the driving lessons and testing needed to become a good driver or to let your student become one. So, grab your keys and let the learning process begin!

Ten Shopping Musts To Indulge in This May

April Showers have long passed us and now we can look forward to the beautiful May flowers. Of course, if you’re a fan of the month of May then you’re more than likely going to fall in love with the amazing shopping deals you’ll find in this month too. With many fun holidays, like May the Fourth, Cinco de Mayo and Memorial Day, there’s sure to be a sale right around the corner. However, you may want to show some restraint when it comes to some shopping areas. Luckily, there’s ten great areas to check out if you’re looking to spend a little money on upgrades or fun this month. So, enjoy the refreshing weather and grab your favorite shopping bags, because these deals are going to make your month spectacular.
1. Mattresses
May is pretty much notorious for having amazing deals on mattresses. In fact, this is largely due to Memorial Day sales that pop up in all major chains and local shops. So, if your mattress is looking like it might not last another year then you may want to hit the stores to price some of the best mattresses on the market. Of course, if you’re going to be shopping for a mattress you may want to begin to price mattresses that would be an upgrade to the one you currently have. There’s a lot of new mattresses on the market that won’t just help you sleep better, but can also improve your health substantially. You should also ask around to see if the store will offer free shipping on your item. Although your mattress may be on sale, you should also check to see if there’s a manufacturer’s rebate on the item too, which should make your mattress an absolute steal.

2. Caribbean Vacation
Get ready to have some fun in the sun, because Caribbean vacations are a great price if you plan on traveling there in the month of May. The weather in the Caribbean isn’t always what people stereotypically love, so the region sees a bit of a down period during the month of May. This will work out to your advantage too. Since the weather will still be warm, you should be able to enjoy all of the typical tourist activities. You may just have to put up with a bit of rain during your vacation, which will give you time to check out some of the indoor attractions that often get overlooked in the area. You may find that with less people in the area, you’ll be able to enjoy your vacation even more than if you had during the high season. Make sure you still look around for hotel deals, as sometimes calling up the establishment may bring even more savings for you.

3. Spring Clothes
Although it may seem like spring has just arrived, spring clothing should be hitting the clearance rack during the month of May. This will allow you to find some great steals for the rest of the season. Shopping for spring clothes late in the season can really help you make your wardrobe stretch further for the money. A lot of spring clothing can easily be worn in the summer time too, thanks to the light colors and fabrics. Of course, you can always cut some of the clothing into shorts or use a shirt that’s meant to be layered on its own. If you’re not into wearing out of season clothing, then simply get some shopping done for next spring. This is also a great time to stock up on school clothing for next school year. Jeans should be on sale as summer tends to be too hot to wear them. You should also be able to find light coats and clothes for layering that will be a perfect fit for back to school weather. Make sure you shop a size or two bigger though, to ensure the clothing will fit when summer is over.

4. Appliances
If you plan on renovating your kitchen this summer, then you’ll also be able to start fresh with new appliances. This month, appliances both big and small will be on sale, which is sure to make your home function more efficiently. You may even find a bundle of items that will cut the cost even more. Of course, while you’re shopping you may want to take into consideration any potential wedding or graduate gifts you might need to buy. These items tend to be easy gifts for those just starting out in life. Of course, you should also ask about free shipping and rebates when it comes to these items too. Also, try to look for energy efficient appliances as they will add even more to your overall savings, especially when the price of electricity goes up in the summer time.

5. Sunscreen/Bug Repellent
With hot summer days and warm summer nights headed your way in a hurry, you may want to stock up to help fight some of the risks that the hot season brings. This month, you should be able to find some pretty awesome deals on sunscreen. With the UV index already high in some areas, you should make it a goal to stock up on sunscreen for the entire year. Make sure you get a good SPF rating, so you can protect your family from future dangers. Bug repellent is also going to be a must this season. With the Zika outbreak everywhere in the news, you’ll probably want to keep the mosquitos as far away from you as possible. Of course, you will also want to stock up on other bug repellents too. For instance, ants often make their way into the home during the warm months. Fleas are also a major problem during this time too, so protect your pets and your family from the burden and risk that fleas and ticks bring by using flea collars, repellents and yard sprays.

6. Meats
A lot of people have been champing at the bit to get outside and grill something tasty. With Memorial Day coming up fast, the grilling season will soon be kicking off. Thus, meats are going to be at a pretty good price during the month of May. You will especially find fantastic deals during the Memorial Day weekend, so you might want to fight the crowds to stock up on some of the more expensive meats in the grocery store. You may not have as much luck with beef in some areas though. However, chicken, sausage and even pork will be at a price that will be too low to refuse. Make sure you freeze the meats in a timely manner though, so you can easily be stocked up for the whole grilling season. Meat alternatives may even be on sale in certain areas, so if you’re not a fan of meat, you may still find something that’s right up your alley.

7. Birthstone Jewelry
Hopefully, you haven’t forgotten that May also hosts Mother’s Day. This means jewelry, chocolates and flowers will be overpriced during the early period of the month. Of course, after the holiday passes, you’ll find some pretty awesome deals on birthstone jewelry. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for rings or necklaces, you should be able to find an outstanding discount since this jewelry tends to be associated with Mother’s Day. So, if mom is a patient person, you can always shop a little late for her gift and surprise her with something special that she can cherish a lifetime. Often, you can even choose engravings on this jewelry, which will make your patience even more rewarding. Don’t forget to look up your siblings’ proper birthstones though to ensure your gift suits mom’s legacy.

8. Gym Membership
The air outside is fresh and inviting, which means the stale environment of the gym probably won’t be appealing to a lot of people. Since the weather is cooperative, in most cases, during the month of May, many people prefer to do their workouts outside. Not to mention, many people cancel their membership at the beginning of summer because they will be busy with vacations and pool dates with their children. This means a lot of gyms will offer a pretty good deal that you may want to dive into. Of course, before you sign a gym contract, you might want to consider what you’re looking for in a gym, so you’ll get your money’s worth. If the gym is offering a pay by month plan, then you may want to go that route. That way, you’ll get the summer time discount, but you can still back out if the gym isn’t exactly what you want out of a work out. Also, you may want to consider the price of classes the gym offers, because paying extra for these items may make the discount void. With a little research, you may find that summer is your favorite time to get in shape indoors.

9. Party Supplies
Memorial Day pretty much kicks off the summer party season, which is probably why you should stock up on party supplies this month. One of the major items that will be on sale is paper and plastic supplies. So, make sure you hit the paper plates, plastic cutlery, disposable cups and even the paper towel aisle during the month of May. If anything, you should be able to use these items in your own home if you don’t plan on having a lot of parties. Graduation party, bridal shower, baby shower and even birthday party supplies will be on sale during this month too. So, make sure to grab bulk invitations, streamers, balloons and party favors that can suit the entire year. You’ll be ready to handle any last minute parties with your stock of party supplies, without forcing yourself to spend a small fortune.

10. Produce
The best thing about the month of May is there is a whole lot of delicious foods in season. You’re in between the spring stock and the summer stock, which is sure to open up your meal plans substantially. Try to shop around for things like asparagus, berries and other foods that tend to cost a whole lot of money. These items will freeze well, so you can enjoy them for much longer. Of course, household staples like carrots and onions will also be on sale during this month, so don’t forget to buy in bulk for the foods your family eats the most of. You may want to stock up on carrots and fruits especially, since the children will be out of school in no time and won’t be able to resist snacking throughout the day. Also, items like radishes and other salad favorites will be on sale, which will make lunch time on hot days even more bearable.

May is filled with amazing sales that will help you prep for the long summer months while allowing you to have a bit of fun too. With home upgrades and potential for plenty of parties, you should be able to make the most of the month even if you stay on a frugal budget. Before you know it, the month will be over and you’ll have to look back in awe at all of the things you saved a fortune on.

Cheap Ways to Enjoy Your Graduation Travel Plans for Less

If you’re a senior this year or you have a child about to graduate, then you may be talking a lot about taking a trip to celebrate such a huge milestone in life. Whether it’s plans of a gap year or a simple trip to show how proud you are of your accomplishments or of your child’s, there will be a lot of planning to do. Of course, the idea of planning such a trip may send sheer terror down your spine due to the high price of travel. Luckily, there are some amazing ways you can cut back on the price of this once-in-a-lifetime adventure, so the graduation celebration can easily become the highlight of graduation, rather than becoming a financial burden. So, get ready to let summer and wanderlust take over, because these ten tips will make planning your graduation trip less of a burden.
1. Choose Your Timing
When it comes to planning a trip, scheduling makes a pretty big difference in how much you’re going to pay and how much you’ll be able to enjoy your trip. For instance, if you’re planning a trip to the Southern Hemisphere during your summer vacation then you may want to keep in mind that you’ll be heading into winter, which will mean you may not be able to enjoy some of the items you’d planned on doing. Another thing to consider is the storm season. Many tropical places end up with full months in which it is almost impossible to do anything fun, so make sure to research your location well. Apart from that, there are actually cheaper periods of time in which you can travel. For instance, planning a trip to the Caribbean is best done in May, so head out right after graduation. This period of time is a bit of a down season for the area as they are just coming out of a stormy period. You may also want to avoid times in which tourism is particularly high. This can be hard to do, especially if you don’t plan on taking a gap year, but if you plan right you should be able to avoid many of the high prices, especially if you avoid popular tourist locations.

2. Stay in Hostels
Being young has many advantages when it comes to traveling. One of these advantages is staying in a hostel. Sure, these communal areas do still charge you, but you won’t spend near the amount you would if you were staying in a hotel. Hostels do have a few inconveniences, like shared rooms, short showers and they’re prone to bedbugs. Of course, not all hostels are this way, and if you do your research you may even be able to avoid the bad eggs entirely. Just, make sure to check your sleeping area before you rest to ensure you won’t have to experience bugs. The beauty of hostels is they will allow you to stay all over the world and meet new people without forking over your entire budget for one night. Many will even be able to steer you in the right direction as far as attractions and cheap food are concerned, which can help you save even more money.

3. Choose Your Flight Wisely
Airfare is, without a doubt, going to be the most expensive part of your trip. With some flights ranging more than $1k, you may find that this portion of the planning is probably going to make you feel the worst. However, there are some tricks you can use to get more for your money. For instance, if you don’t have a specific destination in mind then look on your favorite travel website and see what locations are offering the best deals. Sometimes, you may even be able to book a last minute travel deal that can really save you a bundle. Another thing is to consider being flexible when you plan on flying. Certain days of the week or times of the day may prove to save you a bit of money when booking. Also, you may want to choose a flight with a layover. If you can get several hours to a day for a layover, then it will allow you to investigate somewhere new without having to worry about the price of two trips. Some airlines, like Iceland Air, automatically detour in the country of origin, so you’ll be able to see somewhere exciting before heading to your initial trip.

4. Join a Travel Group
When it comes down to it, a travel group may be one of the safest ways for a young adult to travel, especially if it is their first time going solo or with friends, rather than an adult presence. The thing about a travel group is you’ll probably feel like the trip is going to be more expensive, because you pay the money upfront. However, this money tends to pay for your flight, boarding and the attractions that the group gets to see. All in all, you should be paying a bulk price, but make sure you add up the figures yourself before committing. A travel group will also ensure there won’t be any problems while traveling as you will be with a group of people the entire time. You will mostly see tourist attractions, rather than things off the beaten path, but it is still worth it if you simply want a taste of the country.

5. Take A Cruise
A cruise may sound like something you’d do with your family, rather than as a graduation trip, but you may be surprised as to how much a cruise has to offer the younger generation. Although the majority of your time will be spent on the boat itself, you will get access to foreign countries that you will have a chance to explore for a day or two. This is the most cost efficient way to see more of the world as you will never have to pay for a hotel and, depending on the cruise, you may not even have to worry about the price of food. Apart from being able to see the world, you’ll still have access to lots of amenities on the cruise that will help you kick back and relax. Of course, when you choose your cruise, make sure to see where it will be stopping in order to find the best value for you and your budget.

6. Plan Big
When it comes to a big trip, don’t let the details slip away from you. Sometimes, big trips will actually allow you to get more for your money. For instance, if you’re planning a trip to somewhere like Paris, don’t let that become the end of your journey. You can find cheap hotels in many European cities, plus there are hostels all over the place in Europe. Not to mention, there’s trains that can quickly transport you between different countries. So, if you’re planning to take on a major European city then add a few other big names to your agenda too. You’ll get way more money out of your trip and you’ll have memories to share with loved ones for years to come. Plus, you’ll have a better idea of the areas in Europe that you’d like to spend more time in, so when you save up for your next big trip you’ll be more than ready.

7. Stay Domestic
No one says you have to conquer the big pond in order to give in to your wanderlust. There’s lots of domestic cities and towns that may make being a new graduate feel extraordinary. Cities in this country are filled with exciting things to see. In fact, in most cases, people who live in the city often don’t get a taste of the full city throughout the duration of their residency. So, you may want to look around and see which city has a few international districts that you’d love to check out. New York City is obviously one of the more popular choices as it offers so much for the young student ready to take on the world. However, you may also want to consider cities like L.A. or San Diego. If you’re interested in the world’s culture, then Balboa Park in San Diego offers small cottages representing different nations and they perform cultural shows on certain weekends. Of course, many cities will have exciting things like this to offer, so know what you’re looking for when you plan your trip.

8. Find Savings
It may seem obvious to look for savings around every corner, but many people book their vacation in a hurry. If you want to be as frugal as possible, always look on a variety of different websites, so you can have options to choose from. Also, make sure you clear your cookies every time you search, so you won’t lose the good price that was offered the first time you look at the website. Another place to look for deals is on websites like Groupon or other social couponing sites. These sites can save you big money on restaurants and activities, especially if you plan on traveling with a group of people. Also, see if you can book your trip in a bundle, so you won’t have to stress about paying a fortune on each individual item.

9. Travel with Friends
Part of celebrating and exploring the world, is sharing the adventure with your peers. This is a great way to stay safe during your travels too as you’ll always have a couple of people to fall back on if you find yourself out of money or in need of assistance. Plus, it’s always nice to have a few people know where you are, in case the unthinkable happens. However, bringing friends along can also be a great way to save money. You may not be able to save much on your flight, but you should be able to get more for your money when it comes to hotel rooms and food. You can evenly split the costs of these items, so there will be less coming out of each of your pockets. You may even be able to get a few discounts on tours as you will be in a group.

10. Know What You Need
Knowing what you need for your travels is probably one of the best ways to save money. One of the most important things is to make sure your passport is up to date, as this could be really bad when it comes to entering a foreign country as you will have essentially wasted airfare and any nonrefundable deposits. Before you head out, make sure you have your hotel booked and other reservations confirmed, so you won’t wind up searching for a place to stay late at night. This can be a disaster in some cities, especially during the tourist season. You should also glance over what you’re going to need to get around foreign countries. For instance, download bus routes and check to see how much money public transit will run you. Also, look at the prices of food. With everything prepared, you should have smooth sailing.

Traveling the world in your youth is a great way to take a step into the next chapter of your life. Whether you’re the graduate or a parent, these helpful tips should allow you to make your adventure grand without being overwhelmed by debt. Now, you can enjoy your explorations and finding yourself without keeping money on your mind the entire trip.

Frugal Ways to Celebrate Your Birthday Without Forcing You To Do the Math

No matter how old you are, celebrating a birthday can be a whole lot of fun. It’s a great time to not only celebrate your life, but the people who have made it fun and filled with love. Of course, affording a birthday celebration can be tough if you’re on a tight budget. There’s a few ways you can enjoy your special day though without having to spend a small fortune. With a few simple tricks, you’ll find a few new ways to make your day special without having to go to great lengths to work around your budget. So, get ready to celebrate without the stress when you try on these tips for size on your big day.
1. Plan at a Public Park
If your birthday generally falls on a day when the weather is cooperative, then planning in a public park may be your best way to host a get together with friends and family. Usually, if the party is in a public place then you shouldn’t have to get a permit, especially if the party is small. Parks are great for having barbecues, which can be arranged for a cheap price, especially if you invite people to bring their own food too. You can also organize a hike, which will allow people to be active while celebrating the big day. If there’s plenty of room to play then you may also want to consider organizing a few games like relay races, sports or Frisbee. You could even set up a game of croquet for a more relaxed afternoon.

2. In-Home Movies
Another great way to celebrate is to host a movie evening in your home. You can easily grab some snacks and invite some of your favorite movie fanatics for an evening of fun. To save money, you can use movies you already own, but renting from a kiosk or online won’t cost too much either. Snacks can be made from whatever you have lying around, or you can stick to the classic movie theater snacks. You could also ask your friends to bring in their favorite snacks to help make the evening more fun. If you plan on playing fandom movies, like Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars and so on, then you may want to ask everyone to dress up to make the night even more memorable.

3. Turn on the Music
Dancing and listening to music are great ways to celebrate another year with the people you love to spend the most time with. The best thing about having people over to dance the night away or to share in your favorite music is it won’t cost you a thing. You can stream music from an online radio, which will allow you to easily enjoy a wide variety of music without having to get up and change the song. You may also request people bring in their favorite albums or simply play your own. As you hang out and explore the music with your loved ones, you’re sure to feel like your birthday is absolute magic. Another way to get more out of this party is to push the furniture to the side of the room and let everyone dance. You can even bring out a dancing videogame to ensure everyone has the time of their life while celebrating your existence.

4. Stay in Bed
If you’re the type of person who is always on the go, or you rarely find time for yourself then use your birthday to get in some you time. Call out from work, cancel your plans and simply hop right back in bed. Try to sleep in for a little while to allow you to catch up on the beauty rest you’ve been longing for. Once you’re fully rested then grab your favorite book or catch up on some TV shows you’ve been longing to see. Before you know it, you’ll feel incredibly relaxed, which is sure to make your birthday feel like the highlight of the entire year. You may even want to order in some of your favorite foods, so you’ll never have to leave your pajamas or your home. If you’re still feeling a little bit social, then have the family curl into bed with you or invite your closest friends over for a marathon of your favorite drama. If you’re lucky, someone may even bring along the ice cream.

5. Potluck
Nothing makes a birthday special quite like the people you share it with and the delicious food you get to eat. Thus, a potluck is one of the best ways to share your special day with those who can make the time to be with you. The best thing is, a potluck doesn’t have to cost a fortune. In fact, you may not have to spend anything at all, depending on what people bring to your party. When it comes down to it, a potluck is less of a burden on your family and friends too, as they won’t have to spend much of anything to come to your party. You can even set the theme of party to include dishes that won’t cost much to make. Of course, this will allow everyone to show their creativity though. You may even find that having people bring their own dishes in will help spark conversation, which should keep the party going strong for hours on end.

6. Hit the Water
Although taking a vacation might be a bit out of the budget, you can still find a way to get away and soak up some sun. Finding your nearest source of water may be one of the best ways to kick back and relax to enjoy your big day. It doesn’t matter if it is a pool, beach, lake, river or stream, you should be able to find some way to cool down and enjoy yourself without spending a whole lot of money. Checking out public swimming holes will help cut down on your costs too, especially if you’re planning on taking people to go for a swim with you. You may want to look and see if you need a permit before you host a get-together there though. Of course, a pool may be one of your cheapest bets for a party as many pools will open their doors to a specific number of people after hours for a fee. This may even allow you to have a full blown party without having to stress about going over your budget. Although, if you’re just hanging out with a few friends, you may want to keep it simple and just go to the pool during hours. If you have your own pool, then you’re all set for one of the cheapest birthday events ever.

7. Game Night
You don’t have to come up with a lot of ways to entertain people, if you’re wanting to have a low budget party. All you need is a few games to have a good time. Card games tend to be a hit with most adults. You may even want to start a pull of money if you’re feeling lucky on your big day. Of course, board games are another great option and you can even ask people to bring in their favorites to help make the night go smoothly. If you’re looking to kill lots of time, then Dungeons and Dragons or other role playing games may suit your evening perfectly. You may even ask your friends to cosplay their character for a birthday night you’ll never forget. If you’re entertaining a more active group or children, then you can easily set up water balloon wars, relay races or giant versions of popular games outdoors. If the weather is on the fritz, then a sock war may be in order to help keep everyone occupied indoors.

8. Travel Deals
Of course, if you do have a bit of money to splurge on your birthday and you’re looking to getaway, you may want to head to your favorite travel website. A lot of websites will host flash sales as well as getaway deals that can save you a whole lot of money. These deals are perfect for anyone who doesn’t have a specific destination in mind. Generally, you can find a deal for a domestic travel plan or one that will take you abroad. Sometimes, these plans will include flight and hotel, while other times you’ll merely be able to purchase a tour or other amenity abroad. However, by choosing to travel this way for your birthday, you’ll not only get the enjoy a new location, but you’ll be broadening your horizons, which is always a great gift to yourself.

9. Visit Loved Ones
Another idea for a quick and frugal getaway is to head out to see a relative or two. Whether they live in a different state or a nearby city, getting away to hang out with a loved one can easily become a great way to celebrate your big day. You may want to consider heading home to spend time with your parents, so you can thank them for the life they gave you. Or, simply go visit a college roommate or best friend from childhood. No matter where you choose to go, make sure you have a sofa or a guest room you can stay in so you can forget all about the price of a hotel and food. The key, is to enjoy yourself and surround yourself with love and fun so you won’t let such a special occasion go to waste.

10. Freebies
If you’re really down and out on your birthday, or you simply love getting free thingsthen you may want to hit the town. You will be surprised by how many chain restaurants are willing to hand out freebies so you can celebrate your birthday with even more joy. For instance, Denny’s is known to give out Grand Slams to anyone who can show an ID proving it’s their birthday. Other restaurants, like Starbucks and Subway, will hand out freebies if you sign up for their membership club. This is obviously free and well worth the 30 seconds it takes to fill out the form. You may also find local venues will give out freebies, so feel free to call around and ask to see what your options are. Some grocery stores will give our free cupcakes on your birthday if you’re on their rewards plan. Apart from restaurants, you may be able to get a free game of bowling, time at a roller rink or discount on a movie or snack from the concession stand. With a little research, you may be able to spoil yourself on your birthday without having to spend a penny.

Celebrating the day of your birth is a great way to feel confident and loved. These ten tips should help you fund the best way to meet your budget needs without cutting corners on the amount of fun you have. So, get ready to celebrate in style, as your birthday should make you feel special rather than in the mood to count pennies.