
Archive for October 9, 2014

Ten Ways to Have Your Own Website for Less

It’s hard to get noticed in the modern world if you don’t have a website to direct your clientele. However, if you’re not sure where to begin then you may be looking at a huge financial burden that might turn you off of advertising in the digital age. Luckily, there’s plenty of ways to cut the costs of having your own website that won’t require you to be schooled in coding or a master in the art of digital technologies. These ten tricks will have you ready to show off your business in no time, which will help boost sales, get you noticed and keep your business competitive in the the modern world. So, get ready for your business to change as you pass out new cards showing your future customers just where they can find you on the world wide web.
1. Free Hosting
One important aspect to the whole website thing is who is going to host your page? This can get pretty pricey if you don’t know where to look, but there’s always great discounts out there if you’re willing to do a little research. A web hosting package allows you to place your website on a server, which enables others to look at it. Your server will determine a lot about your page so make sure to ask for advice if you aren’t sure you know what you need to keep your page running smoothly. Once you’re aware of what you need then take to the net and look around. There’s a lot of free hosting available if you’re not looking to take up a lot of space. This may be a perfect starter for a small business or personal web page that might not get a lot of visits each day. If you’re still feeling a bit lost as to what hosting you should choose then read reviews online and talk to people you may know that used a certain company. With the worry of web hosting out of the way you can take the money you would have spent here and put it back into your business!

2. Domains
Domain names may be more important than you think. The domain name makes it easy for your clients or fans to stop by your page without having to do an extensive search for you. Luckily, domain names aren’t as expensive as you may think they are. If you’re working with a small business or personal site then it may even be okay for you to use the domain name your hosting company provides you. Of course, with a free domain name you won’t get an independent name of your own. Rather, you’ll get a name that is also connected with your host. This normally isn’t a big deal but if you’re looking to appear more professional then it might be time to shop around for a cheap name. There’s a lot of companies out there that can provide you with a domain for just a few cents a month, but make sure you read the fine print. If you want to secure your name without a monthly hassle then you may want to pay in advance or find a package deal for your name.

3. Don’t Outsource Content
Most websites have a lot of content that needs to be put onto the page. Some companies or individuals will actually outsource this part of the process to a freelancer or a content company. This is fine if you don’t have the time but you do have the money to spend on the website. However, if you’re on a tight budget then write the content out by yourself. This process will ensure that you know exactly what your audience is going to read and may make you feel better about the entire process. If you’re worried about the content not sounding right then ask someone to look it over. Usually a friend or family member would be happy to do this so you won’t have to worry about spending any extra money on the process. Best of all, your customers or fans will be reading your words which makes their experience on your site even more personal.

4. Use Freeware
If you’re feeling like taking on a major role in your page and building it yourself then make sure to use as much freeware as possible. You can easily find the software you need by doing a simple search online and reading reviews. A lot of free hosting sites will also offer you a site builder that is easy to use, which could cut down on the overall price of your website. There’s also other software that will enable you to make a more successful page. For instance, you will need a word processor to create written content that is error free. You may always want to use a photo editing program so you can create your own banners, backgrounds and edit the photos you choose to place on your web page. There are many free programs like this online too and many you won’t even have to download! So, before you go out and buy expensive programs for your website’s creation consider the free alternative first!

5. Go Simple
A lot of people come up with grand ideas for their website which can be great. However, if you’re on a budget then you may want to cool your ideas down a little bit. Intricate designs take a web page builder longer to work on which means you’re already going to hand over more money than you would originally have to. These designs often tend to take up more space so your free hosting company might not be able to handle your page or if you pay for hosting you may have to pay for even more than you originally thought. Instead, try to go for a simple design. This will ensure your website runs smoothly and gets the message across without becoming too distracting. Simple designs are easy to edit and can be added onto whenever the mood arises. If you’re creating the site yourself then you may also be incredibly thankful for your simple choice.

6. Hire a Student/Amateur
Computer Science is one of the most popular majors in today’s educational system, so you shouldn’t have a problem hiring someone that is on the professional track but isn’t quite there yet. A lot of students will advertise their services on college campuses or even on listings like Craig’s List, so you shouldn’t have to do a lot of looking before you find someone to do the job. By hiring a student you’ll allow them a little work experience to add to their resume so they can find a job easier when they’re finished with school! You may also want to consider hiring a hobbyist to help with the job. Usually these amateurs do the job for the fun of it and won’t charge as much as someone who does it for a living. If you have a family member or friend that dabbles in web design then you may even be better off. Make sure to look at examples of work before making the hire though and offer to pay in stages just in case the job doesn’t go according to plan.

7. Plan It Out
One of the biggest problems many people run into when purchasing a website is their ideas. Yes, ideas are great but not when they stand in the way of the finished project. Instead of getting your web page off the ground without fully thinking it through sit down and write down all of your ideas. When you have everything down do a little planning. You may also want to take a couple of weeks to mull things over just in case you come up with something new or change your mind about certain elements. When you know you’re ready then do your hiring or start on the project yourself. If you hire someone then make sure to have a meeting where you throw ideas around. This will ensure you’re on the same page and will prevent you from throwing in new ideas when the project is almost finished, which will cause you to have to pay more.

8. Pay In Advance
When you’re looking at plans for your website you may want to see if there are any bulk deals you can buy into to save you a bit of money. Usually, your hosting company and domain company will have a series of packages that will take off a certain about of money if you pay them in advance. This can be a great way to start off you website without having to worry about additional prices over the next year or so. You may also want to ask your design and upkeep company for any upfront costs that may take off of your pricing. With these items off your worry list you can concentrate more on the business aspect of your store.

9. Social Media
If you’re not entirely sure about the whole website thing or you want even more coverage then social media can be your best friend. There’s a lot of social media websites to choose from so you can easily find one that reaches the audience you’re looking for. The best thing about most social media pages if they’re absolutely free until you get into the extra promotion add ons. Social media pages are simple to set up too, so you can easily work one up after in an evening. If you’re not big on setting up pages then you may want to consider getting another family member or friend to do it for you. It’s as simple as plugging in content where you need it and promoting the page in your business space. Social media is also a great place to hear what your customers or fans have to say about your business so you can easily work around their feedback. These pages tend to reach a wider audience as well, so as your loyal customers begin to follow and share your page you’ll start to see a boost in your sales and the amount of new customers your business gets each month.

10. DIY
If you know your way around the internet then don’t hold back. It may take a little more time to get your page live on the internet, but as you work through your page you’ll know you’re going to get just what you want. The more things you can do yourself the better off you’re going to be when it comes to finances. Try to take a few minutes at work to add to the website each day and in no time you’ll be ready to show the world your very own creation. Building your website from scratch will also give you a sense of pride that will show in the way you conduct your business in person. You may even be more willing to give it out to potential customers. The best thing about creating the website by yourself is you’ll know what you want to update and when, which will help save time and even more money. You can even customize your website around your hosting company, so you won’t have to worry about being shut down due to an oversized page.

Websites are a great way to show the world what you have to offer. When it comes to creating a great website you don’t have to be a computer genius, but you also don’t have to spend a fortune. With these simple tips you’ll be well on your way to showing your customers you have just what it takes to keep up with the modern world. You may even see a boost in your popularity and sales, which never hurts!