
Archive for March 9, 2015

Ten Ways to Transform the Every Day Into Frugal Savings

Life costs money but it doesn’t have to cost as much money as you think it does. In fact, a lot of your everyday expenditures can be significantly reduced to help make your day to day living more lucrative. For many, it may seem difficult to cut corners in many areas of life, but when it comes to these 10 things, you may not even notice a change in routine. With a little bit of an adjustment you may find your savings account is growing even more day by day, which can help fund major purchases or leave you with a little extra money to send kids to college or enjoy a grander family vacation.
1. Coffee
It’s pretty easy to get into the routine of buying a fresh and delicious cup of coffee each morning. For some, it’s the caffeine boost and sugar rush that ensures work before noon is actually a possibility. Unfortunately, your sugary morning treat can cost you up to $6 a day per cup and isn’t doing you any favors in the calorie department. Instead of going out for coffee every morning you should try to make coffee at home. You can easily brew a delicious cup by grinding your own beans or using different brewing methods to see what you like. If you’re a fan of the frothed milk then all you need is a mason jar and microwave to achieve this delicious morning must-have. You can also buy special flavorings at a decent price that will make it feel like you did go out for your morning cup. By skipping out on the coffee you’ll not only save money, but you’ll cut down on mileage and gas as well as empty calories and an abundance of sugar. If you do have a problem with staying home every day then try to slowly cut down on the coffee runs. If you can limit it to once a week then you’ll be doing amazing. Of course, if you can’t give up on your coffee fix then save your cup. A lot of companies will give cheap refills. You may also be able to buy a special cup to receive the same benefit. You should also consider purchasing with a gift card as each time you load up the card you may get a discount or free treat. Finally, try hanging around the cafĂ© at night or early in the morning to see if you can score free or discounted baked goods or coffee.

2. Basic Repairs
Stuff gets broken, it’s inevitable. That doesn’t mean you have to jump onto the yellow pages to find a repair person every time it happens. Before you freak out and spend lots of money on a basic repair you should consult the internet. A lot of the time someone will have posted a video or written tutorial that can allow you to get the job done for free or next to nothing. From big items like your computer or television to the small stuff like a computer mouse or changing a fuse, there’s no reason to spend hundreds on something you can do yourself. Most people check out Youtube first, but there’s a lot of other pages online that can help you out if you have no luck here. You may also want to check out the manufacturer’s page to see if they’ve posted something too!

3. Entertainment
When it comes to spending money, entertainment is where we’re usually willing to splurge the most. However, this can be one area where you can save a whole lot with a little know how. For instance, when it comes to cable you can end up spending a whole lot of money, but if you call in to cancel the service they’re likely to offer you a deal to keep you on board. Also, if you have a roommate then purchase cable using the newcomer’s special. When your special runs out, cancel and let your roommate do the same. You may also want to consider sharing wi-fi with a trusted neighbor as splitting the bill will save you a whole lot of money. If you have a smart phone and wi-fi then don’t use your minutes or spend more on a landline. Instead, use wi-fi calling whenever possible. If you love the movies then try to go early to receive matinee or twilight pricing. Finally, if you want to buy tickets for an event, but won’t be too bummed out if you miss it, then hold out. As the event draws closer the tickets will decline in price if they don’t sell out.

4. Gym
A lot of people don’t want to be frugal when it comes to a good gym; however, you can get a good workout without paying a cent in most cases. Most gyms, especially the big chains, will offer free passes that last anywhere between a day and a month. Simply sign up for a pass and you can enjoy a free workout throughout the time period. When your pass runs out then locate the next gym and do the same. This will allow you to try out different gyms which could lead to a better purchase later on. You could also skip out on the gym altogether and find free workout videos online to help you get the workout class without the price tag.

5. Haircuts
The hair salon or barber shop can really be a drain on your funds, especially if you have more than one person needing a haircut. Rather than spending a fortune, try to check out a student salon for a free or heavily discounted haircut. Most of the time you’ll get a top notch haircut that you’ll love showing off. Of course, you could also invest in hair scissors and clippers to get the job done yourself. This is actually easier than you may think and there’s an abundance of tutorials online that will help guide you through the process. Once you’re comfortable with doing your own hair you’ll wonder how you could bear to spend so much on a hair stylist before!

6. Price Matching
When it comes to shopping, nothing will make your savings account thrive quite like price matching. If you’ve never price matched before you’ll get the hang of it in no time at all. First, all you need to do is research which stores in your area do price matching. Then, shop around for the item you’ve been looking to buy. If the store that has the lowest sales price is out of stock or isn’t in your general area then take the ad to the store that price matches and ask for the discount. Some stores can do this right at the register, but a few may ask you to go to customer service. Once you know where you’re meant to go when it comes to price matching your job as a shopper will go a lot faster, not to mention you’ll save a whole lot on items you’d otherwise end up paying more for. The only key to this is you have to have the ad available, so always make sure to bring the sales papers with you or locate the price on your phone in advance.

7. DIY Cleaning Products
Do a lot of cleaning? Of course you do, which means you probably run out of cleaning supplies like they’re going out of style. This doesn’t mean you have to keep forking over the cash to get more though, especially when it comes to those expensive brand name products. Instead, check online to see if there’s a DIY soap you can use to get your home fully stocked on cleaning supplies. From dishwasher detergent to toilet cleaner you can find a little bit of everyone online. The best thing is, a lot of the ingredients you’ll find already in the home or they’re incredibly cheap to buy in store. A lot of the household soaps can be used from the same items too which means less spending on a huge variety of products. Each DIY soap is eco-friendly too, so you can feel proud you’re doing your part!

8. Quit A Bad Habit
Believe it or not, but your bad habit is costing you a whole lot of money. From smoking to shoe shopping, there’s always something in your life that can be altered to help you save money. Luckily, everyone is in the same predicament as you so there’s actually a lot of advice out there to help you transform a bad habit into a way to feel more empowered and save lots of money. Many people suggest slowly weaning yourself off of the habit, while many others proclaim you should kick it by going cold turkey. It is up to you to decide what works best for your physical and mental health. Science has proven that doing something every day for 30 days is a great way to build up a habit, so if you can replace your bad habit with something good you may find yourself feeling amazing in no time at all.

9. Food
Purchasing food is probably where a good portion of the pay check goes to, but this doesn’t always have to be the case. In fact, if you choose to eat at home most of the time then you’ll actually be saving a whole lot more money than you’d expect. For instance, skipping out on going to lunch with colleagues everyday can save you anywhere from $5 to $15 a day! That really adds up fast, especially when you have a variety of food at home to choose from. If you don’t want to miss out on spending social time with your co-workers then suggest a potluck once a week, or limit your eating out to one time a week or every other week. When it comes to food at home, try shopping open markets for produce and meats. You should also avoid buying a lot of processed foods as these tend to be bad for your health and aren’t entirely filling. You may also want to buy non-perishable items like rice and beans in bulk to help save money in the long run. Of course, growing your own produce or spending the weekends fishing may help save more than you think too!

10. Credit Cards
A lot of people get in a whole lot of trouble when it comes to credit cards. Rather than finding yourself buried in debt due to this piece of plastic try leaving it at home in a safe. Instead, take cash that you can afford to spend with you and utilize rewards card wherever possible. By not spending money you don’t have you’ll be much better off in the long run. Of course, it’s okay to use the card every once awhile, especially since it helps you build credit, but limit yourself to needs or items you know you won’t have a problem paying off. If your credit card is just too tempting then do yourself a big favor and submerge it in water. Then, stick the water in the freezer and forger about it. If you really want to spend money on the card then you’re going to have to wait for it to thaw out, which may lead you to forget about the impulse buy.

Every day living is a great way to find new ways to save a whole lot of money. Often, we don’t think about the impact of our daily routines on our budgets, but there’s a whole lot we can change that will give us more money than we can even imagine. These ten areas are only a select few, so try to take a step back and analyze your life to see what corners your future savings are hiding in!